Review Budget Exceptions by Budget Chartfield
Purpose: To review budget Chartfield exceptions in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CC Budget Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
This page is used to view and override control budget exceptions on a budget-by-budget basis. The page includes only budgets that have transactions with exceptions.
Review Budget Exceptions by Budget Chartfield
Navigation: Commitment Control > Review Budget Check Exceptions > Review KK Budget Exceptions
- The Budget Exceptions search page displays. Select the Business Unit if not already displayed.
- Select the Ledger Group.
- Select the Budget Period. Optional to enter additional search criteria to narrow results.
- Select the Search button to display the Search Results. Select an item to review.

- The Commitment Control Budget Exceptions page displays. Use it to review the Exception message and determine how to correct the error.
- Select the Drill Down icon to see the source transaction details. The Budget Journal Line Drill Down page will display.
- Review the details and select OK to return to close the window. Depending upon your security, optional to drill into the Journal by selecting the folder with red arrow icon next to the Journal ID number. Please follow QRG Common Budget Exceptions and Corrective Actions to take corrective action.
Select the Budget Override tab if you want to override the budget as a corrective action. Descriptions of fields on this tab:
Exception Type Displays the budget checking status of the transaction, either an Error or Warning exception.
- Error: Severe violations of budget rules that will not allow a transaction to pass budget check. It must be correct. Please follow QRG (Common Budget Exceptions and corrective actions)
- Warning: Minor errors that do not exceed budget rules and the transaction requires no further action. This is just FYI only.
Exception Type Displays the budget checking status of the transaction, either an Error or Warning exception.
- Exception - Description of the error or warning exception.
- Override Budget - Select to update the control budget ledger, even though the transaction exceeds the budget. The transaction override option is active only if all of the errors are able to be overridden and if you have proper security access.
- If you override Transaction or Budget, then you must do following action:
- Select the Save button.
- Select the Budget Check document button.
Please follow QRG Common Budget Exceptions and Corrective Actions to take corrective action.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
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