9.2 Understanding FWL Grid
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for understanding how to change the appearance of the FWL Grid page, the data sources for the FWL Grid, and how data is managed/updated within the page.
Audience: Class Scheduling Staff, HR\Payroll Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
- ZZ FWL Contract Approve
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
- ZZ FWL Contract Gen
- ZZ FWL Contract Submit
- ZZ FWL Pay Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The FWL Grid page is part of the Maintain Faculty Workload component, which is the heart of the Faculty Workload process in that it serves as a "workspace" to store pertinent data. The FWL Grid allows staff to add or edit data to reach the proper calculation. This page, sits half way through the business flow of processing Faculty pay, between adding the instructor assignments (using Assignment Types) in class and generating an online contract (appointment letter) to send pay to payroll.
Understand the FWL Grid
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > Faculty Workload Transaction > Maintain Faculty Workload
- The Maintain Faculty Workload search page displays.
- Enter the applicable Search Criteria.
- Select the Search button.

- The Maintain Faculty Workload page displays.
- Select the FWL Grid tab.
- The FWL Grid page displays.
- All relevant data is loaded into the FWL Grid as a result of the FWL Calculation Process from the following pages:
- Schedule of Class
- Instructor Term Workload
- Assignment Type Configuration
- FWL Contract Configuration (Formula)
- The FWL Grid is refreshed each time a recalculation is executed, either from the FWL Calculation Process (batch*) or from the Recalc buttons on the Maintain Faculty Workload page. All Effective Dated/Effective Sequenced 'snapshots' of the FWL Grid are kept in history if needed to research the pay changes that have occurred.
Note: For information on how to calculate FWL refer to the Quick Reference Guide - FWL Calculation Processing (Batch).
- The FWL Grid page is made up of 4 tabs, which can be expanded to be viewed as a single tab or downloaded to Excel.
- The overview of the FWL Grid is now complete.
- Various elements from the Maintain Schedule of Class page are loaded into the FWL Grid on the First Tab upon initial calculation, these include:
- Class Nbr
- Course Component
- Subject Area
- Catalog Nbr
- Class Title
- Units
- Variable Credits
- Online Class
- Instructor (Weekly) Contact Hours
- Select the Second Tab.
- In addition to the elements mentioned above, the selected are loaded to the FWL Grid, as well as Meeting Pattern information, which can be removed if desired using Personalization:
- Assignment Type
- Load Factor
- Combined Sections
- Associated Class
- Empl Rcd Nbr
(SoC) Two Rows for Same Class on FWL Grid - Split Payment Methods
- In general, for most colleges, each workload assignment added in Schedule of Class for an instructor will have a 1 to 1 match to the Class Nbr data loaded into the FWL Grid. Some colleges have a business practice where a single class is 'split' between regular load and moonlight or overload pay, or have classes that have more than one method of payment. If so, this will result in two rows appearing on the FWL Grid for the same class. For example:
- A class taught by Full Time Faculty (FAC) paid partially as a regular load (FT Salary) and partially as Moonlight (paid at the Part Time Faculty rate through FWL).
- A class taught by Full Time Faculty (FAC) paid partially as a regular load (FT Salary) and paid an additional, per student amount for each student above a maximum through FWL.
- When the same instructor is being paid in two different ways for the same class, that instructor would be added to the Schedule of Class twice. When this occurs, there are two rows added to the FWL Grid upon calculation. In the example below, Class Nbr 5584 has 'active' two rows on the FWL Grid, each with a unique Assignment Type.
(SoC) Two Rows for Same Class on FWL Grid - Display Only Row
- Two rows for the same Class Nbr may exist on the FWL Grid when a class is initially paid using one payment method, but the payment method (Assignment Type) is changed after at least 1 payment was sent to payroll. Since payment was sent to payroll, the underlying history must remain in case of audit. The data associated to that class will remain on the FWL Grid under the old Assignment Type, but as 'display only.' This is true even though the original payments were set to negative and the pay associated is recovered from the instructor.
- Note: If the instructor was deleted from the class or the class was canceled after payment was made, then only 1 display only line will appear as a record of the payment details.
- The process to review data sourced from Schedule of Class (SoC) is now complete.
- The FWL Grid, when loaded with data from the Instructor Term Workload, will display a 5 digit class number, starting at 99999 and incrementing down (99998, 99997, 99996) for each subsequent non-instructional assignment. Unlike with data sourced from Schedule of Class, no
- Subject,
- Catalog Number,
- Component or
- Unit information is provided.
- Non-Instructional assignments don't automatically calculate. They require manual entry of Start/End Date and Hours in the FWL Grid and a recalculation in order to generate Total Pay. See the section "Manually Add Contracted Hours" below for more information.

Note: For information on how to process Non-Instructional (Special Assignment) Contract(s) refer to the Quick Reference Guide - Processing Non-Instructional Faculty Workload.
- The process to review data sourced from the Instructor Term Workload is now complete.
- Some of the values on the FWL Grid are loaded from the FWL Assignment Type configuration page when the FWL Calculation Process is run. Which values are populated vary by the configuration decisions made by colleges to enforce their respective Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA). Using the Fees Override check box allows the user to edit some of the values on the FWL Grid. When recalculated the system does not refresh from the FWL Assignment Type page, rather using the manually entered values - so long as those values are configured in the pay calculation formula.
Warning: If a pay rate change is implemented by adding a new Effective Dated row on the FWL Assignment Type page, those new values will not be pick up in a recalculation process if the Fees Override check box is checked. Manual intervention would be required.

- The process to review data sourced from Assignment Type configuration is now complete.
- Yet other values on the FWL Grid are loaded from the FWL Calculation Configuration page. If the values from the FWL Assignment Type configuration have been 'hard coded' into the FWL Calculation Configuration, those values will 'override' any value changes made on the FWL Assignment Type page.

- The process to review data sourced from FWL Calculation Configuration (Formula) is now complete.
- In this workspace staff can:
- Add Census Day Student Enrollment Counts
- Override the Start/End Date of a class or non-instructional work assignment, possibly impacting the term of the contract.
- Override Employ Record Numbers
- Override Load Factor
- Override Pay Elements
- Override Total Pay Using Flat Fee Field
- Manually add values that are not sourced from pages within the system:
- Contracted Hours for non-instructional assignments.
- Enrolled Student counts for an individual class census date.
- If changes are made to the FWL Grid, those changes must be SAVED to the grid and a "Recalculation" of the contract run in order to pick up the new values and incorporate them into the pay formula.
- The system stores a snapshot of what the FWL Grid looked like with each calculation to preserve the data condition relative to each pay calculation. If an instructor was paid one way for a class, and that pay was partially sent to payroll and later changed, a record is kept in the FWL Grid of the original payment information.
Note: For information on how to run the FWL Calculation Process to load the FWL Grid refer to the Quick Reference Guide - FWL Calculation Process (Batch).
- The process to update the FWL grid is now complete.
- Select the Third Tab.
- The Start/End Date is found on the Third tab.
- Select the Correct History button to allow editing on the FWL Grid.
- To edit the start or end date, select the Start Date Override or End Date Override check box to open the field for editing. Leaving the override check box checked will prevent this field from being overridden from Schedule of Class again.
- Enter the new Start Date or End Date or use the calendar lookup to select a date.
- Select the Save button.
- The process to override the Start/End Date on the FWL grid is now complete.
- Overriding information related to Fees on the FWL Grid allows the user to deviate from the values on the Assignment Type configuration page on a 'one-off' basis. The elements of pay tagged below are sourced from Assignment Type configuration and are opened for editing when the Fees Override check box is checked. When using Fees Override, the system will no longer refresh from the FWL Assignment Type configuration page. Only those pay elements that are configured in the FWL Calculation Formula will have any influence on pay upon recalculation.
- The process to review how to override pay elements on the FWL Grid is now complete.
- Some pay formulas use an hourly pay rate that is multiplied either by the Term Contact Hours for a class, or a manually entered number of hours, stored on the FWL Grid as Contracted Hours. In those pay formulas, the system will store a default Minimum Contract Rate in the Assignment Type configuration.
- If a college requests their pay formula configuration to support increasing that pay rate on a 'one-off' basis, the Fees Override and Contract Override check boxes can be checked, opening the Actual Contract Rate field for editing.
- The process to review how to override hourly pay rates is now complete.
- Use of the Flat Fee field is activated only by selecting the Fees Override check box. When used to hand enter a total pay value the payment amounts for other Fee/Rate fields are set to zero ($0) and the value of the total pay is entered in the Flat Fee field. The user must select Save and Recalc to modify pay.
- Colleges that have requested configuration allowing the ability to override the pay calculated by the system to utilize a simple 'direct entry' of the total pay for term can do so as described above. This is used solely as a means to expedite the payment process if an issue has arisen in calculating pay through the system. This is a stop-gap measure only, as the FTE% and Term Contact Hours are still calculated through the system, but can allow payments to proceed if working through an issue with a contract. Once resolution has occurred, the payment would be corrected to generate from the system calculation. When used for this purposes, the Fees Override check box is checked, the pay elements are all set to zero, the flat fee is entered and the pay is recalculated. The result is that the amount entered into the Flat Fees field becomes the Total Pay.
- The Flat Fee field can also be configured to add conditional pay. In those cases, college configuration uses the Flat Fee field as a to increase pay beyond to the regular pay calculated via the system. For example, if the college pays by multiplying a dollar amount per Unit, but pays for an additional Unit in Lecture/Lab combination classes, the payment amount for the additional Unit is stored in the Flat Fee configuration for the Assignment Type. This value is activated only when the Fees Override check box is checked and recalculation will add that amount to the total pay for that class.
- The process to review how to override pay using the flat fee field is now complete.
- When Non-Instructional assignments are loaded from the Instructor Term Workload page to the FWL Grid they are missing 3 key data elements which must be added before the contract is "Recalculated' in order to generate Pay Line data, Start Date/End Date and Contracted Hours. The Contracted Hours field is designed to allow for manual entry of hours that will be distributed across the term of the contract (start/end date range) on the Pay Line. Those hours can be multiplied by an hourly rate or used to calculate an FTE% value that can be multiplied against a maximum amount of pay per term (Term Max Load Rate) for 100% FTE, depending on how the college defines the method of payment. Each non-instructional assignment will have a different Class Nbr (99999, 99998, 99997), but does not display any specific differentiation beyond the Assignment Type.
- Select The Fourth Tab on the FWL Grid Page.
- The Fourth Tab displays.
- Enter the Contracted Hours. This is the total number of hours associated to this contract for the term.
- Select the Save button to commit the changes to the FWL Grid page.
- The Contracted Hours, when distributed across the term of the contract (start/end date range) on the Pay Line, will appear as a lump sum of hours if there is only one pay date (1) or have the hours divided by the # of PYMTS value (2) as defined by the earliest Start Date and latest End Date of all assignments in the contract for Labor and Industries reporting.
- The process to manually add contracted hours for non-instructional assignments is now complete.
- When the FWL Grid is initially loaded with data from the Schedule of Class, the Enrollment Capacity and the current Enrollment Total is loaded. This information remains static until a recalculation occurs.
- If a pay formula is reliant on a pre-defined enrollment threshold, this value is configured on the Assignment Type configuration page, and loaded to the FWL Grid on initial calculation or subsequent recalculations
- Since not all classes in a term have the same meeting pattern or begin date, classes can have differing Census Dates. Pay formulas that rely on a specific enrollment count on the census date will need to have the student enrolled count manually entered into the FWL Grid and a recalculation processed in order to calculate pay based on that value. Any changes made on the FWL Grid require a SAVE and recalculation in order to be picked up and processes in the pay formula.
*Note: The term "Batch" as it relates to the FWL Calculation Process (Batch) refers to executing the calculation process using the scheduling process, rather than executing the process "Online" or on the page itself. This method allows the process to execute in the back ground and generates a report or log file that can be viewed later. This method can be run for an individual instructor, or a 'batch' of instructors if multiple Empl ID numbers are entered when the process is scheduled.
- The process to manually add census day student enrollment counts is now complete.
- Understanding FWL Grid process is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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