Closing or Reopening a Grant or Project at the Project or Activity Level
Purpose: Use this as a reference to close a Grant Contract Award at the 'Project' or 'Activity' levels and reopen/reactivate them in the ctcLink.
Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Awards Processing
- ZZ Awards Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Closing a Grant or Project
Suggested to never close a Contract. Once a Contract ID# is closed, it can never be opened again. Closing at the Project or Activity level is recommended.

Closing Best Practices
When should you close a Project or Activity?
You can control incoming transactions at the project or activity level. Projects and activities that have an inactive processing status do not appear in the prompt lists of PeopleSoft cost feeder systems. Inactivating a project or activity effectively shuts off the flow of all transactions to Project Costing for that particular project or activity. Projects/Activities can be inactive and then made active again if necessary.
When should you close a Contract?
It is rarely recommended that you close a Contract. Closing Contracts is a one way flow; once a Contract is closed it cannot be re-opened, which will limit your ability to bill for any previously unknown expenses or hinder clean-up efforts. There are no systems checks that prohibit you from changing the status of a contract from Pending to Closed. Closing at the Project or Activity level is recommended.
- Closing a Project or Activity ensures that no additional expenses or other transactions can occur for that Project or Activity.
- Before closing a Project or Activity, reconcile your actual expenses to reimbursements/revenues received. Make any adjustments needed prior to closing of the fiscal year and also the closing of project and/or activity. When a project or an activity is closed, no further adjustments can be made unless it is re-opened.
- In the Contract you can reduce the Billing Limit to zero and keep the Contract open in case a transaction is inadvertently associated with a project. It is best to keep Contracts active and close them at the Project or Activity level.
Navigation: Grants > Awards > Establish Project General Info
- On the Project General search page, enter or look up the Business Unit.
- Enter or look up the Project.
- Select Search. The Establish Project General /Info page will display. Make a note of the Project Schedule "End Date".
- On the General Information tab, select the Project Status link "Open". The Status Page will display.
- Select the plus sign [+] icon and select the "View 1 / View All" link to view all project statuses.
- The new Effective Date defaults to current date. Enter the Project Schedule "End Date" or a new "End Date".
- Use the lookup glass icon to select the Status "C" for Closed.
- Optional to add Comments or reasoning behind closing the Project.
- Select the Save button.
- Select the Return to Project General link.
If your new effective end date is after the Project End Date, you may receive a warning message. This warning is to inform you that the start and end date of the project was determined in the proposal. Select OK.

- Note that the Project Status link is now "Closed"
- Process complete.
- If you need to reopen a project you can do the same steps as above, but select status "Open (O)".
- It is suggested that the open date be the day after the close date.
- Projects can be closed and opened as many times as needed.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Closing or Reopening a Grant or Project. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Navigation: Grants > Awards > Update Project Activity
- On the Project Activity search page, enter or look up the Business Unit.
- Enter or look up the Project (or the Activity). Optional to other search criteria such as the Description to refine results.
- Select Search. The Project Activity page will display.
- On the General Information tab, select the Processing Status drop down arrow from Active to Inactive.
- Optional to add a Description or reasoning behind closing the Activity.
- Select the Save button.
- Note that the Processing Status is now "Inactive".
- Section complete.
- If you need to reopen an activity you can do the same steps as above, but select a status of "Active".
- Activities can be inactivated and reactivated as many times as needed.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Closing or Reopening a Grant or Project at the Activity Level. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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