Process Running Start

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for calculating Running Start tuition and fees through ctcLink. Visit the SBCTC Running Start Coding Guidelines web page.

Audience: Running Start Staff, Student Financials Staff, and others working with waivers.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC SF Processing Advanced
  • ZC SF Running Start
  • ZD SACR SF Local Config
  • ZD SF Running Start
  • ZZ SF Running Start

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

New/Update Running Start Student

Students must be Term Activated before they will appear in the Student Running Start search results.

Navigation: Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > CTC Custom > Student Running Start 

  1. The Student Running Start search page displays.
  2. Enter or search for the:
    1. Student ID.
    2. Academic Institution.
    3. Term Alternate Key or Academic Career and Term
  3. Select the Search button.

If using the Search Criteria to review a population or to "find" a student, be sure to enter as many parameters as possible. Try to include the following criteria: Academic Career, Term, and Active fields. 

Not entering enough Criteria may result in a long search time.

  1. The Student Running Start tab displays.
  2. Notice the Student Additional BIO Information provided.

Depending on how individual institutions process Running Start students, this step may include the student taking their Running Start materials to the Enrollment office for processing prior to the Billing Units being completed.

  1. Under the Student Running Start Information section, enter or search for the:
    1. School District
    2. High School
    3. Grade Level
    4. Maximum Units
      • FTE Units and Maximum Units are joined. To make an adjustment, adjust the Maximum Units field and tab out.
  2. Select the Save button.  

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

 View the external link to Student Running Start Tab . This link will open in a new tab/window.

Update/View Student Groups
  1. Select the Update/View Student Groups link found beneath the Student Groups section on the right. If you have not enabled Correction Mode, you will receive a dialogue box asking "Do you need to update historic rows?" Select the Yes button.
  2. The Student Groups page displays.
  3. Select the Next button [>] to navigate through different Student Groups applied to the student.
  4. To add a new Student Group, select the Add a New Row button [+] under the Academic Institution Details section.
    1. Enter or search for the Academic Institution.
    2. Enter or search for the SRSR or SRSL Student Group.
      • SRSR: Traditional Running Start students
      • SRSL: Students meeting fee waiver requirements (free/reduced lunch eligible)
  5. In the Details section, enter or search for the Effective Date.
  6. Select the Status drop-down and select Active.
    1. To inactivate a Student Group, add a new effective dated row for the appropriate Student Group. Under the Details section, enter the appropriate Effective Date and select Inactive from the Status drop-down field.
  7. Select the Apply button and then select the OK button. The Student Running Start tab displays.

The Effective Date should be at minimum one (1) day prior to the start of the quarter that you want the Student Group to take effect.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

 View the external link to Update/View Student Groups. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Self Pay vs. School Pay

R.S. Billing Units will be reflected on this tab only after enrollment has occurred.

Staff have the ability to override Self Pay and School Pay units in cases where the student's billing units should be waived or charged differently than the standard rules.

Please ensure you are in compliance with State Board guidelines before doing any override.

  • Self Pay: classes/units that are ineligible to be paid for by a high school.
  • School Pay: classes/units the college is billing the high school.
  1. Select the Billing Units tab and the Billing Unit page displays.
  2. Under the Current Student Enrollment section, select the Override checkbox on the appropriate Class NBR row to adjust the Self Pay and School Pay units.  
    1. The Self Pay field will be opened for adjustment, enter the new amount or
    2. Uncheck the Eligible checkbox if this class as a whole is not RS and it will then be 100% self pay (Leave checked if the class is to be partially charged).
  3. Select the Save button.
  4. Process complete.

Be sure to select the Save button if needing any changes from adjusting the units to be reflected in the Customer Account. The Customer Account will be updated via the nightly RS Adjust Student Billing units process (RS Tuition Calculation).

Be sure to run Tuition Calculation if you would like to see immediate changes on the View Customer Account page.

You can verify the student account details by selecting the View Student Account button.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

 View the external link to Billing Units Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Running Start Billing Query

Purpose:  Instruction for pulling Running Start data out of ctcLink.  Filter, format, and use this data for your institutions Running Start billing/invoicing process.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:


If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer or Schedule Query

  1. The Query Viewer search page displays.
  3. Select the preferred data view of HTML, Excel, or XML.
  4. The QCS_SR_RSBILLING query displays.
  5. Enter the Institution (College Code).
  6. Enter the Term.
  7. Select the View Results button.
  8. The results display.
  9. Download results to spreadsheet and filter, format, sort, and produce an appropriate invoice.

There is the new QCS_SR_RSBILLING_HS query that is designed to simplify the refining of information required for the P223 Running Start invoice process.

Interested in learning more about the remaining Running Start invoice process?  

Check out the QRG 9.2 Running Start Billing & Payment Process in Finance

Running Start High School Data Roll

Before copying HS Data over to a new quarter, the SF Term Roll and CS Core Term Activation processes must be completed prior to beginning this process.



When updating students in the Student Running Start page for their max units every quarter, who sees the comments? Will comments roll over from 1 quarter to the next or will the comments only show up for the quarter the are input for?

Alec Risk

Hi Adriana,

Only people with access to the custom Running Start page (where you add/update students) will see the comments. However, if you have access to the query QCS_SR_ENROLL_VERIF_EDITS, you can also views the comments.

Comments do not roll from one quarter to the next so they require you to manually copy them over from the term they are originally applied to.

Thank you!

-Alec Risk

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