Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning is used to develop budgets related to Employees. Items might include Salary and Benefits. The data that you find in this section comes from the Human Capital Management (HCM) pillar in ctcLink. The Workforce database contains all of the dimensions of the financial database in addition to the Employee dimension as this database is used to plan expenses by employee.

Workforce Planning will help to calculate people-related costs by updating the information associated with the employees in your Department on an individual basis. This section includes:

  • Making changes to employee-level attributes which affect financial calculations
  • Reviewing and updating factors (or drivers) that are used to calculate financial results (such as health care costs, pension allocations, and grade level steps)
  • Modeling and reviewing the results of these changes
  • Updating the financial impact of your employee model

The workforce planning broadly categorized in two components: Workforce Assumption and Workforce Expense

Workforce Assumption

Local Step Rate

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to view Step Data in PBCS.

Audience: Budget Development Staff

Step rates are used to calculate the increased salary costs when a classified employee reaches their step anniversary date. The salaries for all qualifying employees are calculated at an individual level and roll up to a department total that map to your financial line items.

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Drivers > Local Step Rate by College

Worklist page

Understanding the step data will help accurately determine the cost of an employee for the year, so that your can budget for the step increase in the middle of the year if needed.

The SBCTC administrator has already entered the Step Rate table data used to calculate Classified Employee compensation in the form for you.

This form simply allows you to review the Step Rate schedule for Classified employees. This step rate table applies to all classified employees for your college.

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to see all of your Classified Salary Rate Schedule.

Local COLA% by college

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for Editing Local COLA % for your college in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

In this college specific form, you may review the monthly COLA%’s. COLA% was made a monthly assumption so that it could be applied only in the months that are relevant to the respective GL account classification. Using this form and selecting your college, you may override the previously defined global COLA% Assumptions form. You must input a value if you wish to consider a local value.

Home Page > Workforce > Drivers > Local COLA% By College

As an example, if in the local COLA% assumptions form the value are set to each GL account from January to June and you wish to override it with a 0%, you must enter and save a 0 to that month on this form. If the cell is left as a #Missing value (undefined or blank), then the originally entered local COLA% assumption entered by SBCTC administration will apply when the calculation is performed so it is best to enter a value for every period if you are trying to override the global assumptions, even if it is a 0.

When you enter values into the input cell, it will be shaded in yellow. This indicates that the data has not been saved.

Click the Save button in the upper right hand of the screen to save the global assumption that you have entered.

Search Results section

When you enter values into the input cell, it will be shaded in yellow. This indicates that the data has not been saved.

Click the Save button in the upper right hand of the screen to save the global assumption that you have entered.

Once you have saved the data, the background color of the cells will change to white to indicate that the data has been saved to the database.

Once you have saved the data, the background color of the cells will change to white to indicate that the data has been saved to the database.

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to select your college and enter different COLA%’s by month and GL account driven employee classification.  

Workforce Expense

Employee Management By Classification

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for reviewing and modeling Employee Data in the workforce module of PBCS.

Audience: Budget Development staff

This form has the college Business Unit in the page drop down and Employee Classification. It displays all of the employees that work for a college BU of selected Employee Classification.

Click on the Workforce button on the SBCTCFIN homepage

Click on the Workforce Expense Model icon to the left of the form label. The icon looks like a person with the graph and appears at top.

The first time you login, the form may be blank or it display last visited data form. This is because PBCS will default to the first data point in the hierarchies for the dimensions. Once the dimensions values are updated, PBCS will remember your selections as you navigate between forms.

Click on the form Employee Management By Classification and select your college BU and Employee Classification to display corresponding Employees.


  1. You should always select Level 0 member of Business Unit, which is your BU_OU. i.e. WA140_7140.
  2. When you change the value in POV (Point of View) then you must click GO button (right arrow) to refresh the data. i.e. if You want to view the data of FAC Employee classification then you must select FAC from EmployeeClassification drop down and Click GO button.

Once you select any new value from any POV drop down, the background color will change to light yellow to tell you that you have to click GO button. The yellow color and GO button will soon go away once you click GO button (right arrow).

  1. The first column (IncludeEmployeeCostElement ) has been added to this form to allow you to activate or de-activate an employee’s expenses from calculating.  If the first column is blank or has a value of Y then the monthly expenses for the employee will calculate when you save the form.  If the first column is N, then the expenses for that employee record will not calculate.
  2. By Default, employee record associated with GL Account 5000090 (Part time Faculty) has flag set to N.
  3. This form has a business rule attached to it that runs when the rule is saved that will recalculate all of the expenses for the employees listed on the form for the business unit/Classification that is in the form drop down point of view.

Click the SAVE button on the upper right side of the form.

A message should appear indicating that data has been saved and the rule has been run successfully

The Employee salary expenses have been calculated. You can verify the salary by scrolling right. The salary will display in yearly as well as monthly.

UAT Test Case

Change the IncludeEmployeeCostElement flag to N and save the form, the salary expenses for that employee record that are displayed by month on the far right of the planning form should be cleared.  If you change the flag back to Y and save the form again, then the calculated salary should return.

Change the Employee attribute and save the form, the salary expenses for that employee record should be updated based on updated attributes.  

Change the Pay Rate of an Employee and verify the calculated salary for the same Employee.

Employee Allocation

Purpose:  Use this document to review and update Employee Combo code allocation slices.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

Each employee record may have one or more combo codes consisting of GL Account, Finance Department, Class, Fund, Program etc. that employee records costs are allocated to in the Finance database.  Selecting this menu allows you to navigate to Employee Combo Code Allocation Slices form where you may review and/or update all of the allocation slices associated with a specific employee record.

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)


Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management -  All Employee

Click Employee Management By Classification. By Default, it will open first

Make sure you are selected correct BusinessUnit and EmployeeClassification value.

Right click on an employee and select “Employee Allocation Slices” from menu.  You will be taken to the Employee Allocation Slices (Combo Codes) Form.

In this case, there is just one Combo Code that defines the employee record cost element allocation.  For this employee record, the GL Account is 5000070, which is why to the right in the greyed-out column you see the calculated employee expense in account AC5000070.  

You may add additional allocation slices up to 10 Combo Code for this employee by adding them and then making sure that the sum total of all of the Alloc%Segment’s is 100%.  If the sum total of the Allocation %’s is not 100% then the employee’s costs will not be fully allocated.

Click Save button if you have changed anything in this form.

Right click anywhere in the Employee Allocation Slices form and select ReturnToPreviouForm.  You should be taken back to the original form that you were on before navigating to the Employee Allocation Slices form.


Click the previous form link to go back to Previous form.

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to Add/update and save employee combo code allocation form  

Test Case:  Were you taken back to the original form when you used the ReturnToPreviousForm menu option?

Add New Employee

Purpose: Use this document as a reference to add employees in PBCS.

Audience: Budget Development staff

This form is used to add New Employee from scratch It means you have to enter all mandatory Employee Attributes as well Employee combo code allocation manually. That is why it is not recommended. Instead, use QRG Copy Employee to add new Employee.

There are two way to open “Add New Employee” form.

Method 1 – Using Employee Management Form

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)


Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management -  All Employee

If you are already in the Workforce model, click on the WFP_Employee_Management data form.

WFP_Employee_Management data form is displayed:

Click Employee Management By Classification. By Default, it will open first

Make sure you are selected correct BusinessUnit and EmployeeClassification value.

Voucher Posting Request Add a New Value page

Right click on any employee and select “Add New Employee” from menu.  You should have been taken to form WFP04.00  New Employee Form.

Voucher Posting Request page

Method 2 – Directly

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Add New Employee

By Default, the Employee Management By Classification data form will be open. You need to click “Add New Employee

You should have been taken to form WFP04.00  New Employee Form.  Here you are able to define the new employee properties for up to 10 New Hires.  

You will want to first select the appropriate Employee Classification from the page drop down and click the arrow to make your selection so that the employee you enter has the appropriate employee classification.

Select the first empty new hire record on the form and enter following data:

New Position Description: This is Optional. Provide new position description if you have any.

PositionID: This is Optional. Provide old or new position ID if you have any.

AccountSegment: This is Mandatory field. Select respective GL Account Details from drop down.

PayGrade: This is mandatory field for Classified Employee. For other Employee classification, you can skip.

PayStep: This is mandatory field for only Classified Employee. For other Employee classification, you can skip.

CompensationFrequency: This is mandatory field. Select respective value from drop down.

PayRate: This is mandatory field. Provide Pay rate value.

AnnualHours: This is mandatory field for only Classified Employee.

HireDate: This is mandatory field. Provide Hire date in the format MM/DD/YY or select desired date.

FTE: This is Optional.

HealthCareCode: This is mandatory field. Select Y if health Benefit is applicable else N

RetirementPlan: This is mandatory field. Select respective retirement Plan from drop down.

Click the Save button to save the data.

You will receive a message that the data you entered was saved and that the business rule was run successfully.

If you click Ok on the message window to close it, and then scroll to the right of the form, you will see that the monthly Salary expenses for the employee have been calculated.

If you want to enter more new employees then select corresponding rows and add above data element.

Whenever you Add a New employee from scratch, you must also create that employee’s allocation slices.  If no combo codes are entered for new employees, their calculated costs will not be allocated to the Finance database.  

In order to define an allocation slice for the new employee, simply right click on the new employee record in the new employee form and select Employee Allocation Slices.  This will take you to the Employee Allocation Slices form where you may enter the relevant Combo Codes.

On the Employee Allocation Slices form for the new hire employee, we can see that there are no combo codes defined (The Account Segment will be populated if you entered it on the previous New Employee form).  

Enter a value for each element of the Combo Code and make sure that the total of the allocation segment %’s is 100% and save your entries.  The calculation should run and the Salary that is calculated should be calculated in the appropriate GL account.

FundSegment: Select Fund and Appropriation value from drop down. You may search by providing the data in search field and hit enter.

DepartmentSegment: Select your finance department ID value from drop down. Your Department ID should show in the format (COMPANY CODE_DEPARTMENT ID). You may search by providing the data in search field and hit enter.

ProgramSegment: Select Program code value drop down. If your college is not using Program code then you must select “NoProg” from drop down else your program code from drop down in the format (COMPANY CODE_PROGRAM CODE).

ClassSegment: Select Class code value drop down.

ProjectSegment: Select Project code value drop down.

NOTE:  When selecting NoProg or NoProj from the drop down options, select the second entry from the drop down Selection.  

Click the Save button to save the data.

You will receive a message that the data you entered was saved and that the business rule was run successfully.

To go back previous data form i.e. New Employee Form, right click anywhere in the form and then ClickReturntoPreviousForm”.

If you wish to delete a newly added employee, then please follow QRG - Remove Employee

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to Add new Employees as well their combo code allocations

Verify that you are able to calculate salary expenses for those new employees, were you taken back to the original form when you used the ReturnToPreviousForm menu option?

Copy Employee

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to add employees by copying exiting employee in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

In most cases, you will likely wish to copy an existing employee’s properties to add a new hire employee. When you copy existing employee to New employee, all the employee’s data with combo code allocation gets copied into new employee.

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)


Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management -  All Employee

In order to get exiting employee, Select correct Employee Classification value in EmployeeClassification POV. If it is not showing correct employee classification, then select desired classification from drop down and click right arrow button.

Right click on desired employee record(s) and select Copy Employee.  

The business rule to copy the employee’s information will launch.  By default, the Business Unit from the forms page selection is specified in the run time prompt.  By default, the employee record that you right clicked on is displayed as both the source record to copy from and too.  You will need to update the target to be a New Hiring Requisition.  

This rule also allows you to copy an employee’s data from one employee classification to another if you wish to.

Review/Update Target Employee Classification.

To update the target employee record, click on the member selection icon and select a new hire that you have not already populated with data previously.  

Note: If you select a new hire that you previously populated, the employee’s data will overwrite the data that is there when the rule is executed.

In this case, I will select HiringReq2 to copy existing employee’s data to (the HiringReq1 is already added previously) .  Expand down to HiringReq2 and click to the left of the member name to enable the checkmark and make your selection.  Then click Ok.

The business rules run time prompt values should look something similar to the following.  This will ensure that existing employee’s data is copied to HiringReq2.  

Go ahead and Launch the rule by clicking the Launch button.

You will see message pop window that says “The CopyEmployee was successful”. Click OK.

Now if you scroll all of the way down to the bottom of your list of employees, you will see that HiringReq2 is now populated with existing employee’s data at the bottom of the form.  

All New Hire employees are at the bottom of the employee hierarchy which is why they show up at the bottom of the All Employees form.

Now you have effectively copied existing employee into a New Hire.  

Next, review/update the allocation slices using the Employee Allocation Slices right click menu.  For Details follow QRG - QRG  Employee Allocation

You may also use the Remove Employee right click menu to remove employees that have been previously copied that you wish to remove. For Details, Follow QRG - Remove Employee

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to copy existing employee to the New Hiring Requisition, were the allocation slices copied to the New Hiring Requisition as you would expect?

Remove Employee

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for Editing Global Assumptions for your college in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

You may wish to Delete a new employee employee as well.  In order to delete a new employee and all of that employee’s data, including the combo code allocation slices, right click on the new employee and click “Remove New Employee”. You can one new employee by navigating below navigation.

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Add New Employee


Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)

In order to search new employee, you should select correct Employee Classification value in EmployeeClassification POV. If it is not showing correct employee classification, then select desired classification from drop down and click right arrow button.

Right click on the Hiring Requisition that you wish to delete and select Remove New Employee.

You will see message window pop up that say RemoveNewHire was Successful. Click OK. You will see new employee data was deleted.

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to remove newly added employee data as well as its combo code allocations 

Review Employee Details

Purpose:  Use this document to review employee details in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

The Employee Details form contains all of the employee’s details regarding their calculated salary and benefit expenses.  

There are two way to open “Review Employee Details” form.

Method 1 – Using Employee Management Form

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)


Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management -  All Employee

Click Employee Management By Classification. By Default, it will open first

Make sure you are selected correct BusinessUnit and EmployeeClassification value.

Right click on desired employee and Click Employee Details. You should have been taken to form WFP03.00  Employee Details.

Method 2 – Directly

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Review Employee Details

By Default, the Employee Management By Classification data form will be open. You need to click “Review Employee Details

You will find all the details like base salary, salary, COLA, benefit details, GL Account details etc.

If you want to go back to previous form, then either right click anywhere in the current form and select “ReturnToPreviousForm” or click on respective form link

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to review employee data with salary and benefit details 

Terminate Employee

Purpose:  Use this document to terminate an employee in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

The terminate employee function is used to end an employee’s tenure within the Department or, optionally, to transfer them to a Business Unit or Department outside the user’s domain. When there is a planned employee departure, or if you need to transfer an employee to another Department outside of the area, which you manage, you can use this function to end all salary and benefit costs associated with the employee. In the case of a transfer, you will need to coordinate manually with the Department budget authority to which the employee will be transferred so that that department budget authority can correctly add the employee to their model.

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > Employee Management By Classification (Recommended)

Select the employee to terminate in the list of employees on the left side of the form. Once you have scrolled to the employee whom you would like to terminate, scroll to the right until you see the Term Date column. The cell should be empty.

In the Term Date cell that corresponds to the employee, enter the date (format MM/DD/YY) or select the date for which you would like to terminate the employee. The cell is highlighted in yellow.

Click the Save button

A message should appear indicating that data has been saved and the rule has been run successfully

The Employee salary expenses have been calculated. You can verify the salary by scrolling right. There is no salary will calculated after specified term date.

Note:  The Termination Date is the last full day that the terminated employee works in a position.  The Hire Date is the first full day that an employee works in a position.

UAT Test Case

Enter termination date and ensure that employee is property terminated by verifying monthly expenses are not calculated after the termination date 

Review All Employee Combo Code Allocations

Purpose:  Use this document to review combo code allocations for all employees in PBCS.

Audience:  Budget Development Staff

This form displays every single Combo Code allocation slice for all of the employee records associated with a specific business unit.  The sum of all of the individual allocation slices for any given employee record should be 100% so that 100% of an employee’s costs will be properly allocated and accounted for.  

Navigation: Home Page > Workforce > Workforce Expense Model > All Employee Allocation Details

By Default First form will open, you need to click on “All Employee Allocation Details”.

NOTE:  Some allocation slices cross business units so you may need to review multiple business units in some cases to ensure that all employees are 100% allocated within a specific college.

UAT Test Case

Verify that you are able to see all Employee combo code allocations 


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