Manage Pell Origination

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference on how to manage the Pell Origination process using ctcLink.

Audience:  Financial Aid staff

Use the Pell Origination page to review results of Pell origination.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Director
  • ZD FA Pell Prcs
  • ZD FA Pell Pymnt Prcs
  • ZZ FA Pell Prcs
  • ZZ FA Pell Processor

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Manage Pell Origination

Navigation:  Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment     

  1. The Pell Origination search page displays.
  2. Enter the ID.
  3. Enter Academic Institution.
  4. Enter Aid Year.
  5. Select the Search button.
  6. The Pell Origination tab displays.
  7. Use the Pell Information page to review or change the Pell processing status.
  8. The Pell Trans Stat (Pell transaction status) field is set to Ready if the Generate Pell Data process has not been run yet. Otherwise, the status should say Transmitted, indicating that the COD XML file has been created for this record during the Generate Pell Data process.
  9. The Pell Orig Stat (Pell origination status) field is set to Originate if the Generate Pell Data process has not be run yet. Otherwise, the status should say Transmitted, indicating that the COD XML file has been created for this record during the Generate Pell Data process.
  10. Select the Pell Info link.  
Pell Orignation tab
  1. The Pell Information page displays.
  2. Select the OK button.  
  3. The Pell Origination tab displays.
  4. Select the Orig Status link.  
  5. The Pell Orig Action Detail page displays.
  6. Select the Return link.  
  7. The Pell Origination page displays.
  8. Select the Setup Info tab.
  9. The Setup Info data displays.
  10. It shows additional origination information, such as the first date on which the student was enrolled in an eligible program, if the tuition and fees are low (low T&F flag), and the COA used to calculate the Pell award amount.
  11. Select the Other Information tab.
  12. The Other Information tab displays.
  13. It has additional origination information, such as the incarceration status (Incarcerated Student Code), or, if a change has been made, any previous ISIR transaction, SAI, or COA.
  14. Select the Pell Disbursement Tab.  
  15. The Pell Disbursement tab displays.
  16. Review the Disbursement Detail tab information.
  17. Select the COD Info Tab.  
  18. The COD Info tab displays.
  19. Review the COD Info tab information.
  20. Select the Pell DIsb/Career tab.
  21. Review the Disbursement Status and Action Code.  In this example, the Action Code is Accepted.
  22. The process to review the results of the Create Pell Origination is now complete.
  23. End of procedure.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Manage Pell Origination. This link will open in a new tab/window.