Processing Non-Instructional Faculty Workload

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for adding Non-Instructional "Special Assignments or Release Time" to the Instructor Term Workload page.

Audience: Faculty Workload Processor

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZD CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Instructor Advisor
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Non-Instructional contracts may require some editing of on the FWL Grid and recalculation of the contract from within the Maintain Faculty Workload page to complete if the desired start/end date of the contract differs from the term start/end date.

Process Non-Instructional Faculty Workload

Add Non-Instructional 'Special Assignment' to Instructor Term Workload

  1. Non-Instructional work assignments refer to any faculty workload assignment for which no class exists in Schedule of Class.  These include, but are not limited to the following types of assignments:
    1. Special Assignment contracts for community service, course prep, paid office hours, etc.
    2. Release Time (paid or unpaid)
    3. Counseling or Librarian Assignments (not associated with in-class work)
      • Applies only to colleges who have configured a contract for this purpose.
    4. Lab Center Hours (e.g. Math Lab, Business Technology Labs) where pay is for hours unrelated to the contact hours of the class.
      • Applies only to colleges who have configured a contract for this purpose.
  2. The Term Workload page is a Campus Solutions page designed to display all instructor class assignments, including the job (Employee Record Number) that assignment is associated with.  This page has been customized for FWL to allow users to add non-instructional work assignments to an instructor, even if that instructor has no class assignments.
  3. Non-instructional work assignments manually added to the Instructor Term Workload page support entry of a description of the work assigned and the total number of hours for the term of the assignment.  These values are used in the FWL calculation process. Only Assignment Types configured for use with non-instructional contracts will be visible when adding a non-instructional assignment on this page.  
  4. The Term Workload page displays all terms for which an instructor has classes or non-instructional assignments. If an instructor has no assignments, then a new Term Workload page can be added.
Add Instructors with Existing Term Workload

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Term Workload

  1. The Term Workload search page displays.
  2. Enter the following search criteria:
    • ID: Empl ID of the instructor
    • Academic Institution: Enter value or use lookup
    • Name: If Empl ID unknown, enter at least the first character of the Last Name (Last Name, First Name).
  3. If searching by name, multiple instructors may be returned in the Search Results.  Select the appropriate instructor and select any returned value on that row to view the instructor's Term Workload page data.
  4. If more than one term appears, search for the correct Term page by selecting the magnifying icon, located to the left of page numbers, in the Workload Definition area.
  5. The Enter search string pagelet displays.
  6. Enter the applicable Term value (e.g. 2195 = Summer 2019).
  7. Select the OK button to return to Term Workload page.
  1. Once in the correct Term, on the Workload Assignment tab, select the Add a Row (+) button to add an additional Workload Assignment.
  2. In the new row, enter the following:
    1. Description: Free text field to enter the description of the work being performed. The description entered here will load into the FWL Grid and will appear on the instructor's contract.
    2. Assignment Type: Select the drop-down menu to select a Non-Instructional Assignment Type, (e.g. Release FT).
    3. Work Load: Total hours of work being performed for the term of the contract. Hours will load into the FWL Grid and be the basis for calculating pay.  
      • Hours format HH.hh, where HH = whole hours value and 'hh' are the decimal equivalent to portions of an hour, (e.g. .25 equates to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour).
      • Entries must include the decimal and 2 place values after ( 50.00 instead of simply 50).
  3. Select the Job Code tab.
  4. Enter the following:
    • Empl Rcd#: The Employee's record number  
  5. Select Save.
Add instructor to existing workload

A non-instructional Assignment Type can only be used ONCE per term on the Instructor Term Workload page.  The process will fail if attempting to assign two rows with different descriptions using the same assignment type.  If, for example, more than one Release Time assignment is necessary to add to an instructor, ensure that there are a sufficient number of Assignment Types configured in advance to support adding a unique Assignment Type for each description.

The process to add a work assignment to an instructors existing workload is now complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Add Instructors with Existing Term Workload. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Add a Term to Instructors with Existing Term Workload Pages

If an instructor has entries for prior terms, but does not have any class assignments that would have generated an Instructor Term Workload page for the term in question, simply add the term to store the non-instructional assignment.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Term Workload

  1. From the Term Workload search page enter the following:
    • ID: Empl ID of the instructor.
    • Academic Institution: Enter value or use lookup.
    • Name: If Empl ID unknown, enter at least the first character of the Last Name (Last Name, First Name).
  2. Select the plus (+) symbol in the upper right side of the page, under the Workload Definition section header to add a new term page.
  1. A new row displays.
  2. On the new term page enter the following:
    • Term: Enter the term of the non-instructional assignment, or use the Look Up.
    • Instructional Assignment Class: Select in the Assignment Class field and the system will populate LECTUR.
  1. On the Workload Assignment tab, enter the following:
    • Description: Free text field to enter the description of the work being performed. The description entered here will load into the FWL Grid and will appear on the instructor's contract.
    • Assignment Type: Select the drop down menu to select a Non-Instructional Assignment Type, (e.g. Release FT).
    • Work Load: Total hours of work being performed for the term of the contract. Hours will load into the FWL Grid and be the basis for calculating pay.  
      1. Hours format HH.hh, where HH = whole hours value and 'hh' are the decimal equivalent to portions of an hour, (e.g. .25 equates to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour).
      2. Entries must include the decimal and 2 place values after ( 50.00 instead of simply 50).
  2. On the Job Code tab, enter the following:  Empl Rcd#: The Employee's record number
  3. Select Save.

Warning: If you receive a warning pop-up alerting you that the "Instructor Class is Full-Time, but the Job is Part-Time" you can ignore this.  This is a warning message relative to the delivered Faculty Workload process in PeopleSoft and is unrelated to the custom developed solution.  Select OK to skip this message and close the pop-up.

The process to add a term to an instructor's existing workload pages is now complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Add a Term to Instructors with Existing Term Workload Pages. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Add A New Term Workload Page

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Term Workload

  1. From the Instructor Term Workload search page enter the following:
    • ID: Empl ID of the instructor.
    • Academic Institution: Enter value or use lookup.
    • Name: If Empl ID unknown, enter at least the first character of the Last Name (Last Name, First Name).
    • If the message 'No matching values were found' appears, then the instructor has never been previously assigned to a class, nor had a non-instructional assignment added to the Term Workload page.
  1. If no matching values found, select the Add a New Value tab to add a blank Instructor Term Workload page.
  2. On the Term Workload Add A New Value page, enter the following:
    • ID: Empl ID of the instructor or use the lookup to search by first or last name.
    • Academic Institution: Enter value or use lookup (e.g. WA140 = Clark College).
  3. Select the Add button.
  1. A blank Term Workload page displays.  
  2. Enter the following:
    • Term: Enter the term of the non-instructional assignment, or use the Look Up.
    • Instructional Assignment Class: Select in the Assignment Class field and the system will populate LECTUR.
  3. On the Workload Assignment tab, enter the following:
    • Description: Free text field to enter the description of the work being performed. (Does not load into the FWL Grid.)
    • Assignment Type: Select the drop down menu to select a Non-Instructional Assignment Type, (e.g. Crse Prep).
    • Work Load: (Optional) Hours of work being performed (Does not load into the FWL Grid).
  1. On the Job Code tab, enter the following:
    • Empl Rcd#: The Employee's record number
  2. Select Save.
Add a New Term Workload Page

Note: After the Instructor Term Workload page has been updated with the non-instructional assignment, run the FWL Calculation Process to load the assignment into the Maintain Faculty Workload page, and build the FWL Grid.  

Refer the the Quick Reference Guide on 9.2 FWL Calculation Process (batch).

The process to add a new term workload page is now complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Add A New Term Workload Page. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Update Contract Start/End Date in Maintain Faculty Workload - FWL Grid

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ FWL Contract Approve
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc
  • ZZ FWL Contract Gen
  • ZZ FWL Contract Submit
  • ZZ FWL Pay Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

All Non-Instruction assignments from the Instructor Term Workload page will load with a 5 digit class number starting with 99999 and increment down in numbers for multiple assignments.  Because this assignment is not driven from Schedule of Class the Component, Subject Catalog Nbr, Class Title and Section will not be populated. The Weekly Contact Hours field will be populated by the Workload Hours entered on the Instructor Term Workload page.

When Non-Instructional assignments are loaded to the FWL Grid they bring 4 data elements from Instructor Term Workload:

  • Description
  • Term Start Date
  • Term End Date  
  • Workload (Contracted) Hours

If the non-instructional contract requires different start/end dates the date(s) will require an override on the FWL Grid.  

Navigation:  Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > Faculty Workload Transaction > Maintain Faculty Workload

  1. The Maintain Faculty Workload page displays.  
  2. Enter applicable Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Maintain Faculty Workload page displays.
  5. Select the Third Tab of the FWL Grid Page.
  6. Check the Start Date Override box to open the Start Date field for editing and enter the desired start date for the contract.
  7. Check the End Date Override box to open the End Date field for editing and enter the desired end date for the contract.
  8. Select Save to commit the changes to the FWL Grid page.
  9. In order to recalculate the contract to incorporate those changes, on the HCM Data Page tab, select Recalc All button, located to the far right of the screen.

Warning: Using the Recalc All button on the page will recalculate the non-instructional contract you are attempting to complete, but it may also recalculate other existing/approved contracts IF there have been changes made in Schedule of Class or Instructor Term Workload that would change the FTE%\Pay of the existing contract.  If this occurs, the existing contract will be rescinded and will require verification before being regenerated.

  1. When the recalculation is complete, the page will refresh and a Pay Line will display at the bottom of the page, showing the number of payments relevant to the number of pay periods between the contract start and end date.

Note: For information on how to generate and manage the online contract(s) refer to the Quick Reference Guide - 9.2 FWL Contract Generation (Batch).

The process to update the contract start/end date in Maintain Faculty Workload - FWL Grid page is now complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Update Contract Start/End Date in Maintain Faculty Workload - FWL Grid. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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