Legacy Project FAQs

Purpose: This document answers questions related to the LegacyLink and Legacy Transcript project.

Audience: LegacyLink and Legacy Transcript staff


1. Who will manage permissions for the new system to be created allowing access to legacy data?

Q: Who will manage permissions for the new system to be created allowing access to legacy data? What is the vision for how this system will work?

A: Authorization to the Legacy Data Platform web pages will be managed through the application by your local college security administrators. Those administrators will have the ability to specify which pages are available to individual college users.

2. Will users have to add in a new instance of Okta on their account?

No, only the existing Okta account will be needed.

3. Do we have to add a user as well as assign the security roles?

Yes, the LSA will assign the ZZ LegacyLink or ZZ Legacy Transcript role, then will add the user in the Legacy app(s) for their college.

5. Offboarding - do we need to inactivate a user in Legacy apps or removing the role will be sufficient?

LSA’s can inactivate a user in the Legacy app, then remove the ZZ role during offboarding for their college.

7. If an employee works at multiple colleges does this open up the data for both the colleges or is there something like SACR to protect the data?

The employee would be added separately by each college LSA  so the user can have several, separate Legacy app accounts by college.

8. It sounded like the security person at the college grants access to their data via the checkboxes for the pages?

The user is added, then access to pages/reports is configured  this is separately by college.

9. What does the "Security Manager" checkbox give them access to do?

Allows LSA to add/update user profiles.

10. Can we create users ahead of time since we have to manually create each users?

Q: Can we create users ahead of time since we have to manually create each users and then add their roles in ctcLink on June 30th?

A: Sanjiv will send an email to LSA’s with the Legacy app website URL’s on 6/29/23, then the LSA’s can add users.

Legacy Transcript

1. How will staff send electronic transcripts for the students no longer in the system to other institutions?

Q: Once the legacy system is no longer available, how will staff send electronic transcripts for the students in question to other institutions

A: SBCTC is currently working on the Legacy Transcript project which will address the requirements for processing transcripts for students that were not migrated to ctcLink. This project is also scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2023.

2. Will the entire transcript not printing issue be addressed in the new system?

Q: The legacy system's "Print Transcript" screen currently does not always print the entire transcript. Several transcripts have had to be resent due to some relevant information being cut off during printing. Will this issue be addressed in the new system providing access to this data?

A: Yes, this issue will be addressed with the new Legacy Transcript project

3. Will printing be allowed and if so will the printer setup be easier than it was in legacy?

Yes, if the user's browser allows for printing.

4. Will both credit and non-credit courses display on the transcript?

Q: The legacy system's transcript features display both credit and non-credit courses combined. Will this be the case with the new solution as well?

A: For the printed transcript, yes. For transcript transfers, only classes without coding to be suppressed are transferred. For example, adult education classes would not be included in a transfer to another college.

5. Will the Web Transaction Server application go away as a result of this project?

Q: CCS currently provides unofficial transcript access for students who last attended prior to Fall 2009 through the old Web Transaction Server (WTS) application. Will this application go away as a result of this project? If so, what new alternative method will be provided?

A: The WTS application is scheduled to be retired on June 30, 2023, and access to legacy transcripts will be through a new application that is being developed as part of the Legacy Transcript project.

6. Are there plans to update security to allow students to access their unofficial transcripts in the near future?

Q: While security of the application and data is mega important also, having that option was a large part of the this project to allow students to continue to access their unofficial transcripts in a timely manner (as has been done in Legacy for many years). In addition, this creates a burden on both students and college staff to not offer this option to our students.

A: We understand your concern about students not having access to request transcripts. That was the initial plan, but unfortunately, based on heightened security threats, a decision was made to release the Legacy Transcript application to college staff only. With this approach, access to the application will be restricted to a known IP address range and it won’t be visible to the public. This greatly reduces exposure to the application and data. Please know we are evaluating the volume of Legacy student transcript inquiries, feedback from colleges, risk mitigation strategies, audit requirements, and costs associated with providing Legacy Transcript access to students. Once that evaluation is complete, we’ll work with system stakeholders to plan the next steps. At this time, we don’t have enough information to provide a timeline.


1. Regarding older information currently stored on microfiche, how will that be provided going forward?

Q: Regarding older (prior to legacy or not in legacy) information currently stored on microfiche, how will that be provided going forward? This information (specifically enrollment and cashiering information) is often needed if a student disputes a repayment or other withdrawal data, and currently is not readily accessible

A: Microfiche is not currently being retrieved through the legacy HP-UX environment, so this project won’t change how that’s being accessed.

2. A concern was expressed that staff may not know what data they need until it is no longer there.

Q: A concern was expressed that staff may not know what data they need until it is no longer there. "It is impossible to accurately predict what information we need to retain, because we cannot accurately predict what unique student questions we will receive in the future. However, we should keep as much as possible in order to be prepared to serve the future requests of our students. I am very worried that I won't be able to help a student because I will no longer have access to legacy student data." How would you address this concern?

A: All the data that is currently stored in the HP-UX Eloquence database will be migrated to an Amazon Web Services SQL server instance. A copy of the migrated data will be made available to each of the colleges to support adhoc reporting requirements. In addition, report and/or screen access to data that is viewed frequently will be provided through a new web application. The scope of the development activity will be defined as we consolidate and review the Legacy Data Platform Requirements Survey results.

3. Is there a cross reference that recommend which staff should get access to the reports...PS, BM, CM?

This is determined by the college. There is a job report that you can run from legacy for who has access to what screens.

4. Any guideline on students that are also employees?

Student employees adhere to FERPA rules as with other apps.

Financial Aid

1. What is the future of the FAM system, and will access to it be impacted by this project?

Q: The Financial Aid Management (FAM) system used in connection with legacy screen 0000) is still being used by a few people at CCS to look up student financial aid information and activities from the past. What is the future of the FAM system, and will access to it be impacted by this project?

A: Access to the Financial Aid Management (FAM) system will not be impacted by this particular project. However, the hardware and infrastructure supporting FAM is aging and will need to be retired at some point in the near future. Once we’ve completed the Legacy Data Platform project, we’ll shift our focus to developing a plan for addressing FAM data access requirements.

3. Will the data in WCTCS for tools other than FAM, be downloaded and accessible by some other means by colleges?

Q: Will the data in WCTCS for tools other than FAM, be downloaded and accessible by some other means by colleges? As we often refer back to these for historical reference and records retention purposes.

A: As for your second question, the data will be available both in the LegacyLink application and migrated to SQL server. Each college will be provided with a complete copy of their data for research and archival purposes.