Most Commonly Used Financial Aid ctcLink Queries
Purpose: Use this document as a resource for the most commonly used queries and their descriptions for the Financial Aid Module in ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid Staff
Note: Most of these queries can be run in Query Viewer, but due to the size of some of the queries, some may have to be run in Schedule Query, for which you will need a Run Control ID to run the query.
CTC_FA_SUSPEND_ISIR_DETAIL - Lists students whose ISIR has been suspended
CTC_FA_ISIR_TRANS_SRCE - Lists ISIRs by Transaction Source
CTC_FACG_CHECKLIST_DESCRS - Displays checklist descriptions
QCS_FA_ISIR_ACTIVE_DUTY - Finds students who indicated they are Active Duty on FAFSA
QCS_FA_ISIR_PACIFIC_ISLAND_RES - Finds students who have Pacific Islander Residency listed on FAFSA
CTC_FA_COUNSELOR_REVIEW - Finds students who have an Aid Processing Status of Ready for Counselor Review on the View Packaging Status Summary page
QCS_FA_APPLIED_NO_FED_STAT_AID - Finds students who have applied for aid but have no federal (Pell, FSEOG, FWS, DL) or state (WCG, CBS, SWS) aid offered for the prompted term.
QCS_FA_READY_FOR_REVIEW_SELECT - Colleges that will find files to review via checklist being assigned will use the following query to assign the Exx039 then run a query to find this population to review.
QCS_FA_AWARD_FSEOG - Finds students who are eligible for FSEOG
QCS_FA_NEEDY_WAIVER - Finds students who are eligible for 3% Needy Waiver
CTC_FA_CBS_AND_SNG_LIST - Finds students who have awarded WCG & CBS
CTC_FA_CBS_SNG_NOT_AWARDED - Finds students who are eligible for WCG and CBS but not awarded
CTC_FA_OVERAWARDED - Finds students who are overawarded for the Aid Year
CTC_FA_TERM_OVERAWARDED - Finds students who are overawarded for the Term in the Aid Year
CTC_FA_PELL_ELIG_NOT_AWARDED - Finds students who are Pell eligible but not awarded
CTC_FA_RUNNNING_START_AWARDED - Finds Running Start students who have financial aid awards
CTC_FA_TERM_ITEM_TYPE_AWARDED - Finds students awarded by Item Type
QCS_FA_AWARD_EXCEEDS_TUITFEES - Finds students who have tuition-only awards that exceed tuition and fees amounts
QCS_FA_AWARD_SAP_GPA_SDNTGRP - Finds students who have awards, displays SAP status by prompted student group
CTC_FA_SAP_PLAN_STAT - Finds all students in SAP Status plan for monitoring
CTC_GA_SB_SAP_NMEEET_REPEATS - Finds students in Not Meet for a term and has repeated coursework in their career
CTC_FA_SAP_MAX_ATTEMPTED_LIST - Lists courses used to calculate the Max Attempted Units for an individual student
CTC_FA_SAP_BASICSKILLS - Finds students who are taking one or more Basic Skills class and have a SAP status code other than “Meets” for any one of the calculation tests.
CTC_FA_SAP_TRNSF_CRS - Finds students who have credits included in the Transfer Credit table. Results allows colleges to recalc SAP as applicable since the SAP program does not accurately calculate SAP for Maximum Timeframe when remedial units need to be excluded
Please see the SAP Process and Set Up Business Process Guide for a full list of SAP queries and their descriptions SAP Process and Set Up Business Process Guide | 9.2 FA - Financial Aid Business Process Guides | ctcLink Reference Center
CTC_FA_CENSUS_DATE_LIST - Finds students who have a discrepancy between the FA Load captured at the most recent Authorization via the award activity page versus the FA Load in FA Term.
CTC_FA_SERVICE_INDICATOR_LIST - Pulls list of Service Indicators
CTC_FA_LOAD_COMP_BETWEEN_DATE - This query should be run up until census date. Finds and compares students with different FA Load level when disbursed to date entered in prompt.
CTC_FA_THIRD_PARTY_PYMNT - Finds students who have third party payments entered into the Student Account
CTC_FA_DISBURSED_BY_DATE_UNITS - Finds students who were disbursed in your batch disbursement run.
CTC_FA_OVRD_BOX_CHKD_FA_LOAD - Finds students who have FA Load checkbox on FA Term overridden
CTC_FA_YRP_ELIGIBILITY Finds students who are eligible for 4th quarter Pell, run at time of spring registration
CTC_FA_YRP_ELIGIBILITY_TRAILER (Trailer Institutions) Finds students who are eligible for 4th quarter Pell, run at time of summer registration
QCS_FA_MISSING_COD_RESPONSE Finds COD document IDs that do not have response files from COD loaded into ctcLink
CTC_FA_LOANS_30DAY Finds students with 30-day delay loan disbursement plans
CTC_FA_LOANS_WRONG_DISB_PLAN Finds students with loans that have grant disbursement plans, and need loan disbursement plans
CTC_FA_WITHDRAWN_F03_SVC_IND - Run BEFORE grades are posted because the query is looking for classes that have an Enrollment Status Reason equal to ‘Withdrawn’ or an academic load equal to N in Term Activate a student.
CTC_FA_UNOFFICIAL_WITHDRAWN - Run AFTER grades are posted because it is looking for classes that are marked as ‘Enrolled’ and Grading Basis equal to anything other than ‘Non-graded’ or ‘No grade’, and the Student Career Term Units Passed FA equals zero and the academic load in Term Activate a Student does not equal N.
Please see the R2T4 Processing Business Process Guide for a full list of R2T4 queries and their descriptions R2T4 Processing Business Process Guide | 9.2 FA - Financial Aid Business Process Guides | ctcLink Reference Center
CTC_R074A_MISSING_NATIONAL_ID finds students without a National ID defined in the Campus Community Add Update a Person page
QCS_SR_FISAP_UNDUPL_HEADCOUNT- This query presents an unduplicated headcount of students enrolled during any given Aid Year by Institution.
CTC_FA_FISAP_WORKSTUDY_EXTRACT Finds students with work study earnings in the aid year
QCS_SF_FISAP_TUITAMT - Presents tuition and fees for the students identified in the unduplicated head count query.
Please see the WCG Interim, Unit Record Reporting, and FISAP Processing Business Process Guides for a full list of relevant queries and their descriptions
QCS_SF_CREDIT_BAL_NONREF - Finds students with a credit balance from nonrefundable item types. Shows what colleges need to fix as part of their monthly reconciliation
QCS_SF_ITM_TYPE_GL_INTERFACE - Lists item type set up including charge priority, payment priority, etc.
QCS_SF_FA_SA_APPLIED_SUMMARY - Results show item-types and amount applied to Customer Accounts
QCS_SF_FA_SA_APPLIED_DETAILS - Results show item-types and what it applied to including refunds
CTC_FA_ITEM_DISBURSED - Annual sum of what has been disbursed in each FA Item Type for year prompted
CTC_FA_CBS_AND_SNG_LIST - List of CBS students and their WCG amounts
CTC_FA_SF_DISCREPANCY_LIST - Finds students who have aid disbursed but a portion or all is unapplied on Customer Accounts
QCS_FA_GRP_PAY - Pulls list of student-by-student group and shows what funds have been disbursed for them and what they applied to, including refunds
Please see the Fund Management Processing Business Process Guide for a full list of reconciliation queries and their descriptions FA Fund Management Business Process Guide | 9.2 FA - Reconciliation & Reporting | ctcLink Reference Center
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