FIN: Local Configuration Guide - Treasury

This document contains the configuration decisions made and values to be used in deployment of the Banking/Cash Management/Treasury Module of the Oracle’s PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 application.  As such, all additional documentation must be in agreement with the related items described herein.  Should conflict arise with information contained in another document, the data in this document shall be considered valid and that of the other shall be deemed incorrect.

The Treasury Local Configuration Decision Guide explains necessary local configuration needed to setup treasury processing in the PeopleSoft system.  The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all local configuration tables.

Treasury Options [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define default processing options for business units for use in Cash Management. The settings used by the college are at the local level and therefore apply to the individual college district. The recommendation for settlement approval is Manual and is how the system has been initially configured for all colleges by the ctcLink Project Team.

Treasury Options page

The Treasury Accounting uses regular year end calender i.e ‘01’.

Under the Accounting heading, The checkbox for Review Manual Updates is checked to enable review of any accounting entries that are manually updated on the Accounting Entries page. The delivered journal template ‘TR_ENTRIES’ is selected for your business unit for bank transfer accounting builds. The checkbox for Requires Review is checked (selected) in order to force accounting transactions that use the aforementioned template (TR_ENTRIES) to be reviewed.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Treasury > Treasury Options

Security: ZD Treasury Local Config Inq - Security role update in progress to grant access to this navigation.
Component: BUS_UNIT_OPT_TR
Action: A/UD

Bank Information [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This is a place where the ctcLink Project Team initially creates a new bank code for the college district. This value controls how the bank and counterparty pages edit and display bank information. This information drives bank account edits, which can vary by country for each bank type. In some cases, a country may have more than one ID. The banking details used by the college are local to each college, but are initially configured for the college by the ctcLink Project Team and are maintained by the SBCTC Customer Support team, as these values are defined in Global framework prospective. Please file a support ticket to request changes if a college undergoes a transition in their banking relationship.

Bank Information Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Information

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Action: A/UD

Bank Branch Information [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define bank branch information i.e address and contact. The banking details used by the college are local but it define Global framework prospective.

Bank Branch Information

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Branch Information

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Action: A/UD

Treasury Counterparties [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to establish counterparties. If a trading relationship with a bank exists, then the bank is defined as counterparty with appropriate role.The banking details used by the college are local but it define Global framework prospective.

Treasury Counterparties Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Treasury Counterparties

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Component: BANK_PNL_TR
Action: A/UD

Contact Information [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define bank contact information. The banking details used by the college are local but it define Global framework prospective.  The first three code of contact id identified  by college code.

Contact Information Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Contact Information

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Component: CONTACTS
Action: A/UD

Bank Transfer Charge Code [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define a set of bank charge amounts in the Bank Transfer Charge table.

Here we set up bank charge amounts according to the bank account of the addressee and the range of payment amounts.

Bank Transfer Charge Code Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Transfer Charge Code

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Component: BCH_CHARGE_CD
Action: A/UD/UH/C

Bank Transfer Charge [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define the bank charge code according to the interbank or intrabank remittance. Here we associated bank transfer charge code which we define earlier.

Bank Transfer Charge Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Transfer Charge

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Component: BCH_BANK_CHRG
Action: A/UD

Bank Accounts [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

The External Accounts tab is used to create new bank Account and related information like:

  • Associate respective GL business unit
  • Account Use: Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate which PeopleSoft applications use this account.
  • Account Ledger Types: based on account use, the respective Ledger Account ChartFields must be established.

The Account number and routing number also defined here.

The bank account details used by the college are local but it is defined from Global framework prospective. It is recommended that   college should not add/update in this page. It any update require then request should be routed to ERP Support Team.

Bank Accounts Page Example

The Contacts tab has all the contact details for the bank account.

Contacts tab

The Reconciliation tab is used to specify all the default reconciliation rule of all sources. All the reconciliation rule are attached to this account. The reconciliation method is also defined here. In ctcLink, it is recommended to use Auto Reconciliation.

Reconciliation tab

The Account Information tab is used to specify additional information for each bank account like check length, deposit Type and deposit unit.

Account Information tab

The Payment Methods tab is used to define the payment methods supported for an account, payment processing options, and EFT/ACH file attributes.

Payment method - ACH (Automatic Clearing House)

  • Last Ref Number - The system increments this number for each payment that it makes on the specified bank account.
  • Form ID  This defines the payment layouts for your ACH
  • Since we are using Financial Gateway to process the ACH file that is why you see settle by “Financial Gateway” for all layouts.
  • In Define Layout Properties link, the Company ID is required. Bank provide the Company id value
  • Bank Integration layouts is defined in next secion.
  • The Prenote link says Prenote is required.

Payment Method - System Check

  • Last Ref Number - The system increments this number for each payment that it makes on the specified bank account.
  • The Positive Payment box is checked because it is recommended to create positive payment for each check payment and send the positive pay file to bank for fraud detection.
  • The Positive Pay form says which form is being used to create positive pay file.

Payment Method - Manual Check

This is defined so that you can cut manual check or pay outside PeopleSoft and manually record those payment in PeopleSoft

Payment Methods tab


  • NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > External Account (tab)
  • NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > Contacts (tab)
  • NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > Reconciliation (tab)
  • NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > Account Information (tab)
  • NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > Payment Methods (tab)

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Action: A/UD/UA/C

Settlement Instructions [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define to define beneficiary bank accounts and EFT options for settlements. The bank account details used by the college are local but it is defined from Global framework prospective.

Settlement Instructions Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Bank Accounts > Settlement Instructions

Security: ZD Bank Setup Inq
Action: A/UD/UH/C

Bank Integration Layouts [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

All colleges are required to configure ACH payments to participate in centralized payroll.  This page is used to define ACH layout properties for each ACH payment layout like:

  • File Output Type  is selected for File output
  • Supports Prenotes is selected to enable the functionality for creating and processing zero-dollar, prenotification-payment files using this layout
  • FILENAME -  define ACH file name
  • FILEPATH- the output directory to which the files are written
  • IMMEDIATE_ORIG /   IMMEDIATE_DEST -  This is used by bank and bank provide this value
Bank Integration Layouts Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Administer Bank Integration > Bank Integration Layouts

Security: ZD Treasury Local Config Inq
Action:  U/D

Bank Statement Accounting

The Bank Statement Accounting functionality reduces the number of exceptions (NTFs) that you must resolve by creating rules to match text strings in the addenda text by selecting Pattern/position/value. The settings used by the college are at the local level. College has to create their own bank statement accounting rule or send the request to Customer Support team to create rules.

Bank Statement Accounting Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Administer Reconciliation > Bank Statement Accounting

Security: ZZ Treasury Bank Processing
Action: A/UD

Transfer Templates

This page is used to create EFT/Bank Transfer Templates to allow for automatic or manual transfers. The settings used by the college are at the local level. College has to create their own transfer template. It is recommended to always use “EFT transfer type” template.

Transfer Templates Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Cash Management > Fees and Transfers > Enter Transfer Templates

Security: ZD Treasury Local Config Inq (view) or ZZ Treasury Local Config (add/update)
Action: A/UP

Treasury Accounting Templates

This page is used to create accounting template information. The accounting template depicts the correct accounting and debit and     credit configuration for a given treasury transaction and business event. The settings used by the college are at the local level.

The project team have created three sample accounting templates (nnn-FEES, nnn-MISC, nnn-EFT. Were 'nnn' is the college code. The college should review the templates and update the values to correct any invalid chartfield information in the template BEFORE using it.

Treasury Accounting Templates Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Cash Management > Treasury Accounting > Accounting Templates

Security: ZZ Treasury Local Config (add/update) or ZD Treasury Local Config Inq (view)
Action: A/UD

Security Rules [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to define payment security rules that can be assigned to users. The Security option is enabled globally as well as security rule also created globally. Colleges should not update anything here. If a college wants to change anything then the request should be routed to the Customer Support Team.

Security Rules Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Gateway > Security > Security Rule

Security: ZD Treasury Local Config Inq (view)
Component: PMT_SEC_RULE
Action: A/UD

Security User Assignment [Centrally Maintained Local Values]

This page is used to assign respective payment security rules to users. The Security option is enabled locally, but is centrally maintained as there are no restrictions to edit only a single college's data. Colleges should not update or add anything here. If colleges want to Add/update anything here then the request should be routed to the Customer Support Team.

Security User Assignment Page Example

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Gateway > Security > Security User Assignment

Security: ZD Treasury Local Config Inq (view)
Component: PMT_SEC_USER
Action: A/UD


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