9.2 HCM - FWL (Faculty Workload)
Faculty Workload Processing
- 9.2 Accepting/Rejecting a Contract in the Faculty Center
- 9.2 Adding an Instructor to the Instructor/Advisor Table
- FWL Calculation Processing (Batch)
- 9.2 FWL Contract Generation (Batch)
- FWL Department Term Summary
- Processing Non-Instructional Faculty Workload
- 9.2 Sending Pay to Payroll via FWL Pay Line Extract
- Verify Instructor on Instructor/Advisor Table
- Add Instructor Assignment to Schedule of Class
- 9.2 Recalculate Using Maintain Faculty Workload (Online)
- 9.2 Regenerate a Contract Using Maintain Faculty Workload (Online)
- Review and Approval of Online Contract on FWL Mass Approval Page
- 9.2 Submit for Approval via Online Contract on Maintain Faculty Workload Page
- 9.2 Review Online Contract on FWL Maintenance
- Manually Set OK to Pay for Instructor in FWL Maintenance
- 9.2 Manage Negative Pay Lines
- 9.2 Run the OTP (OK to Pay) Mass Assignment Process
- Submitting and Approving FWL Contracts with AWE Enabled
- 9.2 Combined Sections and FWL Pay Processing
- Batch Contract Printing of Faculty Workload Contracts (Through BI Publisher)
- Inactivate Instructors at Multiple Institutions