HCM: Local Configuration Guide - Faculty Workload
This document contains the configuration decisions made for use in deployment of the Faculty Workload (CEMLI) Module which is configured in the Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 application and reliant on data synchronized from Oracle’s PeopleSoft HRMS 9.2 application. As such, all additional documentation must be in agreement with the related items described herein. Should conflict arise with information contained in another document, the data in this document shall be considered valid and that of the other shall be deemed incorrect.
The FWL Configuration and Decision Guide explains necessary tables needed to setup an institution in the PeopleSoft system. The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all tables.
Maps the Campus Solutions institution code to the relevant HR Business Unit and Company code in HCM.
Institution BU Mapping page will be configured by the ctcLink Project Team. This page will not require changes unless a college redefining their institutional/organizational structure to add another college to their district.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > Institution BU Mapping
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the allowable Employee Classifications to be synchronized from HCM to display in the Maintain Faculty Workload Position/Job Data pane.
Each college will need to determine which employee classifications will be paid through Faculty Workload. The most common Employee Class would be Part Time Faculty, however Full Time Faculty being assigned to teach a class as ‘Moonlight’ will also have that pay calculated through Faculty Workload. Colleges who additionally have moonlight appointments, for such things as Independent Study classes for certain Exempt staff may also need to include that Employee Classification to this table.
Example are ‘FAC’ for Full Time Faculty and ‘PTF’ for Part-Time Faculty. This will limit the displayed active jobs in the Maintain Faculty Workload HCM Data page and thereby reduce the risk of faculty pay calculations being made against an incorrect job record.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Employee Class Config
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
FWL Earn Code Configuration page supports the entry of an Employee Classification value and a corresponding Earn Code to set which codes on the CTC Earnings Distribution page should be ignored in Faculty Workload.
Earn Codes are controlled in HCM through the Payroll interface.
Typically this is configured for the FAC Employee Class to EXCLUDE the FTF code from ever showing up as a valid Earn Code on the FWL Pay Line.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Earn Code Configuration
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
The FWL Category Table enables a college to stores category codes and related descriptions that can be assigned to a component in the Subject Workload table. Category references are used to denote the workload or teaching load hours associated with calculating pay for a specific subject/component combination.
Pre-defining categories with a description of the number of weekly contact hours required to achieve full time allows a college to easily tag the Subject Component Multiplier used to properly calculate the FTE% for each teaching assignment.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Category Table
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the values to be automatically populated to the Calculation Configuration page for each subject/component when the Populate Defaults button is used. Only created if the Contract Type has the check box checked to use Speed Keys.
This is intended for ease of configuration setup and is not intended for college identification and input.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Speed Keys
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Component: CTC_FWL_SPD_KEY
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Each component that the subject would be offered and is configured to make that subject available to be added to FWL Calculation Configuration page. When the FWL Speed Key is established for a Contract Type, a configured Subject in this table will be loaded to the Calculation Configuration page for each row on the Speed Key table.
All subjects configured in the Academic Structure > Subject Table are configured in the FWL Subject Workload table. All entries have a Subject Component Multiplier configured at 100.000%.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Subject Workload
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Assignment Class values are defined to be used as defaults that the system can reference on both the Term Workload page and the Academic Institution page. Establishment of Assignment Types requires Assignment Class values to exist for an institution.
Typically only one standard Assignment Class is built to support configuration for each class.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Assignment Class
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Partially delivered and partially custom, this page holds additional information needed for contract calculation in FWL.
Min Contract Rate: controls dollars per hour (we’re not calling it hourly rate), Note: if you add hours in the grid after having hours already provided elsewhere then it can double up hours in the calculation
Enrolled Student Threshold: this is the student count number that causes a change in calc for any reason (i.e. 25 is the threshold and 30 are enrolled, so 5 would cause extra pay based on college logic)
Final Exam Fee: if there is an additional final exam fee that should be added on calc (this would get distributed with total pay, not tacked on at the end)
Term Max Load Rate: this is the maximum dollar value if you were working 100% for that term, so if you were working a %FTE then you could say the instructor would earn FTE*Max to get calculated pay
Per Credit Rate: As it says, the number of credits would then be multiplied into the per credit rate
Excess Calc Rate: stores credit threshold (any class offered above the threshold would then be calculated at the rate stored here)
Co-op Max Std Enrolled: this is where FTE is based on number of student enrolled against a maximum enrollment number, (i.e. if 10 were possible, 5 are enrolled, so the class now is worth 50% FTE), the maximum value is stored here
Flat Rate: any time the contract is calculated you could have a flat rate added on calc
Per Student Calc Amt or %: this is a per student dollar value, or you get a specific % above the rate of the class per student (i.e. 30 students are enrolled, 25 is the threshold, and the extra 5 would either be a 5*flat fee or 5/30*percentage or similar)
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Assignment Type
Security: ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
On the Contract Type Setup tab (page) the type of contract (instruction or non-instruction) is defined, the contract short and long description and whether or not the contract will utilize Speed Keys.
On the Field Configuration tab (page), the fields are selected that will define what appears in the Calculation Configuration, Calculation Formula, Speed Key Setup and the Calculation Results in the Maintain Faculty Workload page. On the Contract Clause tab the standard contract disclaimer language is entered. This language is pulled into the Contract Template when the template is built. It can be edited from that location before being displayed on the View Contract link from within the Maintain Faculty Workload page, or from the Faculty Center Contract Info tab
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Contract Type
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
This configuration page allows a college user to copy a given contract type to allow creation of new contract types without having to configure from scratch.
FWL Copy Contract Type configuration page allows you to leverage an existing Contract Type configuration for one contract and copy that whole configuration to use for another NEW Contract Type. For example, you have a standard annual contract and you want another contract to use for summer that is essentially the same configuration and logic, but you want to change just one little thing, you can copy an existing one, call it a new name and tweak just what you want different without having to build it all from scratch.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Copy Contract Type Setup
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Component: CTC_CPY_CNT_CFG
Action: A/UD/DA/C
If a college wants to include interactive questions that employees must answer before accepting a contract the college will define a set of questions to include on contracts.
The Question Setup page is global, but colleges will define their own unique set of questions by prefacing the Question ID with the three digit college code.
For example:
###_001, if choosing to number the questions or
###_OAE, if choosing to use an alpha or alpha/numeric designation.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Question Setup
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the available reason codes that appear on the electronic contract when an instructor rejects a contract.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Reason Code
Security: ZZ FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the HCM Compensation Rates for each salary step, the maximum allowable step and the percentage used to determine how much of the annual salary is used to pay for work performed during the instructor’s ‘summer’ term. The values on this setup page can be used in the Calculation Formula for a contract.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Setup > FWL Summer Effort Setup
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the selection criteria, variables and formula for all FWL pay calculations for each contract type. Established each term.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Calculation Configuration > FWL Calculation Configuration
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
This configuration area allows college users to copy calculation logic from term to term.
Each new term will require colleges to 'roll forward' the FWL calculation configurations to the next term. Since there can be significant changes to the pay methodology or classes associated with a specific pay methodology, the FWL Calculation Configurations are term specific. The process is to 'copy' the prior term's configuration to the next term and make any necessary changes to the new term's formula or selection criteria before beginning calculation of pay for the next term.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Calculation Configuration > Copy Configuration Calculation
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines the field headings and available fields on all sections and tabs of the Maintain Faculty Workload component.
This page will be done for colleges, populated with system defaults, but your input is needed if there are fields you do not wish to see.
Each college can determine which fields are not relevant to their process and those fields can be hidden to not display.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Template Configuration > FWL Template Configuration
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Action: A/UD/DA/C
This allows the user to copy templates built for an institution. Only used in future by ERP once a college goes live.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Template Configuration > FWL Copy Template Config
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Component: CTC_CPY_TMP_CFG
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Define the question sets that can be associated to a Contract Template. If associated, those questions will be posed to the Instructor at the time of contract acceptance through the Faculty Center Contract Data page when the link to their contract is followed.
Once questions have been created in the setup page, you will group them together into question sets using the FWL Question Configuration page. The set will then be referred to when building out the contract template.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Template Configuration > FWL Question Configuration
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines what fields will appear on the online faculty contract (appointment letter). Also includes the disclaimer language taken from the Contract Type Setup.
Before you start the FWL Contracts Layout Configuration you will have completed the following setup:
- Question Setup (Create your questions.)
- Question Configuration (Group questions together into a set.)
- Contract Type, Contract Clauses
- If you have not yet done so when initially establishing your Contract Type with the associated Field Configuration, go back now and add the necessary clauses.
- One big paragraph: go faster, but reduces future flexibility
- Each paragraph is it’s own clause: take longer up front, but allows you to re-order or selectively remove paragraphs from term to term
- If you have not yet done so when initially establishing your Contract Type with the associated Field Configuration, go back now and add the necessary clauses.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Template Configuration > FWL Contract Layout Config
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Component: CTC_CNT_LAY_CMP
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Delivered table that must contain information in order for FWL to calculate contracts for an instructor.
When a new instructor is hired, they will be entered into HCM and synched to Campus Solutions to create a person record in Campus Community. An instructor working at more than one college must have an Instructor/Advisor Table entry for EACH Institution with a 01/01/1901 Effective Date.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor/Advisor Table
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Delivered table that should contain non-instructional assignments that are associated with FWL.
The Instructor Term Workload page is a Campus Solutions page designed to display all instructor class assignments, including the job that assignment is associated with. This page has been customized for FWL to allow users to add non-instructional “Special Assignment” work to an instructor to be picked up and calculated for instructor pay and full time equivalency for faculty (FTE%). If an instructor has been assigned to a class, they will have a Term Workload page. The Term Workload page displays all terms for which an instructor has classes or non-instructional assignments. If an instructor has no assignments, then a new Term Workload page can be added.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Term Workload
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
Component: TERM_WORKLD
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Where the FWL Automated Approval Notification is 'turned on' and other configuration pieces referenced.
Approval Notification is where the FWL Automated Approval Notification is 'turned on' and the approval stages are referenced. Instructor Notification is where the Instructor Only Notification Configuration is 'turned on' and the instructor email template is referenced.
The final step to set up FWL Automated Approval Notification is the Approval Notification Config in the Approvals Setup Center. There must be an Approval Notification Config for each institution where Faculty Workload contracts are calculated.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Approval Setup > Approval Notification Config
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Where approval email language is stored for FWL only.
After the User Lists and Process Definitions are established the next step is to define what the standard template will be for each stage of notification.
In addition to the contract approval email templates, an instructor notification template must be configured. Similar to the User List configuration, the naming convention for establishing Email Templates begins with the Institution (or district) code, (e.g. WA170_, WA140_, WA220_) followed by an identifier of the population being notified (e.g. HR, DeanAdmin, Instructor).

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Approval Setup > Email Template Configuration
- ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
- ZC FWL Maintain Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Orders the levels of approval in FWL.
Once the User Lists are established, the next step is to define the college or district specific order for approval notifications.
Process definitions are established by adding a new Process ID value. The Process ID value is prefaced by the institution (or district) identifier, for example WA170 or WA220, followed by a description of the selection population (e.g. HR_UserList, DeanAdmin_UserList).
Note: Multi-campus districts can establish one Process Definition Process ID and reference it for each institution for consistency across the district.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Approval Setup > Process Definition
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Defines a population for use in the FWL approval process.
User List are design to support a college specific definition to identify the population to be used in the notification process. User Lists are established by prefacing the institution (or district) identifier, for example WA170 or WA220, followed by a description of the selection population (e.g. HR_UserList, DeanAdmin_UserList).
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > FWL Approval Setup > User List Configuration
Security: ZC FWL ERP Support (Customer Support only)
Action: A/UD/DA/C
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