9.2 Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN)

Purpose: Create or update the Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) page.
Using this page, a PSHUP file can be created and/or an existing PSHUP file can be edited.

Audience:  Payroll Administrators, Benefits Administrators, Faculty Workload Administrators

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FWL HCM View Pay
  • ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process
  • ZZ Payroll Processing
  • ZZ SS Payroll

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN)

There are two navigation paths to access the Paysheet Holding Update page: fluid tiles or standard navigation bar.

Standard:  Navigation:  Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > Paysheet Holding Update 

For this example, navigation will be shown using the fluid tiles starting at the Workforce Administrator homepage.  

Fluid Tile: Navigation: Workforce Administrator homepage > Maintain EE Pay Data

The Paysheet Holding Update search page displays.  

  1. The CTC Maintain Payroll Data page displays. Using left-side navigation, select Paysheet Holding Update.
  2. Create a new file by selecting the Add a New Value tab    (To view or make corrections for an existing file, select the Find an Existing Value tab.)
  3. Enter the three-character Company code or select from the lookup icon.
  4. The Creation Date defaults to the current date.

NOTE: The system is going to recognize the file by its creation date. The Creation Date, along with the Pay End Date are unique to the data in this file.
For tracking purposes or ease of working with a large amount of data, it is suggested to use a different creation date to separate data from the file you are entering. For instance, Faculty Workload extracts data to place in a file. There could be hundreds of rows associated with that file. In this case, the Creation Date is set up as the calendar date one day prior to payroll confirmation when the extract is run.

There can be several PSHUP files for your payroll needs with different creation dates. However, the Pay End Date should contain the same date for the payroll being processed.

The Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) page displays and is ready for editing transactions on the Earnings tab by default.

This page has three tabs at the top that you can select to move from one tab to another.

  • Earnings
  • Deductions
  • Taxes

On each row, there is a field: (transaction) *Type. This is a required field indicating the row is for Earnings (E), Deductions (D) or Taxes (T).
NOTE: By selecting from the (transaction) *Type field, this will also change to the appropriate corresponding tab and fields.

For instance, by selecting D from the (transaction) *Type field the tab display also changes to deductions fields.

The Deductions tab displays with the relevant fields and the (transaction) *Type field is changed to D.

Likewise, by selecting either the Taxes tab or the (transaction) *Type field is changed to T, the display changes.

The Taxes tab displays with corresponding fields and the (transaction) *Type field equal to T.

You can switch to a different transaction type as you work through data entry on the PSHUP file.

In this example, the first row is for employee 1 and earnings data was entered. For additional rows, the Add a New Row icon was selected for employee 2 and the  deduction data was entered. Added another row for employee 3 and entered tax data.
Only the tab that you are currently on shows all the pertinent data fields for that type.
Notice the other rows do not display all their data fields. Only the ones consistent with the selected transaction type.

To view all data on all rows, you can select the Show all columns icon next to the Taxes tab.
This allows you to scroll through all data fields for all rows/transaction types.

When finished viewing the page in this way, to return to the tabs, select the Show tabs icon at the top where the tabs were.

For the following steps, it is strongly suggested that as you are in the process of creating the Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) file, that you SAVE often!

Now that some examples were presented, here are the basic instructions for entering data on the Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) page, available for use with multiple employees and multiple transaction types (Earnings, Deductions and Taxes) on the same PSHUP file.

  1. In addition to making corrections, rows could be manually added or deleted as needed by selecting the plus or minus button at the end of the row.
  2. Enter or select the Pay End Date.
    NOTE: This is required. If this field is left blank, the system prevents saving data changes.
    Creation Date and Pay End Date together become a unique identifier for this data file.
  3. Enter the Empl ID (Employee ID), Empl Record and Pay Group.
    - The Empl ID lookup validates based on Job Data and Company Code.
    - Empl Record validates to the Empl ID.
    - Pay Group validates to Empl ID and Empl Record
  4. Enter a Sequence Number.
    This is a required field with validation it is a unique number for the same Pay End Date, Empl ID, Empl Record and Pay Group.
  5. *Status defaults to A (Active) on page open. If necessary, you can change the status for the row from Active to a status that will stop the data from loading to the paylines.
    This is a required field. Options include: A= Active; E=Exclude; I=Loaded; M=Manually Paid; R=Rejected; X=In Progress
    [NOTE: Refer to graphic just prior to Step 11.]
  6. (Transaction) *Type  is a required field.  On page open, the default transaction type is E (Earnings).
    From the drop-down, select E (Earnings), D (Deductions) or T (Taxes) as appropriate.
    NOTE: To enter or view fields available for the different transaction types, click the appropriate tab, top-left of the grid. Earnings, Deductions or Taxes.

    > When entering data for transaction *Type = E (Earnings), pay attention to the following fields:
       - Earnings Code is a required field for earnings transactions.
          Enter or select from the lookup (icon) list.
       - Earnings Begin Date  - If a date is being entered, the system validates earnings begin date does not
         precede the effective date of the original row (Hire) on Job Data for the
         Company code, Empl ID and Empl Record combination.
       - Combination Code - Leave blank, unless you have to override the combo code associated with
         the employee in Job Data, CTC Earnings Distribution.

    > When entering data for transaction *Type = D (Deductions), pay attention to the following fields:
       There are two types of deductions: General Deductions (Plan Type = 00) and Benefit Deductions
       (Plan Type and Benefit Plan are required).
       - Deduction Code - For Plan Type '00' (General Deduction), Benefit Plan must be left blank.
         When Plan Type is other than '00' (General Deduction), the Benefit Plan is required. Select from the lookup.

    > When entering data for transaction Type = T (Taxes), pay attention to the following field:
       - State - value is required. Select by using the lookup icon.
         When Federal is needed, as opposed to a State, use $U from the lookup.
       - You can enter the remaining tax fields as appropriate.

Notice in the example Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) image below, the first column on the left - Pay End Date, through to the (transaction) *Type field are required no matter the transaction type. Those fields are always displayed. It is only the transaction type that is selected that continues to display all the pertinent data fields. In this example, that would be the Taxes.

The image below is in reference to the *Status field described in Step 9.

The system is assigning the status X (In Progress) while data is being processed.
Once the Load Paysheet Transactions process is complete, the system will then update the status to I (Loaded).

  1. Select the Save button.

  End of procedure.


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