Academic Advisement Reports – The Refresh Job and Student View

Purpose:  This document provides information about refreshing the Academic Advisement Report (AAR).

Audience: All staff.

Academic Advisement Reports – The Refresh Job and Student View

Refreshing the Academic Advisement Report (AAR)

SBCTC Customer Support runs a job Monday – Friday that refreshes the AAR for students with updated records or enrollment activity. The refresh job updates the student and staff view of the standard AAR. This job also creates a Planner report for students without an existing report, although it does not refresh existing Planner reports. 

Students can refresh the AAR or Planner report by clicking the “refresh” link on the ctcLink Student Homepage. Staff can refresh reports by accessing the Request Advisement Report page within the Menu navigation bar.

  • If a report is refreshed by staff, student, or the refresh job, all views are updated simultaneously including the view in the Mobile app (HCX).

HCX offers a view of the standard AAR and allows students to add courses to the Planner. The HCX Planner displays a summary that combines terms and courses into one view.  

How does the refresh job select students to update?

The refresh job selects students with updates to their student records in the areas below (Table 1). 

  • Example 1.A student may be refreshed each weekday as they update enrollment or use the Shopping Cart and Planner.
  • Example 2. Students will be refreshed as grades and degrees are posted.
  • Example 3. New students will be refreshed when the Program/Plan stack is matriculated.

Table 1. List of AAR Refresh Job triggers. Students with changes in these areas will be selected by the refresh job.

Refresh Job Triggers Description
Enrollment Records

Adding, modifying, or removing enrollment records through Enrollment Requests, Quick  Enrollment, or Grading.

Transfer Credit

Posting or unposting transfer credit.

Degree Records

Awarding, revoking, or modifying any degree record through the Student Program/Plan, Degree Maintenance, or Batch Graduation Processing pages.

Program/Plan & Admissions

Adding, modifying, or removing any values from the student's Program/Plan stack. This also includes admissions matriculation.

Advisement Student Groups (built into the AAR)

Modifying a Student Group value on a student's record - limited to Student Groups used in an Academic Advisement Requirement.


Adding, modifying, or removing milestone values for a student.

Shopping Cart Activity

Adding or removing classes from the student Shopping Cart.

Student Planner Activity

Adding, modifying, or removing courses in the student planner.

Student Exceptions and Course Substitutions

Adding, modifying, or removing student exceptions, overrides, or course substitutions.

Ongoing AAR maintenance

The Customer Support team will continue to run the AAR Purge process for colleges. Your college ctcLink Leader will be contacted via email when a date is scheduled. This process clears out existing reports and errors, then refreshes the standard AAR and Planner reports for students with an active Program/Plan stack. The process is run overnight to minimize impact to staff and students and only affects the college schedule.


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