Inquiry Budget Details for Commitment Control
Purpose: View detailed information about a budget using the Commitment Control page in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CC Budget Inquiry
- ZZ CC Budget Entry
- ZZ Project Cost Entry-Maint
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
To view detailed information about a particular budget, use the Commitment Control Budget Details page, searching by key Chartfield values. This page is also available through the Budgets Overview component. Drill down from the Commitment Control Budget Details page to view:
- budget checking activity lines
- actual source transactions
- budget exceptions
- associated budgets
- parent-child relationships
- statistical budget details
- attributes of a particular budget
Inquiring on Budget Transactions
Navigation: Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Review Budget Detail
The Budget Details search page displays.
- Te Budgets Detail page page displays. Select your Business Unit.
Select the Ledger Group. The Ledger Group determines the level of information reported:
- CC_SUM reports at the summary (or roll-up).
- CC_ORG reports at the level used for budgeting meaning detail level.
- PROJECT_KK reports from the Grant/Project side at the summary (or roll-up) where as DETAIL_KK reports at the level used for budgeting meaning detail level.
- Select the Search button.

- Enter or select your Budget Chartfields details to search the budget. You can enter as many ChartField value to sort the search result.
- Enter or select the Budget Period.
- Select the Search button to populate the results below.
- Select the View Details link to drill into respective budget.
Fields left blank will pull all available values. You may see different Chartfield strings for your college because these Chartfields are coming from Budget definition, which is a local setup.
- Following is a the list of actions available on the Commitment Control Budget Details page:
- Drill to Ledger (green open book icon) - By clicking Drill to Ledger for any of the other ledger amounts, such as expense, encumbrance, or pre encumbrance, on the Commitment Control Budget Details page, you can access their related Ledger page.
- Drill to Activity Log (orange double arrow closed book icon) - Displays the budget activity lines on the Activity Log page. These lines consist of the Budget Chartfields and Amounts for each budget activity. The activity log page also enables you to inquire on and drill to budget transaction activity (source transaction detail).
- Attributes - Opens the Budget Detail Attributes page, where you can view the budget status, Commitment Control option, begin and end dates, and budget tolerance for the control budget.
- Parent/Children - Opens the Parent & Children Budgets page, where you can view ledger information for the child and parent budgets of this budget. This link is unavailable if the budget has no parent or child budgets defined for it.
- Budget Exceptions - This group box lists the number of errors and warnings that exist for the budget. Select the Budget Exceptions link to open the Budget Exceptions page, where you can view and override exceptions.
Select the Return to Inquiry Criteria link to return to the Budget Detail Overview page.
Optional to select the Grid Action Menu (spreadsheet icon) to select Download Budget Details Table to Excel for further analysis.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
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