HCM- Key Concepts WebEx Recording Access - FWL Dec 3, 2021
Use this link to access the FWL Canvas Course. WebEx Recording in Additional Resources section.
Use this link to access the FWL Canvas Course. WebEx Recording in Additional Resources section.
Colors and button shapes may appear differently in QRGs compared to the live PeopleSoft environment, but functionality has not been affected by the latest PeopleTools upgrade. Please refer to the Fundamentals section of the Reference Center for images of several current system pages.
QRGs are intended to provide a quick walk-through for college staff performing a business process in ctcLink and do not necessarily provide a comprehensive explanation of all possible scenarios. Updates to Reference Center materials are made continuously, so please check back frequently for the most current information.
Kelly J Moore
I would like to view the WebEx recoding(s) from 12/3/21. Key Concepts (Pain Points) both the morning and afternoon sessions. I am the new FWL SME and was hired on 12/6. I understand viewing this recording may be useful to me. Thank you kindly.
Corinne Taylor
Hi Kelly!
If this is key in your work responsibilities, you must engage/complete the corresponding Canvas course. In Canvas, each section must be completed before you have the ability to proceed to the next session. The WebEx recordings/links will be found in the Additional Resources section of the Canvas course. Please contact your college SME or PM for security set up and access to the course.