Adding an Attachment to Event Details in 25Live Pro

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to add an attachment to an event in 25Live Pro.

Audience: Staff working with room reservations.

1. The first step to using the functionality of adding attachments to your event details is to make sure this is included in your event form configuration.  You will want to make sure to add this function to both the Approver and Creation event forms but also the other forms such as the Edit form if your school uses separate forms for different users.

2. You can make these edits within the System Settings your 25Live Pro tool. The breadcrumb trail to access the Event Form Settings are More > System Settings > Event Form Settings > Config Settings.  You can then access the different forms within the "Select Config to Edit" drop down.

Event Form Configuration

3. When you have selected the event form to edit, you will have the ability to edit all the different sections of the event form such as re-naming the section headers, move sections around on the form, add or edit instructions, etc..

4. For the sections you want exposed on the event form, you need to make sure the Visibility Level is either required or editable.  If "Required" is chosen then requesters would be unable to advance in the form unless they add an attachment so "Editable" is the best setting to use. If you don't want to use the "Attached File" sections, then you can hide it using "Not Visible."

Event Form Configuration Attached Files

5. Create your event by scrolling down through the questions on the Event Form.  You can add your attachment when you scroll down to the appropriate section of the form or clicking the "Attached Files" link on side of form. This is the best place to add an agenda or a campus map or provide room location logistics.  These attachments will be included in the confirmation (URL) you send to your requestor.

Attached Files section of Event Form

6. These attachments can be added by either the requestor or the scheduler or both as long as this functionality has been activated in all the appropriate event forms.  In addition, when confirming your event as an approver or scheduler, you can also Upload Files as attachments when sending an e-mail to confirm the event.  It’s always good practice to confirm by e-mail once the tasks have been completed.  The difference when adding them to an event or adding them to the email is if they are added to event, they are attached to the history of the event so if you were to copy it for a future event, you would inherit the attachments.

Upload Attached Files to Email Confirmation


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