ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Financial Aid9.2 FA - Managing 3CsManaging 3Cs9.2 Reviewing and Resolving an ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist

9.2 Reviewing and Resolving an ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference on how to review and resolve the ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist in ctcLink.

Audience: Financial Aid Staff.

The ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist is assigned when there is a difference from biographical and/or demographic information on the ISIR in comparison to what has come over to Campus Community from the College Admission application (OAAP).  The checklist assignment process specifically looks at:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Date of birth, and
  • Citizenship.  

When Search Match is performed at the time of ISIR load, an ISIR with this checklist is assigned because the ISIR passed ISIR Data Load Parameter severity levels and max match levels enough to load the ISIR, but in some instances, some lower severity level mismatching items such as name and citizenship need to be reviewed/resolved preemptively so as to prevent downstream impacts i.e., records being rejected by COD.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ FA ISIR Corrections (to make ISIR corrections)
  • ZD FA Director (to resolve the checklist)
  • ZD FA Student Aid Info (to resolve the checklist)
  • ZZ FA Student Aid Info (to resolve the checklist)

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Reviewing and Resolving an ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist

Reviewing the ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch Checklist

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct ISIR Records

  1. The Correct 20xx-20xx ISIR Records search page displays.
  2. Enter the following:
    • ID
    • Academic Institution
  3. Select the Search button.
ISIR corrections 20/21 search page
  1. The Correct 20xx-20xx ISIR Records page displays.
  2. Compare the column for Actual Bio Demo Data and the column for ISIR Bio/Demo Data.  
  3. The Actual Bio Demo Data column is populated from data the applicant entered into the College Admissions Application
  4. The ISIR Bio/Demo Data is populated from the data the applicant entered into the FAFSA.
  5. Compare the following fields in both columns and review for any differences:
    • Student first name
    • Student last name
    • Citizenship
Correct ISIR Records page with Actual Bio Demo and ISIR
  1. In the example above, note that there are differences in the Student last name values.
  2. From the ISIR, the name has already passed SSA edits, so the name in the ISIR bio demo data is correct.  The name will need to updated on the student records side.  
  3. If it is citizenship that is mismatching, use the ISIR to see if the citizenship status passes USCIS or SSA edits.
  4. Once you confirm with the student which items are correct, you can work with your Records and Enrollment staff to update the bio demo record in the Campus Community Add/Update a Person page to update the student's info.

Note -- occasionally, you will review the first name, middle name, last name and citizenship and it will all be the same, but with slight variations.  

For example, sometimes the name displays in ALL CAPS on the ISIR side and Lower and Upper case on the Records side.  Both variations are acceptable.  

Once satisfied with your review, if all the bio demo items are the same, you can mark the ISIR vs Bio Demo Mismatch checklist as Completed at your discretion.

If both the Records side and the ISIR side are the same, make a comment on the Checklist that the item was in fact reviewed and no discrepancies were noted at the time of review.

Resolving the ISIR vs Bio Demo Checklist

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Director
  • ZD FA Student Aid Info
  • ZZ FA Student Aid Info

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > View Financial Aid Status

Once you have confirmed Student Records has updated the mismatched data, now you must resolve the Checklist.  

There are two ways to do this:

1)  You can update it manually, or

2) If set up in your JobSet, the system will set the Checklist to Waived in the overnight process once the Records side correctly updates the Add/Update a Person page.

The steps below are for the manual process:

  1. The Financial Aid Status page displays.
  2. If manually updating, select the ISIR vs. Bio Demo Mismatch Item Code
View Financial Aid Status page with ETC038 checklist annotated
  1. The Checklist Management - Person page displays.
  2. From the Checklist Management 2 tab, use the Status drop down box to change the checklist status from Initiated to Completed.
  3. Select the Save button.  
Checklist management page marked completed with save button and status annotated
  1. Process complete.


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