FIN: Local Configuration Guide - Accounts Receivable
This document contains the configuration decisions made and values to be used in deployment of the Receivables module of Oracle’s PeopleSoft Financials Supply Chain Management (FIN) 9.2 application. As such, all additional documentation must be in agreement with the related items described herein. Should conflict arise with information contained in another document, the data in this document shall be considered valid and that of the other shall be deemed incorrect.
The Local FIN Receivables Configuration Guide explains the necessary tables needed to setup receivables processing in the PeopleSoft system. The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all tables.
Identify receivables specialists.
The security and role permission setup has been revamped. Rather than assign individuals to a specific “title” (ie. AR_SPECIALIST), permissions are set up by task or function.
Assign roles to individuals by task or function.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Credit/Collections > AR Specialist
Security: ZC AR Support
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Here are the screenshot, navigation and security roles to the setup for the Receivables Specialist role:

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > People Tools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles
The security administrator at each school should be able to assign the below roles. The security roles needed to perform AR are:
- ZZ_AR_Entry - allows the user to create items (receivables)
- ZZ_AR_Processing - allows the user to adjust/process, create customer statements
- ZZ_AR_Reports - allows the user to run AR reports, ie. Aging, Business Unit Activity, etc.
- ZZ AR Customer Maintenance - allows the user to adjust the customer account (write-off, refunds,etc)
- ZZ_AR Workcenter - allows the user to perform most functions from 1 place (the workcenter)
- ZZ_AR_Apply_Payments - User can apply payments to outstanding open receivables
- ZD_AR_Inquiry - User can inquire/troubleshoot AR issues
- ZD_AR_Read_Only - Allows user to review AR information
SpeedType Setup for Finance - AR
- Users often have common transactions in which they must enter the same combination of ChartField values repeatedly.
By creating shortcut keys called SpeedTypes for these frequently used combinations of ChartFields, users can:
- create transactions more efficiently
- reduce errors
- save time towards greater productivity overall
- reduce amount of keystrokes used to process transactions
SpeedTypes are a local configuration - each college will have their own unique set of chartfield distributions for each of their speedtypes

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design Chartfields > Define Values > SpeedTypes
- ZD GL Central Config Inquiry
- ZD GL Local Config Inquiry
- ZZ GL Local Configuration
- ZZ General Ledger Reports
Component: SPEEDTYPE
Action: A/UD
Define a Receivables business unit. Receivables business units will be configured at the district level to allow for grouping of transactions and security administration at the district level.
The AR business unit definition is used to define a business unit that appears by default at the business unit level.
Business Unit Definition tab - The receivables business unit definition configuration setup for your college should rarely be changed, if ever. However, should a location code for the AR address default need to be updated, this is where that change would occur as an example.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Receivables > Receivables Definition
Security: ZD AR Central Setup Inq and ZZ AR Local Setup
Component: BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Establish Receivables business unit options.
The receivables business unit options is used to identify AR options that appear by default at the business unit level.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Receivables > Receivables Options
Security: ZD AR Central Setup Inq and ZZ AR Local Setup
Component: BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1
Page: General 1
Action: A/UD
Establish direct debit profiles. Direct debit profile ID’s can be configured locally to accommodate all districts.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Payments > Direct Debit Profile
Security: ZD AR Local Setup Inquiry and ZZ AR Local Setup
Component: DD_PROFILE
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Define receivables user preferences.
User preferences will be defined for all users who access the receivables module
- Item write-offs
- Refunds
- Supervisor vs. Data Entry Level

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > User Preferences > Define User Preferences
Security: ZD Local Security Admin and ZZ Local Security Admin
Component: OPR_DEFAULT
Action: A/UD/DA/C
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