PBCS Reports

Access PBCS Reports

From the Main Home Page, Select Reports

Error Summary tab

Expand the folders “SBCTC Reports” to view available reports.

Scheduled Payments tab

AClick on icon of the respective report for the desired output  HTML, PDF, Excel.

Go button in Search Criteria section

All available reports will be displayed with three action icons for running the report: HTML, PDF and XLS.

HTML  This will create an on-line HTML version of the report that supports the drilldown functionality.

PDF  This will create a PDF version of the report and is best for printing reports.

XLS  This will create an Excel version of the report.

Budget Status Report_By Department

The report will provide Actual vs Budget by Department and Program.

Navigation: Main Home Page > Reports > SBCTC reports (Expand) > Budget Status Report_By Department

Click on icon of the report for the desired output  HTML, PDF, Excel

Payment Method tab in Correct Scheduled Payments section

A box appears to select the desired member from Department and Program dimension.

Note: Colleges can always select “NoProg” who are not using Program dimension but for other college who are using program, can select desired member from program dimension.

Similarly for Class dimension, the default is “CL000” which all classes. If you want to view for specific Class, then please select desired member from Class dimension otherwise leave default.


Click Member selector icon to select desired member of Department/Program dimension.

Correct Scheduled Payments section

Click on the Continue button.

Action field with Run button

To close the box, Click Back button.

A Prompt will appear to select the Year. The default is FY22, if you want to change year, then you can either manually change or click member selector icon to select the desired year member.

Click OK button

Queued window

A report will appear based on you selection. You can print or download this PDF report. Click + to Zoom.

Report and Distribution Details page

You can change the Department and Program to see other member report from here.

To change the Department/Program member, Click on Member then Selection box will appear to select the desired member.

You also have an option to open the report in Excel or HTML from here. Click Select Output to see desired output.

Click Close button to close the report

Grant and Project Status by Dept

The report will provide Budget variance for Grant and project by Department.

Navigation: Main Home Page > Reports > SBCTC reports (Expand) > Grant and Project Status by Dept

Click on icon of the report for the desired output  HTML, PDF, Excel.

For an example-, select HTML for this report

A box appears to select the desired member from Department and Program dimension.

Colleges can always select “NoProg” who are not using Program dimension but for other college who are using program, can select desired member from program dimension.

Click Member selector icon to select desired member of Department/Program dimension.

Click on the Continue button.

To close the box, Click Back button.

A report in HTML will appear based on you selection.

Since Grant and project budgeted at higher level, you can expand the line item and see the details.

You can change the Department and Program to see desired report from here.

To change the Department/Program member, Click on Member then Selection box will appear to select the desired member.

You also have an option to open the report in Excel or PDF from here. Click Select Output to see desired output.

Click Close button to close the report

Workforce Employee Salary Details

This report will provide Employee Salary and benefit expense details by Employee Classification.

Navigation: Main Home Page > Reports > SBCTC reports (Expand) > Workforce Employee Salary Details

Click on icon of the report for the desired output  HTML, PDF, Excel.

For an example-, select HTML for this report

A box appears to select the desired employee classification.

The existing department also is being used for Employee Classification in Workforce plan type(database). That is why you will see dimension name as Department.

Click Member selector icon to select desired employee classification from department dimension.

Click on the Continue button.

To close the box, Click Back button.

A report in HTML will appear based on you selection.

You can change the Employee Classification to see desired report from here.

Click on Member then Selection box will appear to select the desired employee classification.

You also have an option to open the report in Excel or PDF from here. Click Select Output to see desired output.

Click Close button to close the report


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