Process Disbursements
Purpose: Use this document as a reference on how to process disbursements using ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid staff.
This process moves disbursements from authorized to disbursed.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Director
- ZD FA Disbursements
- ZZ FA Disbursements
- ZZ FA Funds Manager
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Process Disbursements
Navigation: Financial Aid > Disbursement > Process Disbursements
- The Disburse Aid search page displays. On the search page, enter a New or use an Existing Run Control ID.
- Select the Add or Search button. The Disburse Aid page will display.
- In the Run Control Parameters section, enter the Institution.
- Enter the Aid Year.
- Check the Honor Disbursement Date check-box.
Tip! Selecting the Honor Disbursement Date check-box means that you are telling the system to use the disbursement date that is set up in your Disbursement ID table.
- Check the Process Selected Terms check-box.
- Under the Select Terms sub-section, populate the Term field with the desired term code.
*Note: Ensure Term Code is the same as the ones used in the previous authorization process.
- Ensure the ‘Active’ box is checked.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request button will display.
- From the Process Scheduler Request page, select the OK button. The Disburse Aid page will display.
- Make note of the newly assigned Process Instance number.
- Select the Process Monitor link. The Process List page will display.
- From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button until the Process Instance Run Status = ‘Success’ and the Distribution Status = ‘Posted’.
- The disbursements process is now complete.
- End of procedure.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Process Disbursements. This link will open in a new tab/window.
After FA has completed disbursement, it is recommended that FA notify SF that the disbursement process is complete and SF may process Group Post.
Please track the disbursement run, running this query CTC_FA_DISBURSED_BY_DATE. Use this query to track all disbursements in the batch disbursement process and cross-check that data with the Group Post results.
Coordination is required so that all batch disbursements can be picked up for Group Post when SF selects the group type FinAid.
Note that Financial Aid will be processing multiple terms in the Aid Year in one batch process. For example, process disbursements will be running for Summer, Fall, and Winter at the same time, so as to pick up retroactive disbursements (which must be disbursed in term order). For each term processed, there will be its own separate Group ID number. In other words, Summer will have its own Group ID number, Fall will have its own Group ID number and Winter will have its own Group ID number.
In order to perform Group Post, SF will need the group ID number from each term.
To find the group ID, SF will navigate to Nav Bar > Navigator > Student Financials > Charges and Payments > Group Processing > Create Group Data Entries. Enter Institution and select search--a list will then appear with group IDs. The most recent batch disbursement will be displayed at the top of the list, look for a type of FinAid and a status of NotPosted.
SF will then take this group ID along with a group type of F will then enter it at Nav Bar > Navigator > Student Financials > Charges and Payments > Group Processing > Post Transactions.