CS - Data Validation - Student Financials
Purpose: This document is to provide colleges instructions on how to perform the validation of data in the PeopleSoft environment.
Colleges are being asked to review data that was converted from the legacy environment to PeopleSoft. The goal of data validation is to ensure legacy data was accurately converted into PeopleSoft. College Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are included in data validation as a learning experience in navigating the PeopleSoft application, selecting records to review, and reporting issues discovered.
College executives are asked to support the time and effort expended by college SMEs necessary to complete the following:
- Develop a familiarity with navigating the relevant PeopleSoft menus and pages.
- Review selected records, comparing legacy data to the records as converted into PeopleSoft.
- Report issues discovered after careful review of converted data.
- Monitor resolution of reported issues for review in the next conversion testing round.
- Develop an approach for self-managing the data validation and issue reporting process in subsequent rounds of data conversion testing.
It is expected that College Data Validation SMEs will have already read the Data Validation Overview guides before beginning their validation activities:
This round of conversion validation includes the following areas:
- Customer Account
- Service Indicators
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN on the last day of the Data Validation Period. It is strong recommended that issues are reported EARLY in the validation period and are not held until the end of the period. Validation Results and Feedback are for reporting closure of the college's validation activities for the conversion cycle. To view a list of the validation periods please refer to the timeline topic in the Data Validation Overview - Getting Started Guide.
Questions regarding the data validation activities can be directed to the Functional Analyst or Student Financials Lead.
Charles Velasquez- Student Financials Functional Analyst
- [email protected]
- 360-704-3995
Spencer Egbert- Student Financials Functional Analyst
- [email protected]
- 360-704-3960
Charles Sapien- Student Financials Functional Analyst
All student charges, payments (including Financial Aid), and waivers detail showing on BM1625 for Summer term C121 to Spring C124 are converted to PeopleSoft. Student customer account data was extracted from CUST-ACTV-D table.
In PeopleSoft, An EMPLID must exist in order for conversion transactions to post to a student’s customer account. Excluded transactions include the following:
- If customer type does not equal ‘S’
- Payment method is ‘Void’
- Charge amount is equal to 0 (zero)
Customer Account Activity
Student account transaction details are converted based on deployment group go live dates. Students will have account information for balance forward transactions, rolled up summary of outstanding balances outside of detail window, and/or detail transactions. This information is populated using the following logic:
Transactions on Legacy Account | PeopleSoft Transactions Converted To |
Cycle 3 Captured transactions through Spring
2022 (cutoff date 7/20) |
Detail for current Fin Aid year For Cycle 3 this will be (Summer 2021 to Spring 2022 (C124) (4 terms) |
Prior to Summer term of current Fin Aid Year (C121) Summer 2021 | Balance Forward (1098T Eligible or 1098T
Ineligible) |
Figure 1 BM1625 Customer Account Activity
Using the full list of extracted Fee Codes and FAPCs, college SMEs then work with ctcLink project staff to configure equivalent Item Types. This setup is required in order to apply charges, payments (including Financial Aid) & waivers. Once the necessary item types are configured, ctcLink Project Functional Analysts log into PeopleSoft to populate the data crosswalks. The data crosswalk used for this conversion maps Legacy Fee Codes and FAPCs to item types.
Figure 2 Example of Fee Code and FAPCs to Item Type Crosswalk

When conversion is run, this crosswalk transforms a student’s Fee Codes & FAPCs into Item Types. The following scenarios result:
- Conv: Resident Tuition
- Conv: Non-Resident Tuition
Term Fees, Class Fees or Miscellaneous Fees
- Most cases will be a one for one match.
- Technology Fee = Conv: Technology Fee
- Biology Class Fee = Conv: Biology Class Fee
- Parking Citation = Conv: Parking Citation
- Most cases will be a one for one match.
Outstanding Charges Outside of Detail Timeline
- Conv: Bal Frwd 1098T Elig
- Conv: Bal Frwd 1098T NonElig
Figure 3 Converted Customer Account
The following conditions were identified for this round of conversion:
- Missing Crosswalk data (Fee Codes & FAPCs) these are not included and will have fallen out of the data load
- There were some Delta’s that were filled with a temporary value so the account as a hole can be validated. (Crosswalks utilized attached below for your reference. Columns B & C demonstrate the Legacy to Item type relationship. Other columns are some item type attributes and notes. (no harm in sharing with you, but not the focus).
- Cross-pillar (SF/AR) transactions
- Ensure reliability of data and to reduce duplication, if any, that may occur.
- Careful attention to the type of data within the Legacy extract files for AR is needed to ensure the appropriate data is not duplicated in both SF and Finance in PS.
See Canvas for your College Item Type Crosswalks.
The accuracy of student accounts is critical to a successful go-live. This data impacts post go live activities such as Dual Processing, 1098Ts, and payment of outstanding charges. Data validators should complete a thorough review of converted student account data and are recommended to validate the following areas:
For Cycle 2 we are requiring a 1% validation of all accounts. We are encouraging a ¾ effort emphasis on the accounts that say “Match” in column I. This is so you see and understand what a matching conversion will look like, and there may still be meaningful updates to be made there. You can still validate the other accounts, however we know there is an issue there as we explained.
- The minimum validation percentage needs to cover the following transaction types
- Charges
- Payments (including Financial Aid)
- Refunds
- Waivers
- Student overall balance
- Balance Forward 1098T Eligible & 1098T Ineligible
- Financial Aid refunds as reflected in FAEXP data
- The minimum validation percentage needs to cover the following transaction types
The mapping information included in this section provides guidance for validating the customer account conversion. SMEs are recommended to use a combination of validation methods to review this data, including running queries, viewing pages in PeopleSoft, and comparing to legacy screens. Please validate using the steps below.
Excel workbooks have been created for your respective college. Which contain the total number of converted students. These workbooks also have the converted dollar amount, converted balance, and legacy balance for each student. The Legacy balance is based on a BM1625 extract from C121 and greater. So older open charges would not show in the Legacy balance column, however there is a column that is Peoplesoft balance less older transactions (less than C121). That way we can compare the two fields. There is an indication of “Match” or “Over/Under” in column “I”. With this workbook, you could jump right into comparing Legacy Screens to Peoplesoft screens, but there are some queries at your disposal as well.
See Canvas for your college Comparison Workbook
**Run the queries listed below as to aid in validation. The first query will provide you name and Legacy to Peoplesoft ID. The second query will show you detailed transactions.
Navigate to Query Viewer:
Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Steps to Using Query Viewer
- *Make sure your pop-up blocker is off for this page*
- Enter the query name (see list below)
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Select prompts
- Click “View Results”
- Make note of student IDs for validation
- Use this query to identify students who successfully converted for your college. This query includes student name.
- Use this query for a quick view of all students full account history, with the option to narrow it to one student and/or one term. Also use this query to identify students who successfully converted for your college. Depending on the prompts you select, the results may be very large. If you receive the “Query Result Set too Large” message, simply click OK and select records from the list of students that was produced. The last check box if in reference to the optional checkbox to isolate to FA Refund and Fin Aid item types. (used in validating FAEXP)
Navigate to Query Viewer:
Main Menu >Reporting Tools >Query >Query Scheduler or you can select Schedule from the said query in query viewer:
This will ask you to create a run control. This can be named what you would like. Suggestion use your Business Unit (example WA062). Ensure you have the query selected and enter the Business Unit Prompt. Then hit Run or OK (depending on path you took).

Select OK
When the process finishes, which should just take a minute. You can locate the results by going to the Report manager.
Main Menu >Reporting Tools >Report Manager.
It should stick out as the only report available:
Once you click the link there should be .CSV file available for download.

Use this query to identify students who successfully converted for your college. This query includes student name.
Using the IDs you gathered in Step 1, you can review an individual student’s Customer Account directly on the page. Navigation and tips on using the Student Customer Account page are included in the sections below.
Navigate to the Review Customer Account page:
Main Menu -> Student Financials -> View Customer Accounts
- Steps to Search for Student Customer Accounts:
- Enter Business Unit: WAXXX
- Enter the student’s ID or Last and/or First Name from query #1
- Click Search
- Once on the Customer Account page click the Account Details link
Note: Payments show as negative values in PeopleSoft
What to Validate:
- Legacy Fee Code matches PeopleSoft item type description
- Charge amounts
- Legacy Payment Method matches PeopleSoft item type description
- Payment amounts
- Term
Using Query #2 from list above:
Compare the Excel spreadsheet (PeopleSoft data) to the Legacy BM1625 screen
What to Validate:
- Legacy Fee Code matches PeopleSoft item type description (We know some won’t this time around, but need updated crosswalks to address this)
- Charge amounts
- Legacy Payment Method matches PeopleSoft item type description
- Payment amounts
- Term
You will need to run a DATAX to obtain the FAEXP values in mass:
Alternatively you could just visit the BM1614 screen.
Talk to your IT (Legacy Report writers) DATAX with the following:
Included records with the following FA-SRC
- F Financial Aid Check Request Screen
- C Funds Management Checks

Compare FAEXP results or BM1614 to the PeopleSoft CTC_VAL_SF_CNV_VALIDATIONquery.
To Isolate to FA Refunds and Financial aid check the FAEXP Focus Box.
All aid will be returned, but you should be able to match up amount that went to FA Refund.
What to Validate:
- That the FAPC matches the PeopleSoft Item Type description
- That you have a Conv: FAEXP Refund (description to be updated to Conv: FA Refund) amount(s) and an offsetting FA disbursed amount(s) (award specific)
- PeopleSoft will roll up FAPC amounts on surface. (appear summed)
PeopleSoft service indicators (also referred to as holds in student self-service) can be used to restrict or enable services to students. For example, a service indicator could be assigned to prevent a student from enrolling in classes. A service indicator could also be placed to indicate expected third-party funding to cover tuition and fees (considered to be a positive or descriptive service indicator).
In legacy, holds or descriptors are assigned to students with an Unusual Action code (UA) and an associated Year Quarter code (YRQ) on the SM5003 screen. Unusual Action codes that are punitive will be converted to a PeopleSoft service indicator code and reason based on crosswalks maintained by the Project Team. Data for this conversion is extracted from the legacy records UNUSUAL-ACTN-D. Use the SM5021 screen to view Unusual Action code descriptions and determine if the UA is punitive.
In PeopleSoft, when a service indicator is assigned to a student it can be effective for a specific term, date range, or both. The legacy YRQ Z999 will convert to the PeopleSoft term “9999” along with a start date. The first day available from your legacy YRQ setup table will be selected. For example, Clark College had used Z999 for some punitive unusual actions and it converted to the 9999 term with a start date of 1/2/1968.
When assigning a service indicator, staff will first select the code, then they will select one of the available reasons. For example, an admissions hold with a code of A01 can have multiple reasons such as INFO (student missing information) or UAGE (student under 18). It is possible to map multiple legacy unusual action codes to a single service indicator code and reason combination.
Only punitive Unusual Action codes are considered in the conversion process. Any non-punitive UAs will not be converted to Service Indicators.
If a punitive Unusual Action code is mapped to an empty value or not present in the crosswalk, it will be excluded from conversion. A list of college-specific excluded UAs will be provided for review.
For this Student Financials specific validation, we ask that you take a look at the list for each of your Student Financials related Unusual Action codes.
Questions to ask while performing validation:
- Does the number of students look correct?
- Are the UAs mapped to the correct service indicators?
- Are the indicators assigned for the correct terms?
Remember that these indicators and their mapping will impact your office’s business processes. This validation, in addition to COREs service indicator validation, is to help you take a more targeted look at SF indicators.
The mapping information included in this section provides step-by-step guidance for validating service indicators. The ctcLink Project team has created a PeopleSoft query to identify applicable students. You can validate indicators using this query as well as navigating to the PeopleSoft page where this information is housed. Navigation for pages applicable to this validation is provided in the steps below. Conversion results should be compared to the legacy screen SM5003.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_SF_VAL_SRVC_IND
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Enter your institution code
- You may also enter your service indicator code or the legacy unusual action code value. If you’d like to return all service indicators, leave these boxes blank and keeping your institution code populated.
- Click View Results
Navigate to Manage Service Indicators: Navigator > Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Manage Service Indicators
- Steps to view individual students indicator status:
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click search
Navigate to Audit Service Indicators:
- Navigator Campus Community Service Indicators (Student) Audit Service Indicators
- Steps to generate a list of students with a specific Service Indicator. *This is the best method to validate your college data.
- Enter Service Indicator Code
- Enter Reason or leave blank to return all results for the Indicator
- Enter Institution
- Click Search
- Steps to generate a list of students with a specific Service Indicator. *This is the best method to validate your college data.
Audit Service Indicators Screen
Legacy Unusual Action Screen
College Data Validation SMEs will communicate any conversion issues they encounter during their data validation via the Oracle Test Manager (OTM) application. The ctcLink Testing Team will provide OTM orientation materials before the data validation period for any College Data Validation SMEs who are not familiar with the tool. Please refer to the Data Validation Overview - Reporting Issues guide for more information on using OTM.
When logging a new issue in OTM related to data being validated through this guide, remember to use the following values for these specific required fields in your issue entry under the project tied to this Deployment Group and CS Data Validation Cycle:
- Summary: (Provide a title for the issue discovered)
Assigned To: select the functional analyst responsible for the specific conversion
- Customer Accounts = Charles Velasquez
- Service Indicators = Spencer Egbert
- Status: (Leave as NEW)
- College or Location : (Specify the college or district)
- Priority: (Leave blank - not used)
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