Create Course List Fees

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create and update Course List Fees.

Audience: Bursars.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD SACR SF Local Config
  • ZZ SACR SF Charges Fees Config

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

NOTE: If a Course List Fee utilizes a shared max, it needs to respect course modality (online, in-person, etc.) or any other criteria not found/utilized on the main Course Lists Fee page. This will require a ticket to be submitted. Equation creation also requires a ticket.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Course and Class Fees > Course List Fees

  1. The Course List Fees search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
    1. Enter the SetID.
    2. Enter or search for the Course List number.
    3. Select the Add button and the Course List Fees page displays.
  3. Within the Term / Session section:
    1. Enter or search for the Term.
    2. Optional: Select the appropriate option form the Session drop-down.
    3. Select the appropriate option from the Charge Method drop-down:
      1. Always: Charges tuition and fees, in addition to Course List Fee.
      2. Not Include in Term Tuition: Does not charge regular tuition and fees, just the Course List Fee.
    4. Ensure the following checkboxes are selected:
      1. Include in Pro-rata.
      2. Include in other Withdrawal.
      3. Optional: Charge for Wait Listed Class.
  4. Within the Sub Fees section:
    1. Enter or search for the Account Type.
    2. Enter or search for the Item Type.
    3. Select the Use Equation checkbox.
    4. Enter or search for the Fee Trigger: SFGLBCRLST00.
    5. Enter the dollar amount in any of the following fields based on your business practice:
      1. Amount/Unit: This charges for every course. An example is a student who is enrolled in two, 5-credit courses. Each unit/credit is $10. The first line (for the class) will be $50 and there will be a second line for $50. Please note, each class will have the same item type. This field is typically used in conjunction with the Maximum Amount field.
      2. Flat Amount: This is a per-course charge and will charge once per course. If you decide to use this feature, it is recommended to utilize equations that are created by the State Board and entered into the Fee Amt Equation field.
      3. Minimum Amount: Not typically utilized.
      4. Maximum Amount: This is a per-course maximum amount. It will only apply the max to an individual course. The Maximum Amount field is typically used in conjunction with the Amount/Unit field.
    6. Enter or search for the Adjustment Code.
    7. Enter or search for the Due Date Code.
    8. Optional: Enter the Waiver Group.
      1. WCLASSFEES (typically used).
  5. Select the Save button.
  6. Process complete.

When utilizing the Maximum Amount field, limit to only 13 characters. More than 13 characters will cause Tuition Calculation to fail.

When you input a value in the Minimum Amount field, the amount will be forced to continue to apply despite a student being eligible for a refund. It is recommended to not enter a value in the Minimum Amount field for any fee that should be able to be fully refunded.

The Fee Amt Equation field is utilized strictly for equations created by the State Board. Please submit a ticket if you would like to utilize equations for your Course List Fee.

The Exclude HECS Students checkbox is only utilized in Australia!

Course list fees page with SFGLBCRLST00 entered in the Fee trigger field and WCLASSFEES entered in the Waiver Group.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Create Course List Fees. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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