Add Instructor Assignment to Schedule of Class
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to add an instructor to the Instructor for Meeting Pattern section on the Meetings tab in Schedule of Class.
Audience: Faculty Workload Processor
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Class Builder
- ZD CM Class Attributes
- ZD CM Class Builder
- ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
- ZZ CM Class Attributes
- ZZ CM Class Text Book
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Add Instructor Assignment to Schedule of Class
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
- The Maintain Schedule of Classes search page displays.
- Enter the following minimum search criteria:
- Academic Institution: Enter the Institution or use the Look Up (e.g. WA140).
- Term: Enter the Term or use the Look Up (e.g. 2195).
- Subject Area: Enter the Subject or use the Look Up (e.g. ENGL).
- Catalog Nbr: Enter the Catalog Number (e.g. 101).
- Select Search.
- The Maintain Schedule of Classes page displays.
- Select the Meetings tab.
- In the Class Sections ribbon, select or enter the appropriate Class Nbr using any of the search methods available: the Find icon (magnifying glass), the drop-down menu or the arrows to step forward through the available rows.
- In the Instructors for Meeting Pattern section, Assignment Tab:
ID: Enter the Empl ID of the instructor or use the Look Up (magnifying glass icon).
- In Look Up ID, enter the First/Last Name and select Search.
ID: Enter the Empl ID of the instructor or use the Look Up (magnifying glass icon).
- Select the ID of the instructor to populate the ID field.
- Enter the Empl Rcd# or use the Look Up (magnifying glass icon).
- Select the Workload tab. Enter the following information:
- Assign Type: Select the drop-down arrow and scroll down through the available Assignment Types to select the appropriate value.
Load Factor: Enter the percent of load for the instructor. If the instructor is teaching the full load for the class, set the factor to 100.0000%. If the instructor is team teaching, each instructor would have a portion of the full load of the class, for example, sharing 50% / 50%. This factor can also be used to adjust the portion of load attributable to full time or moonlight, or can be used to reduce the payable load, such as limiting the contact hours for clinical to 2/3 of the total value of the class (or 66.6667% Load Factor). Load Factor is only used when it is configured as part of the formula for calculation and may not apply to all contract types at all colleges.
- If multiple instructors are added to a Meeting Pattern, use the Plus (+) symbol to add additional rows. Complete steps 7 and 8 for each additional instructor.
Note: While the Load Factor can adjust the number of contact hours for an individual instructor, thereby reducing or increasing pay and FTE%, if the contract hours for the class are incorrect and need adjustment for a single class refer to the Quick Reference Guide on Adjusting FWL Contact Hours for a Class.
- When all entries have been made for all classes in the course, select Save.
- There may be multiple warning messages related to other class numbers, even if they are not the class section you made the assignments on. By selecting save, you are saving all class sections for that course.
Warning: If a class section (Class#) has multiple meeting patterns with the same instructor listed on more than one meeting pattern, only one Assignment Type will be picked up and calculated. FWL does not support differing payment methodology for multiple meeting patterns on the same class number.
Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Maintain Schedule of Classes Page. This link will open in a new tab/window.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Instructor Advisor
- ZD CM Instructor Advisor
- ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
- ZZ CM Instructor Advisor
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
After adding the instructor to all intended classes, the instructional work assignments can be reviewed for the term in the Instructor Term Workload.
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Term Workload
- The Instructor Term Workload search page displays. Enter the following information:
- ID: Enter the Empl ID of the instructor or use the Look Up to search by name for the ID.
- Academic Institution: Enter the institution or use the Look Up.
- Name: Enter a portion the instructor's name, search criteria is in Last Name, First Name format if needed.
- Select the Search button.
- Select the link for the desired record in the Search Results if applicable. Otherwise, the Instructor Term Workload page will display.
Note: The Instructor Term Workload page is used to add non-instructional/special assignments. Refer the the Quick Reference Guide on 9.2 Processing Non-Instructional Faculty Workload.
- The Instructor Term Workload page displays.
- When multiple Terms of workload are displayed, use one of the following search methods to the correct Term:
- Use the left/right arrows or the First/Last links to skip back and forth through the Term pages.
- Use the View All link and scroll down to the correct Term.
- Use the Find link and at the pop-up window, enter the Term (e.g. 2195).
- The class that instructor was assigned to displays on the Workload Assignment tab with the Assign Type used.
- Select the Job Code tab.
- The Empl Rcd# selected for the instructor assignment displays.
After assigning an instructor to all intended classes the simplest way to view at a glance an instructor's schedule of classes, the Assign Types and Empl Rcd Nbr (Job Code) selected for each class assignment. The Term Workload page displays all terms for which an instructor has classes or non-instructional assignments.
The Assigned FTE % value on this Term Workload page is NOT related to Faculty Workload. This value is part of the limited delivered Faculty Workload module within PeopleSoft, which has no relevance to the custom process developed for ctcLink.
Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to View Class Assignments in Instructor Term Workload. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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