The New Window Link

Purpose:  Demonstrate the New Window link function in ctcLink.

Audiences:  All ctcLink users.

Sometimes one browser window just isn't enough! On some pages, the Page bar will display a New Window link. This is particularly useful when a user wants to temporarily navigate to a new page, often to reference some information there, without saving or losing changes made in the current window/session. 

Note: each new window represents a separate ctcLink session. Using the New Window link is the best option for opening a new window.

ctcLink windows should NOT be opened by selecting any of the options available from the File menu of the web browser. Doing so copies the current HTML from the parent window instead of opening a new ctcLink-maintained window session.

The following navigation shows simple examples of how to utilize this function.  As mentioned in the introduction, many of the ctcLink navigation pages will display the New Window link.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

  1. The Course Catalog search page displays.
  2. Enter your Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Course Catalog page displays.  At this point, we would like to navigate to a new page without closing this one.
  5. In the top right side of the page, select the New Window link.
  6. A new browser page opens to the Course Catalog search page.  We have a couple of options now.  If you want to compare data for the same page, but with different search criteria, then input the new search criteria and select the Search button.
  7. Select the applicable row if there are multiple search results.

The new browser window will always default to the prior window's search page.

  1. The Catalog Data tab displays with data results from the new search criteria.  You can now compare the two browser window pages.
  2. Let's open a third browser page to navigate to another page without closing the existing windows.  
  3. Select the New Window link.
  4. The Course Catalog search page displays.  Let's navigate to:  
    • Navigation:  Menu > Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Equivalencies
  5. The Course Equivalencies search page displays.  There are now three browser pages available to reference.
  6. Once you are done with a page, just select the X for the applicable browser tab no longer needed.

End of procedure.


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