Expense and Revenue Planning
Expense Planning
Expense Planning is where you will be able to enter or calculate expense information for your financial budget line items. You will have the option to enter data directly in the templates (or forms), calculate travel expenses based on pre-defined drivers, or calculate your budgeted expenses using past Actual or Budget information as a baseline. This section includes:
- Enter/Update Expense lien items Budgets
- Entering optional travel driver information
- Reviewing the results of these changes
Revenue Planning
Revenue Planning is where you will be able to enter or calculate revenue information for your financial budget line items. You will have the option to enter data directly in the templates (or forms), calculate tuition and fee based revenue as defined by drivers, or calculate your budgeted revenue using past Actual or Budget information as a baseline. This section includes:
- Updating revenue line items
- Reviewing and updating enrollment-related drivers
- Reviewing the combined revenue and expense budgets
Purpose: Use this document to create expense budgets in PBCS.
Audience: Budget Development Staff
The Expense form gives an overview of your prior year financial line item expenses that can help to develop the budget for the upcoming budget year.
This form is to assist with creating your budget, in addition to having driver models for people-related costs and travel expenses, or directly entering data, you can choose to calculate line items based on history as follows:
- Average of actual data for 1-5 years of history (note that only two years of history currently are loaded in the PBCS budget solution)
- Average of budget data for 1-5 years of history (note that the amount of budget history is also currently limited).
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > All Expenses
- Select the Finance button on the PBCS: SBCTCFIN homepage
The first time you login, the form may be blank or it display last visited data form. This is because PBCS will default to the first data point in the hierarchies for the dimensions. Once the dimensions values are updated, PBCS will remember your selections as you navigate between forms.
- The All Expense page displays with respective Dimensions in Point of View (POV). The order by dimension may be different colleges who are using the Program dimension.
- You can select or change your Department/Program to view expenses and develop budget for upcoming budget year. To change a Department (or Program), select the Department (or Program) link. The Select a Member window opens. Select the side arrow icons to select the desired Department has a check-mark. Select the OK button.
- The new Department (or new member name) is displayed shaded or highlighted in yellow. Select the side arrow 'GO' icon.
- The page refreshes and the Department has been updated. Note it is no longer shaded or highlighted yellow which indicates it has been refreshed.
There are two methods that you can use to enter budget expenses:
- Enter Budget Data Manually.
- Enter Budget Data using Travel Drivers.
- On the All Expenses page, select a cell in the Budget column for the upcoming budget year. The cell is highlighted with a black box and the cursor is in it.
- Enter a field values and hit the Tab key. The cell is shaded or highlighted in yellow indicating that the data has not yet been saved.
- Select the Save button to save the data changes.
Note: Only upcoming budget year is enable to enter the data. All the prior year actual and budget data is just for view (read only). You always enter data in Working version. The WrkForce_Working version will show the data coming from Workforce Model.
- A message should appear indicating that data has been saved and that the rule has been run successfully. Select the OK button to close the window.

- Once the data is saved, the fields will no longer be shaded or highlighted yellow. Note the totals will auto-fill, i.e. Salaries and Wages total 20,000.
- Add comments and/or attachment on the cell. To add comments or attachment, right click on the desired cell then within the action window select Attachments or Comments.
Use the up/down scroll bar to enter/review upcoming budget data and the left/right scroll bar to view past history.
You may continue to enter the rest of your other GL expense account data by entering the budget data directly into the form.
UAT Test Case
Verify Workforce related Salary and Benefit data for a given department/Program
View and Enter or Update Expense Budget manually for a given budget string
You may optionally use detailed travel drivers to calculate estimated travel costs for in-state and out-of-state travel by financial period.
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > All Expense tab > Enter Travel Drivers
- From the All Expenses tab, right click on any row of the GL Account column. The action window displays. Select the Enter Travel Drivers.
Alternate Navigation (Direct): Main Landing Page > Finance > Finance Drivers icon > Travel Drivers tab
- Select Finance then select the Financial Drivers icon. The page updates to the default Revenue Drivers tab. Select the Travel Drivers tab.
- Enter drivers by period for travel expenses. The drivers include the number of trips per period for both in-state and out-of-state travel, as well as the average expenses per trip in several categories. The below shows an example of 4 in state trips/2 out of state trips and the cost of the items associated with the trips that are estimated to take place in September. The cells are shaded or highlighted in yellow indicating that the data has not been saved.
- Select the Save button to save the updates/changes.
- A message window displays noting the data is saved and the business rule is run. Select the OK button to close the window. The results are displayed in the calculated GL Accounts at the bottom of the form.
You have now successfully calculated Travel Costs. From this form, you will have the optional ability to enter travel related driver information to calculate related in-state and out-of-state travel expenses. You may either click prior navigation, if you are coming from “All Expense form” or click other navigation.
UAT Test
Enter or update travel related driver details using Travel Driver menu from All Expense Form
Navigation: Finance > Finance Model icon > All Expenses tab
On the All Expenses tab, use the scroll bar to scroll down to view the travel data previously entered using the Travel Drivers.
Once you complete travel driver based cost, you should see that there are calculated results of the travel driver’s calculation under the Budget column for the current Budget year.
UAT Test
Validate travel driver calculations of given budget string
The Revenue form gives an overview of your prior year financial line item revenue as well as current budget year. This form allows you to see which revenue line items may have been updated by the enrollment and fee-based drivers. This is also a form where you will have the ability to enter or update your revenue projections for all line items. This is the main form that will be used to manage revenue.
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > Financial Model icon > All Revenue tab
- Select the Finance button on the PBCS SBCTCFIN homepage.
- Select the Financial Model icon to open the BUD Global - All Expenses page.
- Select the All Revenue tab.
The first time you login, the form may be blank or it display last visited data form. This is because PBCS will default to the first data point in the hierarchies for the dimensions. Once the dimensions values are updated, PBCS will remember your selections as you navigate between forms.
- The All Revenue tab opens with respective Dimensions in Point of View (POV). The order by dimensions may be different colleges who are using the Program dimension. To change Department or Program, select the Department and/or Program link to open action menu. Scroll and select value arrow icons until the correct level of detail is met. with a check mark. Note the breadcrumbs located at the bottom of the current window.
- Select the OK button to close the Select a Member window.
- The new Department is displayed shaded or highlighted in yellow (data changed, but NOT saved).
- Select the arrow icon or GO button.
- The page refreshes and the new Department name is no longer shaded or highlighted in yellow.
- There are several methods that you may use to enter revenue. The first will be either entering data into the form or calculating the Budget values based on Actual or Budget history. We will start by entering a data value. Click on a cell in the Budget column for the current budget year.
- Enter data values.
- Select the Save button to save changes.
- A message window displays that the data has been saved and the rule was run successfully. Select the OK button to close the window.
UAT Test Case
View and Enter or update Revenue data manually
For certain tuition and student fee-based revenue line items, you may optionally use detailed revenue drivers to calculate these items. If you choose to use this method to calculate revenue, this is the form where you will enter or confirm the driver information.
Note: make sure you have correct Department, Program, Fund and Class in point of view (POV) for which you wish to calculate estimated revenue. If point of view member is not correct then select respective dimension from point of view to change the needed member.

Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > Financial Model icon > All Revenue tab
- On the BUD-Global - All Revenue page, right click on one of the GL Account numbers to open the action window.
- Select the Enter Revenue Drivers. It takes you to Revenue Drivers Input form.
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > Financial Drivers icon > Revenue Drivers
- From the main landing page, select the Finance icon.
- Select the Revenue Drivers icon to open the Revenue Drivers Input form.
- The Revenue Drivers page opens up on a new tab; 03.BUD-Global - Revenue Drivers. Enter data.
- Select the Save button.
The Revenue Drivers input form contains many different Revenue Driver Accounts. Below are the Revenue Drivers used on this form and the Revenue Accounts that they are used to calculate.
AC4000020 = ("TuitQtrRes" * "StdntQtrRes") + ("TuitAnnRes" * "StdntAnnRes");
AC4000040 = ("TuitQtrNonRes" * "StdntQtrNonRes”) + ("TuitAnnNonRes" * "StdntAnnNonRes");
The below shows an example of revenue drivers TuitAnnNonRes and StdntAnnNonRes. The cells are highlighted in yellow indicating that the data has not been saved.
- The data is saved and the business rule is run. The results are displayed in the calculated GL Accounts at the bottom of the form. Select OK to close out the window.
The Revenue dollars are split between the months of September and February in the Revenue calculation rule. The enrollment revenue data is not calculated for any other months.
- Select the expand or plus icon [+] to view by Quarters, i.e. Q1-Q4 or by Month, etc.
- Select the collapse or minus icon [-] to revert back to prior view, i.e. YearTotal, etc.
You have now successfully calculated revenue student enrollment based Costs. From this form, you will be able to have the optional ability to enter tuition and fee-related driver information to calculate related revenue. You may either click prior navigation, if you are coming from “All Revenue form” or click other navigation.
UAT Test Case
Enter or update Student enrollment driver details using Revenue Driver menu from All Revenue Form
This form gives an overview of your financial line items both expenses and revenues together for the prior year as well as for the upcoming budget year. The form allows you to see which expenses may have been updated by the Workforce model and/or Travel drivers as well as enrollment and fee-based revenue drivers. This is also the form where you will have the ability to enter or update your expense and revenue projections for all line items.
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > Review and Update
- From the SBCTCFIN homepage select the Finance icon.
- Select the Financial Model icon by default, the BUD-Global - All Expenses page displays.
- Select the Review and Update tab.
- Verify the desired POV (BusinessUnit, Department, Program) is selected. Use the scroll bar to scroll right to view the current Working Budget column.
- Review and/or enter changes as needed. Changes will be shaded or highlighted in yellow.
- Select the Save button to save changes to the data.
Note: You may also view revenue and expense for given Project ID. However, you will not be able to enter/update any data here.
UAT Test Case
Review Expense and Revenue data
This form gives flexibility to enter new budget data for a combination of different dimensions (Department/Program/Fund/Class).
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > New Budget Lines
- From the SBCTCFIN homepage select Finance.
- The default BUD-Global - All Expenses tab will open. Select the New Budget Lines tab.
- The BUD-Global Add New Budget Lines page displays. Use the scroll bar to scroll up/down to view various Revenue and Expense Account numbers and descriptions.
Use the pencil (Edit Members) icon to display the ChartField selector options. Select the down arrow to update/select field values. Select the Apply button to update selection to the spreadsheet.
- Use this page to enter budget data for upcoming year. Select the row for respective Account and enter the data manually. Once you are done with entering the new data, the cells will be shaded or highlighted yellow, select the Save button.
- The page refreshes and the fields are no longer shaded or highlighted yellow. Optional to add additional budget as needed. Select the Save button to save changes.
UAT Test Case
Create new expense budget lines
A new business rule is created to create new department in PBCS. This rule can be access from “All Expense” and “All Revenue” form.
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > All Expenses
Navigation: Main Landing Page > Finance > All Revenue
- From the SBCTCFIN homepage select Finance.
- The default BUD-Global - All Expenses tab will open. Right click on any GL Account to open an action menu.
- A new pop Window will appear to provide new Department that you wish to create in PBCS. Provide your new Department ID. Here for example, D7050_TEST5 and select the Launch button.
Note: The New Department ID must be your existing ctcLink Department. In PBCS, the Department format would. (D<Your College Code>_ctcLink Department ID). For example: D7050_XXXXX. The first five character is always constant for your college. The second five character is your actual existing ctcLink Department ID.
- A confirmation message will pop up. Select the OK button to close the window.

This new department has been created under Common parent name “Unassigned_Dept”. Later SBCTC Admin will move this newly created department under correct hierarchy parent after consulting with you. You can verify this Department from this form. Select new department from Department Point of View.
- To locate the newly created Department, from the All Expenses (or All Revenue) tab select the Department link to view the Select a Member window. Select the Unassigned_Dept category and check mark the new Department name and select OK to close the window.
- The All Expenses (or All Revenue) tab displays with the new Department shaded or highlighted yellow. Select the side arrow icon or the Go button to update the data with the new Department.
Create a new budget for the new department.
UAT Test Case
Create new Department in PBCS
A new business rule is created to create new Program in PBCS. This rule can be access from “All Expense” and “All Revenue” form.
Please remember that this is only needed for colleges that are currently using the Program ChartField in ctcLink.
Navigation: Main Landing Page>Financial Icon > All Expenses
Navigation: Main Landing Page>Financial Icon > All Revenue
- Click on the Finance button on the SBCTCFIN homepage.
- The default “All Expense” form will open with respective Dimensions/Program in Point of View (POV).
- Right click on any GL Account row. A menu will pop up. Select “Create Program”.
- A new pop Window will appear to provide new Program that you wish to create in PBCS. Provide your new Program Code. Here for example, PRG7170_TEST2 and select launch.
Note: The New Program code must be your existing ctcLink Program code. In PBCS, the Program code format would. (PRG<Your College Code>_ctcLink Program Code). For example: PRG7170_XXXXX (for Spokane Program). The first seven character is always constant for your college. The second five character is your actual existing ctcLink Program code.
- A confirmation message will pop up. Select the OK button.

- This new program code has been created under Common parent name “Unassigned_Prog”. Later SBCTC Admin will move this newly created program code under correct hierarchy parent after consulting with you.
- You can verify this program code from this form. Select new program code from program Point of View. Select the side arrow or Go button to update the data with the new Program code.
Now you can use new Program Code to create a budget.
UAT Test Case
Create new Program in PBCS (Applicable only for College who uses Program dimension)
This rule is designed to copy slice of exiting budget data to new combinations of dimension members (Account/Department/Program). Using this rule, you can copy slice of budget data by Account and/or Department and/or Program.
Please confirm that the Target dimension member exists in PBCS. If the member is missing you will receive an error that the target members are not available in PBCS. In the situation of the member not existing, you need to first create a needed member in the respective dimension, for more information please see Create New Department or Create New Program.
Navigation: Main Landing Page>Financial Icon > All Expenses
Navigation: Main Landing Page>Financial Icon > All Revenue
- Select the Finance button on the SBCTCFIN homepage.
- The default All Expense page form will open with respective Dimensions/Program in Point of View (POV).
- Right click on any of the GL Account rows, which you wish to copy. An action menu displays.
- Select “Copy Existing Budget data”.

- A new Window will appear with source and target members. Provide the needed members in Target dimensions. Note: Target Members should exist in PBCS. Use the accordion icons to locate new Target item(s) as needed:
- Target Department
- Target Program
- Target Account
- Select the Launch button.
Example 1: Copying existing slices of budget data from one account to another account within same department and Program. For above my source data (Dept: D7050_32001, Account: AC5000100. The Target Account is AC5000002 for same slices.
Enter the target account as AC5000002 manually or select the member from member selection icon.
- A confirmation message will pop up. Select the OK button to close the window.

- The page will refresh to view the copied budget data for Account "AC5000020."
As needed, select the Refresh button to refresh the page.
Example 2: Copying existing slices of budget data from one department to another department for same Account. My source data (Dept: D7050_32001, Account: AC5080010. The Target Dept is D7050_322002.
Enter the target department manually or select the member from member selection icon.
- A confirmation message will pop up. Select the OK button to close the window.

- Select the Department link to select the Target department and select OK to close out the Select a Member window.
- The All Expenses page refreshes with Department shaded or highlighted yellow. Select the side arrow or Go icon to refresh the page. View the copied budget data for Department "D7050_32002."
UAT Test Case
Copy Existing Budget line from one Account to other account for given Department and program
Copy Existing Budget line from one Department to other Department for given Account
Copy Existing Budget line from one Program to other Program for given Account (only applicable to college using Program dimension)
Security Information
Login information will be provided by SBCTC, with the approval from your college. End users will receive an email from Oracle Cloud with login information.
Security options will be at either the WRITE or READ level, unless otherwise determined.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Expense and Revenue Planning. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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