CS Core - Data Validation - Student Program/Plan & Degrees
Purpose: This document is to provide colleges instructions on how to perform the validation of data in the PeopleSoft environment.
Colleges are being asked to review data that was converted from the legacy environment to PeopleSoft. The goal of data validation is to ensure legacy data was accurately converted into PeopleSoft. College Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are included in data validation as a learning experience in navigating the PeopleSoft application, selecting records to review, and reporting issues discovered.
College executives are asked to support the time and effort expended by college SMEs necessary to complete the following:
- Develop a familiarity with navigating the relevant PeopleSoft menus and pages.
- Review selected records, comparing legacy data to the records as converted into PeopleSoft.
- Report issues discovered after careful review of converted data.
- Monitor resolution of reported issues for review in the next conversion testing round.
- Develop an approach for self-managing the data validation and issue reporting process in subsequent rounds of data conversion testing.
It is expected that College Data Validation SMEs will have already read the Data Validation Overview guides before beginning their validation activities:
This round of conversion validation includes the following areas:
- Student Program/Plan Stacks
- Student Degrees
Note: Degree Honors is covered in the Enrollment, Transfer Credit, and Transcript Text guide. Please see that guide for validation instructions of degree honors.
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN on the last day of the Data Validation Period. It is strong recommended that issues are reported EARLY in the validation period and are not held until the end of the period. Validation Results and Feedback are for reporting closure of the college's validation activities for the conversion cycle. To view a list of the validation periods please refer to the timeline topic in the Data Validation Overview - Getting Started Guide.
Questions regarding the data validation activities can be directed to a functional analyst or the Campus Solutions lead.
Campus Solutions Lead | Campus Solutions Project Manager |
Rebecca Poe
[email protected] (360)704-1062 |
John Henry Whatley
[email protected] (360)704-1060 |
CS Project Management |
In PeopleSoft, students must be active in an Academic Career, Program, and Plan in order to enroll and receive financial aid. This information has been populated based on each student’s history of Education Program Codes (EPCs) and enrollment. The sections below describe how each level is populated during conversion.
With each conversion cycle, the ctcLink Project Team will provide the EPC to Academic Plan crosswalk for each college. These are available in the Deployment Group’s Canvas course on the Student Program/Plan Validation page.
Students are converted to an Academic Career based on their legacy class enrollment. Students will have a separate Program/Plan Stack for each Career they enrolled in. This information is populated using the following logic:

After a student’s Academic Careers are determined, their full history of EPCs is converted into Program/Plan Stacks. The first step in gathering this information is to extract student EPC data from the following sources:
- SM5018 Each quarterly enrollment EPC (STU-YRQ-M)
- SM6009 Each EPC used to award completions (TRAN-DEGREE-D)
- SM5018 Intent code if no EPC on record (STU-YRQ-M)
- Applicants are converted as NOAWS Non-Award Seeking until they enroll at the college
Figure 1 SM5018 EPCs & Intent extracted for an individual student

Figure 2 SM5018 Intent extracted if no EPC

Using the full list of extracted EPCs, college SMEs then work with ctcLink project staff to configure equivalent Academic Plan codes. This setup is required in order to assign a student to a Plan. Once the Academic Plan codes are configured, a data crosswalk is populated which maps legacy EPCs to Academic Plan codes. This data crosswalk is used during conversion to create students’ Program/Plan Stacks.
Figure 3 Example of EPC to Academic Plan Crosswalk

When conversion is run, this crosswalk transforms a student’s EPC into a Program/Plan Stack. The following scenarios result:
Continuing Education
- Students who enrolled in Continuing Education classes are assigned to the Continuing Education Career (CNED), Program (CNTED), and generic Plan (CED).
- If your college also awards Continuing Education certifications, students may have additional CNED stacks.
Academic Career
- For each unique EPC a student was coded in legacy, a unique Program/Plan Stack is created in PeopleSoft. This may result in multiple Program/Plan Stacks being created for a single student. However, if the student was coded in the same EPC over multiple quarters, only one Program/Plan Stack will be created.
- Program/Plan Stacks are assigned a system-generated “Career Number.” For each Academic Career, this numbering begins with 0. These are assigned based on the earliest YRQ of the student’s EPC. The more recent an EPC, the higher the Career Number. If a student has enrolled at a live college, their Career Number will begin to increment off the last stack created.
- If no EPC or Intent code could be extracted for a student, they are assigned a Non-Award Seeking (NOAWS) Program/Plan Stack.
- If a student was awarded transfer credit for a YRQ prior to their earliest EPC, the earliest EPC will result in a backdated Program/Plan Stack. This is done to allow the transfer credit to convert successfully.
- If a student continued enrolling after receiving a degree but was under the same EPC, an additional Program/Plan Stack is created. This is done to allow the additional enrollments to convert.
- For selective admission and baccalaureate degrees, enrollment EPCs are automatically converted to the “PRQ” version of the Plan code. The ctcLink Project Team will work with each college to collect the list of students currently admitted to and enrolled in these degrees to ensure accurate coding in the “actual” Plan code.
- Beginning cycle 3, colleges provide a list of students to be assigned the state defined Student Attributes for Apprenticeship, WorkFirst, and Worker Retraining. A special process is run to assign these in conversion and can be validated as part of the Program/Plan activity.
Figure 4 Converted Program/Plan Stacks from a single college

Figure 5 Converted Program/Plan Stacks with both Academic and Continuing Education Careers

Figure 6 Converted Program/Plan Stacks on an Existing Record

Finally, after all students’ Program/Plan Stacks are created, a batch process is run to discontinue historic stacks. Students’ most recent Program/Plan is the only active stack remaining. This ensures the most accurate Plan is used for Term Activation, Financial Aid, and tuition calculation.
The following conditions were identified for this round of conversion:
- Multiple Student IDs in Legacy Students with multiple legacy SIDs are not converted to PeopleSoft.
The accuracy of student Program/Plan Stacks is critical to a successful go-live. This data impacts many downstream conversions and all modules in Campus Solutions, including Financial Aid, Student Financials, and Academic Advising. Data validators should complete a thorough review of converted Program/Plan Stacks and are recommended to validate the following areas:
- Verify students have been assigned to the correct Academic Career(s)
- Review at least 25% of currently enrolled students
- Review a variety of degrees and certificates
- Verify the discontinuation process successfully ran by validating a student’s most recent Program/Plan Stack at your college is active & is accurate for the student
- Verify student’s full EPC history has been converted to the correct Academic Program and Plan
The mapping information included in this section provides guidance for validating the student Career/Program/Plan conversion. SMEs are recommended to use a combination of validation methods to review this data, including running queries, viewing pages in PeopleSoft, and comparing to legacy screens. Please validate using the steps below.
Run the queries listed below as the first step in validation. These will help you identify students with a variety of Program/Plan Stack scenarios. Use the student IDs from your query results to continue with Step 2.
Navigate to Query Viewer:
Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer:
- Steps to Using Query Viewer
- *Make sure your pop-up blocker is off for this page*
- Enter the query name (see list below)
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Select prompts
- Click “View Results”
- Make note of student IDs for validation
- CTC_VAL_STDNTS_ACTV_IN_PLAN Students Active in an Academic Plan
- Use this query to identify the students that will be active in a particular Academic Plan at go-live
- CTC_VAL_STDNT_PROG_PLAN Converted Program/Plan Stacks
- Use this query to identify students who successfully converted for your college. Depending on the prompts you select, the results may be very large. If you receive the “Query Result Set too Large” message, simply click OK and select records from the list of students that was produced.
- CTC_VAL_STDNT_PROG_PLAN_HIST Program/Plan History for an Individual Student
- Use this query for a quick view of an individual student’s full history of converted Program/Plan Stacks.
Using the IDs you gathered in Step 1, you can review an individual student’s Program/Plan Stacks directly on the page. Navigation and tips on using the Student Program/Plan page are included in the sections below.
Navigate to the Student Program/Plan page:
Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
Steps to Search for Student Program/Plans:
- Enter the student’s ID or first and last name
- Click Search
TIP Search results display all program/plans stacks for the student, including stacks from other colleges the student has attended. Ensure you select the stack(s) applicable to your college.
What to Validate: Verify students were assigned to the correct Academic Career(s).

Using your search results from above, select through a student’s Program/Plan Stacks to review field values. Below are the fields to validate on the Student Program tab. Data should be reviewed for each of a student’s converted stacks.
Status: All Program/Plan Stacks are initially converted as active or completed if a degree was converted. Once all conversions were finished, a batch process was run to discontinue students’ historic stacks.
- What to Validate: Verify the student’s most recent EPC is the active stack, any awarded degree/certificates have a “completed” status, and that all historic stacks were discontinued.
Program - Taken from the Academic Program associated to the Plan code
- What to Validate: Verify the Program is correct for the Plan code assigned.
Admit Term - Admit term was populated based on the earliest YRQ the student was coded in this Program/Plan
- What to Validate: Verify the term accurately reflects the earliest YRQ the student was coded in this Program/Plan

Navigate to the Student Plan tab to review the student’s converted degrees and certificates. Below are the fields to validate. Data should be reviewed for each of a student’s converted stacks.
Academic Plan - Populates based on college crosswalk
- What to Validate: Verify the Academic Plan accurately reflects the EPC students were coded in legacy

All student degrees and certificates awarded through SM6009 are converted to PeopleSoft. In order to successfully convert, student degrees must have a valid EPC, YRQ, and Exit code. If a completion is missing any one of these values, it will fail to convert. Student degree data was extracted from TRAN-DEGREE-D and includes all alpha and numeric exit codes. Exit code 5, 7, and 8 are the only completions excluded for this conversion.
In PeopleSoft, a Program/Plan Stack must exist in order to award a student degree. Therefore, student degrees were converted to PeopleSoft using the same logic described in the student Program/Plan Stack conversion. An additional stack is created for each degree and certificate awarded. The conversion program “completes” the stack, leaving a status of “Completed Program.”
It is important to note, legacy degree titles are not converted to PeopleSoft. The official description for student’s degrees in PeopleSoft will come from the Academic Plan code their EPC was crosswalked to.
Figure 1 Completed Program/Plan Stack for awarded degree

The data crosswalk and conversion used for Program/Plan is also used for Student Degrees. Therefore, any known issues identified in Student Career/Program/Plan apply to Student Degrees as well. Please refer to that section for additional information.
Validators should complete a thorough validation of student degrees and are recommended to:
- Select at least 10 terms and verify at least 25% of degrees awarded during those terms converted successfully
- Review completions from across many Academic Programs (ex. Professional Technical, Academic, Baccalaureate)
- Review completions from at least 10 specific degrees and certificates
- Verify the degree titles for students accurately reflects the completion awarded in legacy
- If your college awards certifications in the Continuing Education Career, verify those converted correctly
The mapping information included in this section provides guidance for validating the student degrees conversion. SMEs are recommended to use a combination of validation methods to review this data, including running queries, viewing pages in PeopleSoft, and comparing to legacy screens. Please validate using the steps below.
Run the queries listed below as the first step in validation. These will help you identify students with a variety of degree scenarios. Use the student IDs from your query results to continue with Step 2.
Navigate to Query Viewer:
Navigator >Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Steps to Using Query Viewer
- *Make sure your pop-up blocker is off for this page*
- Enter the query name (see list below)
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Select prompts
- Click “View Results”
- Make note of student ID’s for validation
- Use this query to identify student degrees awarded for a specific Academic Plan code.
- Use this query to identify all degrees and certificates awarded during a particular term.
- Use this query for a quick view of an individual student’s list of awarded degrees and certificates.
Using the IDs you gathered in Step 1, you can review an individual student’s converted degrees and certificates directly on the Student Degrees page. Navigation and tips on using the Student Degrees page are included below.
Navigate to the Student Degree page:
Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees
- Steps to Search for a Student:
- Enter the student’s ID or first and last name
- Click Search
TIP - Degrees are sorted by type of completion awarded (aka type of certificate or degree awarded). Use the [>] button or click “View All” to review a student’s full record of completions. Below are the fields to validate.
Degree Tab:
- Degree - Validate each of the student’s legacy degrees and certificates converted successfully
- Completion Term - Verify the YRQ used to award each completion translated to the correct term
- Confer Date - This date displays on a student’s transcript as the date the degree was awarded. The value is taken from your college’s Academic Calendar in PeopleSoft.

Degree Plan Tab:
- Acad Plan - Verify all degrees converted from legacy
- Transcript Description - Verify the description accurately reflects the legacy degree awarded

You can also validate converted degrees by reviewing the applicable Program/Plan Stack. Navigate to the Student Program/Plan Page:
Navigator > Records & Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
- Steps to Search for Student Program/Plans:
- Enter the student’s ID or first and last name
- Click Search
TIP Search results display all Program/Plans Stacks for the student, including stacks from other colleges the student has attended. Ensure you select the applicable stack(s).
Student Program Tab:
Below are the fields to validate on the Student Program tab. Data should be reviewed for each of a student’s converted stacks.
Status - Converted degrees and certificates will display “Completed in Program”
- What to Validate: Verify the correct stacks were completed out
- Program Action - Converted degrees
Program - Taken from the Academic Program associated to the Plan code
- What to Validate: Verify the Program is correct for the Plan code assigned

Student Plan Tab:
Navigate to the Student Plan tab to review the student’s converted degrees and certificates. Below are the fields to validate. Data should be reviewed for each of a student’s converted degrees.
Academic Plan - Populates based on college crosswalk
- What to Validate: Verify the Academic Plan accurately reflects the EPC students were coded in legacy

Student Degrees Tab:
Navigate to the Student Degrees. Below are the fields to validate. Data should be reviewed for each of a student’s converted degrees.
- Degree Checkout Status - Completed degrees should display a status of “Degree Awarded”
Completion Term - This field is populated based on the YRQ used to award the degree or certificate
- What to Validate: Verify the correct term has been populated

College Data Validation SMEs will communicate any conversion issues they encounter during their data validation via the Oracle Test Manager (OTM) application. The ctcLink Testing Team will provide OTM orientation materials before the data validation period for any College Data Validation SMEs who are not familiar with the tool. Please refer to the Data Validation Overview - Reporting Issues guide for more information on using OTM.
When logging a new issue in OTM related to data being validated through this guide, remember to use the following values for these specific required fields in your issue.
- Summary: (Provide a title for the issue discovered)
- Assigned To: Rebecca Poe
- Status: (Leave as NEW)
- College or Location : (Specify the college or district)
- Priority: (Leave blank - not used)
Also, upon completion of data validation, please ensure feedback has been logged in OTM.
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