Update and Review the Second Journal Set (SJS)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for updating second journal sets data in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Financials staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD SACR 2nd Jrnl SetUp
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
On February 21st, 2024, the SJS Enhancement was officially completed and implemented in the Production environment. With this completion, SJS journals are produced nightly via a job ran by SBCTC. This means that colleges have access to daily journals.
It is also important to note:
- SJS Item Types are view only. To edit and/or create a new SJS Item Type, please submit a ticket to SBCTC.
- At strategic times during the year (i.e. end of fiscal year, beginning of new grant year), colleges will be given access to update their SJS activities and projects.
- If a project is populated without an activity, it will not allow you to save it.
- Analysis Types will be on every line of your journal. However, the system will only recognize those lines associated with cost-collected grants and will ignore all other lines.
When updating Financial Aid related Second Journal Sets, please confirm numbering with the Second Journal Set F/A Expenditure Accounts.
Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > CTC Custom > GL 2nd Journal Set Setup
- The 2nd JournalSet Setup search page displays.
- Enter the SetID.
- Enter the Item Type.
- Select the Search button and the GL 2nd Journal Set Setup page displays.
Is your Item Type new? If the journal chart fields are not populated, do not add a new row, simply complete the chart fields per the directions starting at Step 6.
- Within the Item Type GL Entry Setup - Effective Date section:
- Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to create a new effective-dated row.
- Enter a new Effective Date if it will be different to the current date.
- The Effective Date designates when the new chart string data will be utilized. In other words, be sure that the date corresponds appropriately to the time frame associated with the new General Ledger data.
- Within the Item Type GL Entry Setup - Journal Sets section:
- Select the Journal Set Chartfields hyperlink and the Journal Set Chartfields page displays.
- Update the appropriate fields.
- Select the OK button and the GL 2nd Journal Set Setup page displays.
- Ensure you update both the Debit and Credit sections (lines).
- Select the Save button.
- Process complete.

Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Update Second Journal Set. This link will open in a new tab/window.
The default configuration for the posting of Journals is manual. To have your journals automatically posted, please submit a ticket to SBCTC.
- QCS_SF_ACCTNG_LN_SJS - Similar to SF_ACCTNG_LN, lays out the detail of the student's transaction for the day.
- QCS_SF_ACCTNG_LN_W_PROMPTS_SJS - Allows users to review based on certain GL Chartfield values.
- QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS - Allows users to review data from posted Journals and has several search criteria available such as chartstring, dates, and the journal ID. However, it does not give detail information such as student id or item type used.
- QFS_GL_JRNL_ANALYSIS_ALLSTAT - This query is similar to QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS. However, in QFS_GL_account_analysis, only journals that are posted are returned. With QFS_GL_JRNL_ANALYSIS_ALLSTAT, this query pulls up data for all journals regardless of posting status.
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