9.2 3C Engine - Set Up 3C Event Definition for Waiving of V1 Verification (Odd Year)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to set up your 3C Event Definition for waiving V1 verification in ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid Staff
The user will create the Event Definition and then Assign Event 3C Groups to the Event ID. Events connect processes or field changes in the system to the assignment of specific 3C functions. The Set Up 3C Engine Event Definition page identifies which communications, comments and checklists will be assigned based on a system trigger.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZC FA Local Configuration
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZD FA Local Configuration
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Nav Bar > Navigator > Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Event Definition
- The Event Definition search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Enter the Event ID with the following naming convention FISFxxV1FW, where xx represents your institution's 3C convention.
Tip! Refer to your 2 letter school abbreviation using the link: https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79552/l/1039238-9-2-3c-configuration-campus-solutions-3cs-and-message-center-naming-conventions
- Select the Add button.

The Event Definition page displays. Enter the following fields:
- Effective Date - Input the earliest date the Event Definition can be used. Today’s date can be used.
- Status - The status needs to be set as "Active" for the Event Definition to be able to be used.
- Description - Event ID name; 30 characters max. It is recommended to use the Description: W-V1 Verification per DCL
- Short Description - 10 characters max. It is recommended to use the Short Description: W-V1F23
- Function - FINA
- In the Comments group box, in the Comment Category field enter: DCL
- OPTIONAL: Select the Comment Category Detail link.
- The Comments Detail pagelet displays. If desired, customize the comment to a year-specific comment. In this example, the specific DCL GEN is referenced. "V1 Verification requirements waiver per Dear Colleague Letter GEN 22-06". This step is optional, but will allow for customizing even-year and odd-year event definition comments.
- Select the OK button to return to the Event Definition page.

- In the Checklists group box, enter the odd year (2023) Checklist Code your institution uses to track V1 verification items. In this example, Green River College would enter FGR029. If you are a college that uses more than one V1 checklist (i.e., Dependent vs. Independent), enter all applicable ones by selecting the Add a New Row + button.
- Responsible ID - Enter the Responsible ID for your office.
- Update Status - Select this checkbox so that the Event Definition waives initiated Checklists.
- Item Status - Select Waived from the Item Status drop down list.
- Select the Save button.
- Process complete.
Tip! If you are entering in more than one Checklist Code, be sure to select the Update Status checkbox and the Item Status. It should be similar to the first entry. Use caution so as not to miss steps.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Event 3C Groups
- The Event 3C Group search page displays.
- Select the Advanced Search link.

- Enter the Academic Institution.
- Enter your institution’s Event Definition. In this example, Green River College enters FISFGRV1FW.
- Select Search.

- The Event 3C Groups page displays.
- In the Update/Inquiry Group group box, select the Add a New Row + two times.
Enter the following into the Group field:
- Select Save.
- Process complete.

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