Setting up Object Security

Purpose: Object Level Security (OLS) is useful for many reasons.  The main use of OLS is to be able to control what information is accessible or not accessible to certain security groups.

Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators

  1. Setting up Objective Level Security (OLS) is similar to setting up Assignment Policy.  It's the first security criteria to set-up and it determines whether a data element (event, location, resource, etc.) can be viewed or not viewed.  Using OLS is a great way to hide certain data elements from certain security groups.  Once OLS is set-up, then the next level of security is Assignment Policy.  If a data element cannot be viewed from the OLS settings, then Assignment Policy won't matter.
  1. To access OLS settings, you can open the specific data elements or searches you want to edit or go directly to your Groups Admin tool and find the data you want to edit.  As a reminder, you can edit more than one record at a time using searches.  In this example, we are looking at a resource record and accessing the security setting from the data element (resource) which will then open the Groups Admin tool.
Accessing OLS from data element
  1. Once the Groups Admin tool opens it should display the data element you are editing or data elements if you are editing a search.  
    • There will be two tabs.  One will be editing the OLS settings and one will be editing the Assignment Policy settings.  For OLS, each security groups will have the radio buttons of “View Only” selected for most groups which allows each group to be able to see the data element.  In this case to be able to see the specific resource being edited. However, if you wanted to hide this resource to one or more security groups, then you would select “Not Visible.”
    • For most data elements, only the administrators should be able to "Edit" or "Edit, Delete & Copy."  Once you OLS setting are made, please remember to save changes.
OLS Settings of data element


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