Creating New Courses in the Course Catalog

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating a course in the catalog in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You also need to set the following SACR Security permission:

New Catalog Entry

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

  1. On the Course Catalog page, select the Add New Value tab.  
  2. Course ID. When you add a new value and see a series of "0s," that is an auto-counter. Let it increment by itself! Don't try and override it or manually assign a number. Do not type in this field.
  3. Select the Add button.
Catalog Data Tab
  1. Once the Catalog Data page displays, enter the information listed below.
    1. Effective Date: 01/01/1901
    2. Description, Long Course Title: typically the course title.
    3. Long Description: typically, the course description.
  2. Enter the information below in the Course Units/Hours/Count section.
    1. Minimum Units/Maximum Units: the unit range for the class; the number will be the same for non-variable credit courses.
    2. Academic Progress Units: typically matches the Minimum/maximum unit and is used when calculating student academic load.
    3. Financial Aid Progress Units: enter the number of units for the course that the system counts toward tracking a student's financial aid load for a term.
    4. Last Course of Mult Term Seq: leave unchecked except for multi-term courses.
    5. Enrollment Unit Load Calc Type:
      • Actual Units: ctcLink populates the Enrollment Unit Load Calc Type field with Actual Units by default. Enter this option for any course with identical values for the Minimum Units, Maximum Units, and Academic Progress Units fields.
      • Academic Units: Enter this option for any course with identical minimum units, maximum units, and academic progress units, such as remedial courses and multi-term sequence courses. Entering this option requires the system to look at the academic progress units when calculating the academic load.
    6. Course Count: If you count courses (in addition to units) toward academic advising requirements or limits, enter a course count value in this field.
    7. Course Contact Hours: Enter weekly course contact hours. Populates to the Schedule of Classes  Instructor Contact Hours page to calculate total contact hours (non-FWL related).

Notes For CampusCE 

The fields listed below will move to CampusCE for courses in the CNED career. The asterisk signifies persistent fields and can be edited in CampusCE. Only classes with a status of Active will move to CampusCE.

  1. Long Course Title*
  2. Course Description*
  3. Subject Area
  4. Catalog Number
  1. In the Course Grading section, enter the information listed below.
    1. Grading Basis: Select the appropriate grading basis for the course.
    2. Grade Roster Print: Select 'By Student.'
  2. In the Repeat for Credit Rules section, enter the information listed below.
    1. Repeat for Credit: If selected, this checkbox will allow students to repeat courses and open the Total Units Allowed and Total Completions Allowed boxes.
    2. Allow Multiple Enroll in Term: if checked, students can enroll in a course multiple times per term.
  3. In the Additional Course Information section, enter the information listed below.
    1. Instructor Edit: Defaults to 'No Enrollment Choice.' Change selection if you want students to be able to select an instructor.
    2. Add Consent/Drop Consent: Defaults to 'No Special Consent Required,' change selection if you want to require student permission numbers to enroll in this course (This can also be defined on an individual term basis on the course schedule).
    3. Requirement Designation: Only used if the course has defined requirement designation. These are set up globally to fulfill academic requirements for Advisement.
    4. Equivalent Course Group: Lookup or input if the course has an equivalent course group defined (See QRG for Creating Course Equivalencies).

Notes for CampusCE

In CNED, only the following three grading basis may be used: No Grade Assigned (NOG), Pass/Not Pass (PNP), and Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (SUS). CampusCE does not use Consent. Course topics should be set in Course to be able to apply to a class and displayed in CampusCE. Units should be 0 for the CNED career. Units should not be used in the CNED career. All CNED classes are non-credit. A continuing education class must be in the UGRD career if it is taught for credit.

  1. In the Course Attributes section, enter the information listed below.
    1. Input or Lookup course attributes, which are used for funding courses. Multiple rows can be added by selecting the [+] sign.
  2. In the Course Topics section, define specific topic descriptions for a course.
  3. Select the Offerings tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Catalog Data Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Course Offerings Tab
  1. Once the Offerings page displays, enter the information listed below in the Course Offering section:
    1. Course Offering Nbr: Allow to default.
    2. Catalog Nbr: Input the number designated for this course.
    3. Academic Institution: Input or Look Up.
    4. Academic Group: Input or Look Up.
    5. Subject Area: Input or Look Up.
    6. Campus: Main.
    7. Academic Organization: Input or Look Up.
    8. Academic Career: Input or Look Up.
    9. Course Typically Offered: Optional if the college wishes students to view the terms that the course is typically available.
    10. Tuition Group: Leave this field blank. Inputting a value will impact the assignment of tuition groups to students. Please delete any auto-populated values before selecting Save.
    11. Dynamic Class Date Rule: Leave Blank unless using dynamic dates for this course.
    12. Allow OEE Enrollment checkbox:  Used for open entry/exit course only.
    13. OEE Dynamic Date Rule: Used for open entry/exit courses only.
    14. Course Approved: Courses default to Pending. Change the status to Approved when the course is ready to be scheduled.
    15. Allow Course to be Scheduled: Select when the course is open for scheduling.
    16. Exam Only course: leave unchecked.
    17. Selection Boxes (Catalog Print, Schedule Print, etc.)
    18. *OPTIONAL - Check the Split Ownership box to designate multiple Academic Organization owners for this course. When this box is checked, the Academic Organization and percent owned fields become available for entry.
  2. In the Enrollment Requirement Group section: Select if the course has enrollment requirements (see QRG for creating Enrollment Requirements). The  QCS_CM_CRSE_CATALOG_DATA  will give you the Enrollment Requirement Group Number attached to Courses with requirements (The last column on this query output). QCS_CM_CRSE_RQ_SCHED lists the Courses offered in a given term with the Enrollment Requirement Group number for those with requirements. QCS_CM_ENROLL_REQUIREMENT_USE identifies Enrollment Requirement Groups that use a Requirement. QCS_CM_CLASS_ENROLL_REQ pulls the classes scheduled in the prompted term and the class requirements assigned to the class. You can see which classes have requisites at the class and/or course level.
  3. In the Taxonomy section, enter the information listed below.
    1. CIP CODE: Input or select.
    2. HEGIS CODE: Leave blank.
  4. Select the Components tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Course Offerings Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Components Tab
  1. Once the Components tab displays, enter the information listed below in the Course Component Section.
    1. Course Component: Select the Add a New Row [+] button to add multiple components (i.e., Lecture and Lab courses).
    2. Instructor Weekly Contact Hours: Input Contact Hours. Note: This field is used for Faculty Workload. Visit the Faculty Workload QRGs for more information.
      1. If this is a non-credit-bearing course, take the total contact hours and divide them by 11 weeks and enter the result.
      2. The sum of all various component hours should equal the total class hours.
      3. Please refer to the SBCTC policy manual for contact hours to credit ratio policy guidelines for credit-bearing courses.
      4. Institutions should not deviate or alter unless a complete impact analysis that includes consideration of FWL and consultation with the State Board has been completed.
    3. Default Section Size: This will default the class size when scheduled.
    4. Workload Hours/OEE Workload Hours: Leave Blank.
    5. Final Exam: Select from the list.
    6. Exam Seat Spacing: Input Exam seating requirements.
    7. Provider for Authentication/LMS Extraction: XML V1.1 (req to authenticate)
    8. Auto Create: Select for multi-component classes.
    9. Primary/Graded Component boxes: Only select multi-component classes on the graded component.
    10. Add Fee: See QRG on Adding course fees for more details.
  2. In the Attributes section, input Faculty Workload 'Unit' (see additional details on the Faculty Workload QRGs).
  3. In the Course Attendance section, enter the information listed below.
    1. Instruction Mode: Input or Look Up. Select the Add a New Row [+] button to add multiple Instruction modes (i.e., In Person and Online). Note: If a course is scheduled in an instruction mode that is not defined on the catalog page, users cannot generate attendance rosters for the course.
    2. Attendance Type: Select from the drop-down, typically use 'Class Meeting' to record attendance for all dates.
    3. Selection boxes: Use checkboxes to identify options for each instruction mode.
  4. In the Room Characteristics Required section (optional), identify the required room features for the course. Select the Add a New Row [+] button to add multiple room characteristics.

Notes for CampusCE

Subject area and Catalog Number are sent to CampusCE.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Components Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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