Mass Assign and Release R2T4 Service Indicators
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to run both the Mass assign and Mass Release of Service Indicators using ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid staff.
This process will assign a service indicator to a batch of students if they potentially qualify for a federal or state repayment. There are two different queries available based on the time of the quarter colleges need to identify students who may owe a repayment.
Both queries identify students who have completely withdrawn, have a loaded ISIR, and have Pell, SEOG, Stafford Loan, PLUS, Perkins Loan, TEACH grant, and/or any item type listed on the State Repayment setup table (SNG, College Bound and Passport for Foster Youth). In addition, the disbursed amount for the selected item type(s) is greater than zero, and the student does not already have a completed R2T4 and/or state repayment worksheet.
The CTC_FA_WITHDRAWN_F03_SVC_IND is to be run BEFORE grades are posted because the query is looking for classes that have an Enrollment Status Reason equal to ‘Withdrawn’.
The CTC_FA_UNOFFICIAL_WITHDRAWN is to be run AFTER grades are posted because it is looking for classes that are marked as ‘Enrolled’ and Grading Basis equal to anything other than ‘Non-graded’ or ‘No grade’, and the Student Career Term Units Passed FA equals zero.
In the example below, we show the CTC_FA_WITHDRAWN_F03_SVC_IND query being used but the process of assigning the SI will be the same for both process, just different queries in the Pop Selection section.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles, depending on which of the two navigation paths you follow:
for the navigation path: Menu > Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Mass Assign:
- ZD CC Service Indicate Student
- ZZ CC Service Indicate Student
for the navigation path Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Mass Assign:
- ZD CC Service Indicators
- ZZ CC Service Indicators
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Mass Assign and Release Service Indicators (SIs)
Navigation: Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Mass Assign
Navigation: Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Mass Assign
- The Mass Assign search page displays.
- Enter New or Existing Run Control ID.
- Select Add or Search.
- The Mass Assign page displays.
- Select PS Query from the Selection Tool group box in Population Selection.
- Use the Query Name = CTC_FA_WITHDRAWN_F03_SVC_IND.
- Enter the Institution.
- Enter the Service Indicator Code = F03.
- Enter the Reason = FATIV.
- Select Edit Prompts and enter:
- Institution
- Aid Year
- Term
- Enter the Start Term - use the term in which you want to assign the hold.
- Enter the Start Date - use the date on which you are assigning the hold.
- Leave the End Term and Date blank.
- Select Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the SCC_SI_ASSN checkbox.
- Select OK button.
- The Mass Assign page displays.
- Locate Process Instance number assigned in previous step.
- Select the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- Select Refresh button until Run Status is Success and Distribution Status is Posted.
Mass assign process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the link to Mass Assign R2T4 F03 Service Indicators. This link will open in a new tab/window.
This process releases the F03 Service Indicator assigned to a batch of students who potentially qualified for a federal or state repayment.
Navigation: Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Mass Release
Navigation: Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Mass Release
- The Mass Release search page displays.
- Enter New or Existing Run Control ID.
- Select Add or Select button.
- The Mass Release page displays.
- Select PS Query in the Selection Tool in Population Selection.
- Select the Query: CTC_FA_WAIVE_R2T4_SRV_IND.
- Enter the Institution.
- Enter the Service Indicator = F03.
- Enter the Reason = FATIV.
- If a specific term was used for the Start Term to mass assign the service indicator, enter that term in the Start Term fields.
- If a Start Date was used, then enter the date for the Start Date field, using the date you assigned at the time you Mass Assigned the Service Indicator.
- Select Edit Prompts and enter:
- Institution
- Active Term
- Aid Year
- Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the SCC_SI_RLS checkbox
- Select OK button.
- The Mass Release page displays.
- Locate Process Instance number assigned in previous step.
- Select the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- At the Process List page, select the Refresh button until Run Status is Success and Distribution Status is Posted.
Mass release process complete. End of procedure.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the link to Mass Release R2T4 Service Indicators. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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