Assignment Type Configuration
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for understanding how to establish the new and cloned pages needed for general configuration before you can begin processing anything related to Faculty Workload User Experience in ctcLink.
Audience: Class Scheduling Staff, HR/Payroll Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Instructor Advisor
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
- ZD CM Instructor Advisor
- ZD FWL View Config
- ZZ CM Instructor Advisor
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The FWL Assignment Type Configuration page allows the college to enter values that are to be associated to the calculation of pay for each Assignment Type. Only those values that apply to a particular assignment type need be entered. For example, an assignment type used for Contract Pay will need the minimum hourly rate of pay for that type of contract. The actual contract rate if it exceeds this value can be entered on the individual employee’s Faculty Workload Grid page as an override.
Assignment Type Configuration
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Assignment Type
- The Assignment Type Configuration search page displays.
- In the Search Criteria enter the following:
- Assignment Type: Enter assignment type (e.g. LEC ) or leave blank to generate search list from the institution code.
- Academic Institution: Enter the institution code (e.g. WA171) or use the Look Up.
- Click Search.
The assignment type affects how the system calculates the assignment full-time equivalency percentage when you assign an instructor to a course component (on the Meetings page) or to any other type of manual assignment (on the Term Workload page).
- The FWL Assignment Type page displays.
- FWL Assignment Type : This page would define The Calculation Configuration, Formula, Speed Keys and Calc Result Page Layout.
Effective Date: Enter an effective date for the assignment type value that you establish on this page.
- Note: You can use only those assignment types with effective dates that are earlier than or equal to the effective date of the Academic Institution table as academic institution defaults on the Academic Institution 4 page.
- Assignment types with effective dates later than the effective date of the Academic Institution table can still be used throughout the system; they cannot be set up as academic institution default values.
- Status: Select a status for the assignment type value. Select Active when adding a new assignment type. Select Inactive only if your institution no longer uses the listed values. In particular, you cannot inactivate assignment type values (set on the Academic Institution 4 page) that the system references. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.
- Short Description: Enter the short description to associate with the assignment type value. This description appears in the grid on the Meetings page and on the Term Workload page. Be sure to use a short value that clearly describes the assignment type value. For example, you might want to describe an assignment type of Standard 15-Hour Assignment with a short description of Stnd15. In that case, the grid prompt value also appears as Stnd15. The short description is to the first ten characters of the description.
- View on Schedule of Classes: Select if you want the assignment type to be an available drop-down choice on the Meetings page. This check box does not control whether the assignment type appears on the Schedule of Classes report; it just determines whether the assignment type can be associated with a course component. Leave this check box cleared if you do not want the assignment type available for pairing with components. For example, an assignment type of academic counseling or student club advisor might not be something that you want associated with a course component. It is an assignment type that is created specifically for use on the Term Workload page. In this case, do not select this check box. However, an assignment type of In-person lecture might be something that you want available on the Meetings page. In this case, do select this check box.
- Include Assignment in Workload: Select if you want components with this assignment type to be included in the instructor's total term full-time equivalency percentage.
- Non Instructional: Select if the assignment type is not part of the FTE load i.e. (counseling, Librarian, Stipend, Special Assignment, etc...)
- Enter Term Max Load Rate OR enter Min Contract Rate.

Assignment types might include:
- standard lecture class,
- standard lecture Online,
- standard lab,
- overload,
- unpaid,
- academic counseling,
- thesis supervision, and so on.
For example, a course that is taught online might weigh differently than a course that is taught in a classroom. You can create different assignment types to represent this variation. In addition, some assignment types (such as academic counseling) might not be applicable for association with a course. In these instances, you can specify assignment type options by using NON INSTRUCTIONAL that disable this value as a choice on the Meetings page.
FWL Assignment Type Configuration:
Each unique pay calculation must have a unique Assignment Type to associate that pay calculation to the employee’s Schedule of Class meeting pattern or Instructor/Advisor Term page (for non-instructional time).
The delivered Assignment Type page must be hidden and the new FWL Assignment Type Configuration page must be displayed in its place on the menu. This new page will adopt the same security as provided for the delivered page. Data added\updated in the new FWL Assignment Type Configuration page must also be stored to the hidden assignment type fields for the delivered page.
End of procedure.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Assignment Type Configuration. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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