CS - Data Validation - Other Student Records
Purpose: This document is to provide colleges instructions on how to perform the validation of data in the PeopleSoft environment.
Colleges are being asked to review data that was converted from the legacy environment to PeopleSoft. The goal of data validation is to ensure legacy data was accurately converted into PeopleSoft. College Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are included in data validation as a learning experience in navigating the PeopleSoft application, selecting records to review, and reporting issues discovered.
College executives are asked to support the time and effort expended by college SMEs necessary to complete the following:
- Develop a familiarity with navigating the relevant PeopleSoft menus and pages from the NavBar.
- Review selected records, comparing legacy data to the records as converted into PeopleSoft.
- Report issues discovered after careful review of converted data.
- Monitor resolution of reported issues for review in the next conversion testing round.
- Develop an approach for self-managing the data validation and issue reporting process in subsequent rounds of data conversion testing.
It is expected that College Data Validation SMEs will have already read the Data Validation Overview guides before beginning their validation activities:
This round of conversion validation includes the following areas:
- Academic Standing
- Service Indicators
- Student Groups
- Test Scores
Note: Quarterly Honors & Awards is covered in the Enrollment, Transfer Credit, and Transcript Text guide. Please see that guide for validation instructions of Quarterly Honors & Awards.
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN on the last day of the Data Validation Period. It is strong recommended that issues are reported EARLY in the validation period and are not held until the end of the period. Validation Results and Feedback are for reporting closure of the college's validation activities for the conversion cycle. To view a list of the validation periods please refer to the timeline topic in the Data Validation Overview - Getting Started Guide.
Campus Solutions Functional Analysts | Campus Solutions Lead | Campus Solutions Project Manager | |
Kyrsten Catlin
[email protected] (360)704-4393 |
Matt Sargent
[email protected] (360)704-3901 |
Rebecca Poe
[email protected] (360)704-1062 |
John Henry Whatley
[email protected] (360)704-1060 |
Campus Solutions Lead | CS Project Management |
Colleges have the option to convert student Academic Standing statuses by providing this data in a file to be loaded to PeopleSoft. Statuses are converted to the student’s Academic Standing page in PeopleSoft. These can be used for batch processing once your college goes live.
If your college utilizes unusual action codes for punitive measures, these are converted to an equivalent Service Indicator. Please see section for Service Indicators to validate converted punitive unusual actions.
A student’s Academic Standing status for a given term is only converted if the student has enrollment in that term. Any standing statuses provided for a term where the student has no enrollment will be excluded from conversion.
Academic Standing conversion is impacted by upstream conversions including Bio/Demo and Enrollment. Conversion issues will be addressed in these validation activities.
Your validation process should confirm your legacy data submitted in your college file converted correctly to PeopleSoft Academic Standing page. It is recommended to validate a broad range of Academic Standing scenarios:
- Select at least 10 terms and validate at least 25% of Academic Standings were converted correctly
- Review students with a variety of Academic Standings for each term
The mapping information included in this section provides step-by-step guidance for validating Academic Standing. The ctcLink Project team has created a PeopleSoft query to identify applicable students. You can validate Academic Standing along with the corresponding Service Indicator assigned using this query as well as navigating to the PeopleSoft pages where this information is housed. Navigation for pages applicable to this validation is provided in the steps below. Conversion results should be compared to the legacy screen SM5003 and your submitted Academic Standing file.
Navigate to Query Viewer: NavBar Icon > Navigator Icon > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_ACAD_STANDING
- Click Search.
- Click the Run to Excel option
- Enter your Institution code
- Enter Term by clicking the lookup glass
- Click View Results
- TIP: This query provides all students assigned Academic Standing. If you would like to look up individual students with either their legacy or ctcLink ID, you may also do that with this query.
Navigate to Academic Standing: Main Menu Records and Enrollment Student Term Information Term History (5th tab is Academic Standing)
- Steps to view student Academic Standing:
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click search
- Use the [>] button to find the Academic Standing Action you are validating
- TIP: Validate the term of the converted Standing matched the legacy YRQ
What to Validate
Using the Query results or data from the Academic Standing table in PeopleSoft, verify these fields to the Optional File you provided:
- Term = YRQ in legacy
- Academic Standing Action = Your college converted data based on file submitted
- TIP: Click arrows or View All to validate all Standing Actions assigned
Academic Standing page in PS the 5th tab in Term History
PeopleSoft service indicators (also referred to as holds in student self-service) can be used to restrict or enable services to students. For example, a service indicator could be assigned to prevent a student from enrolling in classes. A service indicator could also be placed to indicate expected third-party funding to cover tuition and fees (considered to be a positive or descriptive service indicator).
In legacy, holds or descriptors are assigned to students with an Unusual Action code (UA) and an associated Year Quarter code (YRQ) on the SM5003 screen. Unusual Action codes that are punitive will be converted to a PeopleSoft service indicator code and reason based on crosswalks maintained by the Project Team. Data for this conversion is extracted from the legacy records UNUSUAL-ACTN-D. Use the SM5021 screen to view Unusual Action code descriptions and determine if the UA is punitive.
In PeopleSoft, when a service indicator is assigned to a student it can be effective for a specific term, date range, or both. The legacy YRQ Z999 will convert to the PeopleSoft term “9999” along with a start date. The first day available from your legacy YRQ setup table will be selected. For example, Clark College had used Z999 for some punitive unusual actions and it converted to the 9999 term with a start date of 1/2/1968.
When assigning a service indicator, staff will first select the code, then they will select one of the available reasons. For example, an admissions hold with a code of A01 can have multiple reasons such as INFO (student missing information) or UAGE (student under 18). It is possible to map multiple legacy unusual action codes to a single service indicator code and reason combination.
Only punitive Unusual Action codes are considered in the conversion process. Any non-punitive UAs will not be converted to Service Indicators.
If a punitive Unusual Action code is mapped to an empty value or not present in the crosswalk, it will be excluded from conversion. A list of college-specific excluded UAs will be provided for review.
Your validation process should confirm that punitive unusual action codes from SM5003 converted to a PeopleSoft service indicator as mapped on the crosswalk. It is recommended to validate a broad range of service indicator scenarios:
- Subject matter experts from Admissions, Student Records, Financial Aid and Student Financials should select at least 5 terms and validate a minimum of 25% of service indicators.
- Validate the Unusual Action converted to the correct service indicator and reason code.
- Validate the YRQ converted to the correct PeopleSoft term.
The mapping information included in this section provides step-by-step guidance for validating service indicators. The ctcLink Project team has created a PeopleSoft query to identify applicable students. You can validate indicators using this query as well as navigating to the PeopleSoft page where this information is housed. Navigation for pages applicable to this validation is provided in the steps below. Conversion results should be compared to the legacy screen SM5003
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_SRVC_IND
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Enter your institution code
- Enter Service Indicator Code Name or use look up glass to choose from list. You can leave this blank if you would like to return all indicators.
- Click View Results
Navigate to Manage Service Indicators: Navigator > Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Manage Service Indicators
- Steps to view individual students indicator status:
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click search
Navigate to Audit Service Indicators: Navigator > Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Audit Service Indicators
- Steps to generate a list of students with a specific Service Indicator. *This is the best method to validate your college data.
- Enter Service Indicator Code
- Enter Reason or leave blank to return all results for the Indicator
- Enter Institution
- Click Search
Audit Service Indicators Screen

Legacy Unusual Action Screen
Student groups can be used to designate a population of students by any criteria such as demographic, academic program, athletics, veteran status etc. Similar to legacy, student groups will be assigned by college staff for the purpose of SBCTC enrollment monitoring and reporting. Colleges will also create locally defined student groups for their own reporting needs.
Student groups beginning with S are defined by SBCTC and used for state-level reporting. The state defined student groups are converted from legacy Fee Pay Status, Veteran Benefit codes and Unusual Action codes.
College defined student groups are converted from an excel file populated by your college with the ID’s, student group and Year-Quarter Code (YRQ) to be assigned for each student. In the conversion process the YRQ will be transformed to the first day of that term. A YRQ of Z999 will be converted to the first day of the student’s most recent active term. A blank YRQ field in the excel file will not convert, and the student will not be assigned a Student Group. If a duplicate student group is assigned to an ID in the file, only one date will convert. The PeopleSoft student group is activated and inactivated using a date only, there is no associated term field.
Review the attached spreadsheet below for a list of all state defined student groups and the conversion criteria if applicable.

A student must have a valid program for student groups to convert.
If a student was assigned the same student group code in the college-provided file more than once, only one student group and effective date will be assigned in the conversion process.
Your validation efforts should confirm that college defined student groups were converted with the correct effective date based on the student group excel file. Also validate student group conversions dependent on Fee Pay Status, Veteran Benefit code or Unusual Action code.
- Select at least 5 terms and validate a minimum of 25% of the student groups assigned
Student group conversion can be validated by comparing PeopleSoft data (generated by a query) to legacy screens, and the file containing local student group data for your college. The query CTC_VAL_STUDENT_GROUPS contains both the legacy and PeopleSoft student ID.
In addition to the query, student group data can also be viewed directly in PeopleSoft pages. See the directions below for these validation methods.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STUDENT_GROUPS
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Enter your institution code
- Enter student group Name
- Click View Results
- TIP: Leave group name blank to return ALL student groups assigned and filter each through the excel spreadsheet.
Navigate to Student Groups: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Groups
- Steps to view individual student group:
- Enter a student ID
- Click search
- TIP: A student could have more than one student group assigned, you can click the arrows at the top to view each one.
What to Validate:
Compare the PeopleSoft student group data to the student group excel file submitted by your college, and the various legacy screens containing the conversion fields. Refer to SM5017 for Fee Pay Status and Veteran Benefit Code. Refer to SM5003 for student Unusual Action codes. Verify these fields:
- Academic Institution = Your Institution
- Effective Date = the first day of the term for a YRQ
- Student Group = Correct legacy status (Fee Pay Status, Unusual Action, Vet Benefit) or student group provided in the optional excel file
Individual Student Group page

Navigate to View Student Groups by Student: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > View Student Groups by Student
- Steps to view all students assigned to a specific group:
- Enter Academic Institution
- Enter the specific Student Group or click the look up glass to choose
- Click search
- Click the Get Results button to return all students
- Click “Details” for any student you would like to validate Student Group page data *on right side of grid
- TIP: You can follow same instructions listed in Step 2 above to validate
Students by Group Name page 1

Students by Group Name page 2
Student test scores are converted via an external file provided by the colleges. This data was populated to the Test Results page in PeopleSoft.
Common conversion issues include:
- Multiple Student PeopleSoft IDs that match incoming Test Score
- Test Score out of range for the Test Component
- Test ID or Test Component used in the college file did not match the PeopleSoft configuration
- Different test scores for the same Test ID, Component and Date
- Only one test score per test date is allowed
- Students with a bio/demo record only from FAM or the SF conversion pull will not have test scores loaded
- If a student took the same placement test at another institution on the same date, test data may be overwritten by converting colleges
Your validation process should confirm your legacy data submitted in your college file converted correctly to PeopleSoft Test Results page. It is recommended to validate a broad range of students with test scores:
- Validate at least 25% of Test Scores were converted correctly.
- This includes Test ID and its corresponding Test Component, Test Date and the Test Score.
The mapping information included in this section provides guidance for validating Test Scores. Due to Test Scores being global, it is recommended to use the students in your supplemental file to validate in the conversion environment.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Navigate to the Query Viewer page
- Use the following queries to assist with your college validation:
- CTC_VAL_TEST_SCORES Returns select students from your college with Test Scores in PeopleSoft, based on a variety of optional criteria entered into the query prompts.
- Note: Since Test scores are global, this query will also show existing test scores or scores converted from other colleges in addition to those converted from your college.
- CTC_VAL_PS_ID_LOOKUP Based on the legacy ID entered, returns the PeopleSoft ID of a student from your college Test Score file.
- CTC_VAL_TEST_SCORES Returns select students from your college with Test Scores in PeopleSoft, based on a variety of optional criteria entered into the query prompts.
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Enter values into the prompts as needed
- The CTC_VAL_TEST_SCORES query requires an institution code prompt to filter results to PeopleSoft records that have test scores and are associated with your college. You can click on the look-up tool if you do not know your institution code.
- The CTC_VAL_TEST_SCORES query provides additional optional prompts to narrow results further. Please note that in order to prompt on a Component, you must first select the applicable Test ID.
6. Click "View Results"
Navigate to Test Results: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Test Results
- Navigate to the Test Result page
- Enter the Student’s PeopleSoft ID
- Click Search
- Click on View All or scroll between pages to view all Test IDs for a college
What to Validate:
Using the Query results or data from the Test Results page in PeopleSoft, compare the following fields to your college’s Test Score file submission or the legacy Test Scores screen SD1002
- Test ID = Name of Test (example: SBA)
- Test Component = Section of Test taken (example: SBAEP)
- Score = Placement or score you decided from the college specified bucket in SD1002.
- Test Date= Date provided in the optional file based on your college conversion of the month/year in SD1002
*Tip: Click arrows or View All to validate all Tests for each student
PeopleSoft Test Results Page
Legacy SD1002 Test Score Page
College Data Validation SMEs will communicate any conversion issues they encounter during their data validation via the Oracle Test Manager (OTM) application. The ctcLink Testing Team will provide OTM orientation materials before the data validation period for any College Data Validation SMEs who are not familiar with the tool. Please refer to the Data Validation Overview - Reporting Issues guide for more information on using OTM.
When logging a new issue in OTM related to data being validated through this guide, remember to use the following values for these specific required fields in your issue entry under the project tied to this Deployment Group and CS Data Validation Cycle:
- Summary: (Provide a title for the issue discovered)
Assigned To: select the functional analyst responsible for the specific conversion
- Student Groups, Service Indicators, Academic Standing = Matt Sargent
- Test Scores = Kyrsten Catlin
- Status: (Leave as NEW)
- College or Location : (Specify the college or district)
- Priority: (Leave blank - not used)
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