Verify Instructor on Instructor/Advisor Table

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to verify an instructor record exists in the Instructor/Advisor table in ctcLink.

Audience: Class Scheduling Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZD CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Supporting Information:

When a new instructor is hired, their person information will be entered into the Human Capital Management (HCM) pillar and synced to the Campus Solutions (CS) pillar to create a person record in Campus Community. Once the record is available in Campus Solutions it can searched and an entry can be added to the Instructor/Advisor Table.  Instructors are not valid for selection in the class schedule and FWL Calculation process unless they first exist in the Instructor/Advisor Table.

Although an entry in the Instructor/Advisor Table can exist based solely on having a Person Record sync from HCM to CS, this is only one part of what is needed for an instructor to successfully calculate a contract and get paid via FWL.  Once the employee has been hired, an Employment Instance would then need to be added in HCM with an Employee Classification for FAC or PTF to be visible in FWL.  An instructor cannot generate a contract or be paid until a job record exists in HCM and accessible in FWL.

Before attempting to assign instructors any work in Schedule of Class it is recommended that the existence of their Instructor/Advisor Table entry be verified to avoid issues in FWL.

Audit Information:

  1. Auditing on the Instructor\Advisor tables was turned on 10/13/2023. Changes made on or after 10/14/2023 have been recorded.
  2. The audit record for the top part of the “Instructor/Advisor Table” tab can be accessed using the PS Query.
  3. The audit record for the bottom part of the “Instructor/Advisor Table” tab can be accessed using the PS Query.
  4. The audit record for the “Approved Courses” tab can be accessed using the PS Query.
  5. Because the role ZZ SS Advisor and ZZ SS Faculty are added  dynamically, there is no entry in the Role\User  audit table that  corresponds to when those two roles are added or  removed dynamically, so  the queries above will tell you when the user  would have been granted  these roles dynamically. Manual edits to a  user’s roles are stored in  the Role\User audit table can be accessed  using the query QXX_SEC_USER_ROLE_HISTORY.

Verify Instructor on Instructor/Advisor Table

Navigation:  Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor/Advisor Table

Note: An instructor working at more than one college must have an Instructor/Advisor Table entry for EACH Institution with a 01/01/1901 Effective Date.

Instructor/Advisor Table Tab
  1. The Instructor/Advisor Table search page displays.
  2. Look up the Instructor by ID or Last/First Name.
  3. Select Search or select from the list.
  1. The Instructor/Advisor Table page and tab displays.
  2. In the Instructor Details section verify the following:
    1. Effective Date: Must be set to 01/01/1901.  Failure to add the Instructor/Advisor Table entry with an 01/01/1901 Effective Date can cause calculation failures if date is inconsistent with terms being calculated. Always use the 01/01/1901 Effective Date.
    2. Status: Must be set to Active.
    3. Instructor Type: The value selected does not impact FWL, but should reflect the college decision on the entry chosen for their use. The values used are at the college discretion and have no bearing on pay.
    4. Academic Institution: Must be set to your college code (e.g. Olympic College = WA030).
    5. Primary Academic Org: Verify that an academic organization from your college has been selected.
    6. Instructor Available: Verify the instructor is set to Available.
    7. Advisor (check box): Can be checked if they have advisor responsibilities, no bearing on pay.
  3. The Instructor/Advisor Role section has no bearing on pay:
    1. Advisor Number: Should not be blank.
    2. Career: Can be Undergraduate (UGRD) or Continuing Education (CNED).
    3. Remaining fields are optional.

Security Access: The role allowing access to the Faculty Center is dynamically assigned once the instructor has been added to the Instructor/Advisor Table.  The process that performs this assignment runs every hour from 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday. Instructors will NOT be granted access to the Faculty Center until this entry exists and the process executes.  

Instructors added to this table will be dynamically assigned the ZZ SS Faculty role.  Instructors added to this table with the  "Advisor"  check box checked will also be dynamically assigned the ZZ SS Advisor role.  

For advisors who are not instructors to receive the ZZ SS Advisor role, they would also be added to the Instructor/Advisor Table, but with the Instructor Type value of 'Advisor Only,' which grants the ZZ SS Advisor role, but not the ZZ SS Faculty role.

Process complete.

Approved Courses Tab

The Approved Courses tab fields are only required if the college has chosen to require the Instructor/Advisor record for the Academic Organization. Approved Courses limits the instructors that can be assigned to teach classes under the associated Academic Organization.

  1. Select the Approved Courses tab.
  2. In the Course Description section, verify that the Acad Org value is populated and matches the Academic Organization associated with the class the instructor will be assigned to teach.
  3. If the Academic Organization is not listed, it can be added:
    • Select the Correct History button.
    • Select the plus (+) symbol to add a new row.
    • Select the Acad Org look up icon and type the 3-character college number (e.g. 030 for Olympic College) to search for your college's Academic Organizations. Granting the college level Academic Organization enables the assignment of this instructor to any class within the academic organization (e.g. 140CLARK)
    • Select the Academic Org associated with the class you intend for the instructor to teach.
  4. Select the Save button. 

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Verify Instructor on Instructor/Advisor Table. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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