FIN: Local Configuration Guide - Customer Contracts
This document contains the configuration decisions made and values to be used in deployment of the Customer Contracts Module of the Oracle’s PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 application. As such, all additional documentation must be in agreement with the related items described herein. Should conflict arise with information contained in another document, the data in this document shall be considered valid and that of the other shall be deemed incorrect.
Any changes to the information in this document should be entered as dated additions. No information should be deleted once initial configuration has been completed.
The Customer Contracts Configuration Guide explains necessary tables needed to setup an institution in the PeopleSoft system. The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all tables.
Define Contracts business units and defaults.
Set up at the District level.
These are foundation level settings for the Contracts Business Unit. The BU Definition tab identifies the Business Unit for General Ledger, Order Management (don’t have), and Billing modules with which the Contracts Business Unit will integrate. The Defaults tab identifies values that will default onto a Contract for the Business Unit. These are defaults only they can be changed on the specific Contract. The Processing Options tab identifies, for a few items, whether or not the default can be overridden at the individual Contract level and sets some defaults for the Contracts related to this Business Unit. Some of the information on this page is simply not applicable for ctcLink since they are specific to type of revenue recognition that ctcLink does not encounter. The Fee Definitions tab is not applicable as this is used for the Contract Classification of Government which is not applicable to ctcLink.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Contracts > Contracts Definition > BU Definition
Security: ZD Grants Central Config Inq
Component: BUS_UNIT_TBL_CA
Activity: A/UD
Define journal templates and document type defaults (if used) by GL business unit.
Set up at the Business Unit level.
This page is simply identifying journal templates for a couple of accounting entry types that might originate from Customer Contracts.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > General Options > Contracts GL Options
Security: ZD Grants Local Config Inq and ZZ Grants Local Config
Component: CA_BUGL_OPT
Activity: UD
Define rules for the creation of new transactions from existing transactions. Example illustrated is to create billable transactions from expenditure transactions.
Set up at the Business Unit level.
Rate Sets represent a “rule” used by the system to create a new transaction from an existing transaction. For the ctcLink project, the primary utilization of this functionality is to create a billable transaction from an expenditure transaction. The billable transactions are the transactions that are sent to the Billing module from which to create an invoice. You will note that Rate Sets are created by Business Unit. You see this same item in Project Costing and it is the same thing, just from a different module - you don't have to do this twice.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > Templates > Rate Sets
Security: ZD PC Local Configuration Inq and ZZ PC Local Configuration
Component: PC_RATE
Activity: A/UD/C
Define legal entities. Legal entities are entered on the Contract General page to identify the legal entity within your company that owns (e.g. signed) the Contract.
You can set up as many legal entities as needed.
Every Customer Contract identifies the Legal Entity to which the Contract relates. This is where these get set up. You will note that these get set up by SETID and not Business Unit. However, go back to setting up the Contracts Business Unit and you’ll see that a default value for the Legal Entity was associated with the Business Unit.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > General Options > Legal Entity
Security: ZD Grants Local Config Inq and ZZ Grants Local Config
Component: CA_LEGAL_PNLG
Activity: A/UD
Associate default Rate Sets (or Rate Plans) to a Product. This automates a step in the creation of a Customer Contract.
While this is keyed by a global SetID, Rate Sets are keyed by PC Business Unit. Associating a default Rate Set to the Product adds an automation when that Product is selected on a Contract Line.
When a “Rate-Based” Contract Line is created on a Contract, the pricing rule must be identified on the Contract Terms page. Setting a default pricing rule here automates that required action. This is particularly useful when the pricing rule is constant, which it is for a Grant.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > Contracts Product Options > Product Rate Defaults
Security: ZD Grants Local Config Inq and ZZ Grants Local Config
Component: CA_PROD_RATES
Activity: UD
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