UAT Overview for Work Package #1 - Role Grouping Templates {closed}
Overview of Role Grouping Templates Functionality Has Been Released to Production! [Effctv 2/4/2025]

UAT Kick-Off Recording Link:
Meeting Materials:
Background on Requirements & Solution
The Security Administration System Improvement (SASI) Project Information Guide, contains all background details on the requirements and solution design work that lead us to our User Acceptance Testing effort for this new Launchpad feature.
Organizational Change Management (OCM) Preparation Sessions & Demo
To support the work of preparing for the release of this new feature a number of sessions were held to provide colleges the opportunity to meet with colleagues, share information and receive overviews of OCM materials. These sessions were referred to as "Cohort" sessions. The third session in the series contains a live demonstration of the feature functionality and an additional demonstration of using Launchpad to apply Secondary Security (User Preferences and SACR Security). Session recording links are provided below for your convenient reference:
Cohort Session 1: Initial Orientation to Organizational Change Management Tools for the change.
Cohort Session 2: Demonstration of provided OCM Templates for Testing and Role Grouping Template data gathering.
Demo Video: Research Approach Options & Launchpad Feature.
Cohort Session 3: Open Discussion on Research Approach Options, Functionality Considerations and Live Demo of Launchpad Features.
Link to OCM Google Shared Drive: [not for user access to UAT - scroll down for that]
Quick Reference Guide: 9.2 Security - Using Launchpad to Copy User Roles
All College UAT Kick-Off: Link to WebEx Info Wednesday, January 22, 2025 9AM - 10AM PST)
Testing Template Load Request
Templates will require advance time to load into the testing environment. Please limit the number of templates requested to be loaded for testing purposes so the Security Team has time to support this testing activity.
Keep in mind, this functionality can be tested by copying roles from one user to another, therefore you DO NOT have to test all your templates in this activity.
Submitting a Template Build Request for PQA Only
If you are choosing to test the Copy User Role feature in Launchpad using a Role Grouping Template you will need to request the Security Team to create your Template User Profile in advance. Submit your request for templates ONLY in PQA with an attached template shell (Excel template) by emailing the Security Team. ([email protected])
Submitting a Template Build Request for PQA & Migration to PRD
If you want your Role Grouping Template to be migrated to Production AFTER UAT please submit this request via the Service Desk. This way the ticket can be leveraged for migration purposes in addition to the initial build activity in PQA.
Access to the UAT Environment
The PQA Environment, where UAT activities are taking place was refreshed from Production on November 4th, 2024.
Employees hired AFTER 11/04/2025 will NOT exist in this test environment.
Also noteworthy, any employees off-boarded AFTER 11/4/2025 will still appear with active jobs at your college in this environment.
Requesting Access
To request access to the User Acceptance Test environment (PQA), follow the link below and provide the name, last 4-digits of EMPLID, email, contact phone number and college. Please note: College Advisory Group members will have advanced access to the environment to perform initial shake-down testing prior to the All College UAT activity and have a separate tab to submit their access requests:
Access Request (Google Sheet) [UAT PQA environment access requests now closed for Work Package #1]
Environment Access Instructions
Testing will occur in the PQA environment. Testers will be logging on using their EMPLID. In order to access the Launchpad feature, testers performing this step must have Local Security Administrator access (ZZ Local Security Admin) This environment rests behind an OKTA instance and therefore you will be prompted to establish a password during activation.
Login Access Link:
Testers who have already activated themselves in the PQA environment for other testing activities (concurrent UAT activities in this environment are ER- 232 and ER-999) will not be required to re-activate as this is a shared environment for all concurrent UAT activities.
Having Issues Logging In? Contact the Security Team. ([email protected])
Don't Forget: You have the ability to reset your own password in Okta. If encountering password issues, try this first. You might be able to self-help quicker!
Also, if you're struggling after regular service hours, feel free to download the Tester Login Reference Guide (below) to see if the answer you need is in here:
Reporting an Issue
Process for Reporting Issues
To submit and issue, please report your issue via the Service Desk.
Request Type: ctcLink Support > Special Project Activities > SASI Work Group Testing
Subject (begins with): SASI Work Package #1: <add your words...>

UAT Completion & Sign-Off
Once colleges have fully completed their User Acceptance Testing and are ready to sign-off the ctcLink Point of Contact will be asked to "sign-off" on behalf of the college.
Link to UAT Sign-Off (MS Form): {survey closed}
For a preview of the words in the sign-off survey, open the document below:
All College Sign-Off Status: 100% Sign-Off Achieved!
Colleges Confirmed Complete with Sign-Off:
- Bates Technical College
- Bellevue College
- Bellingham Technical College
- Big Bend Community College
- Cascadia College
- Centralia College
- Clark College
- Clover Park Technical College
- Columbia Basin College
- Edmonds College
- Everett Community College
- Grays Harbor College
- Green River College
- Highline College
- Lower Columbia College
- Olympic College
- Peninsula College
- Pierce College District
- Renton Technical College
- Seattle Colleges
- Shoreline College
- Skagit Valley College
- South Puget Sound Community College
- Spokane District
- Tacoma Community College
- Walla Walla Community College
- Whatcom Community College
- Wenatchee Valley College
- Yakima Valley College
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