9.2 Running the Tax Deposit Summary Report
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for running the Tax Deposit Summary Report in ctcLink.
Audience: Payroll Administrators.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Payroll Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Print this report for information required for making each pay period tax deposits.
Run the Tax Deposit Summary Report
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Payroll for North America > Pay Period Tax Reports USA > Tax Deposit Summary
- The Tax Deposit Summary run control search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field.
- Select the Add button.

- The Tax Deposit Summary Report page displays.
- Enter the desired information into the Pay Run ID field.
- You may use the look-up tool (magnifying glass icon) to select the correct ID.
- Select the On-Cycle radio button.
- Select the Run button.

- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the OK button.

- The Tax Deposit Summary Report page displays.
- Make note of the Process Instance number.
- Select the Process Monitor link.

- The Process Monitor page displays.
- Select the Refresh button until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status is Posted.
- Select the Details link.

- The Process Detail page displays.
- Most of the items on the Process Detail page are view only; however, you can use some tools to modify the process run, as needed.
- Select the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page displays.
- To view the report, select the PDF link in the File List section.

- The report opens in a separate window.
- View results of the report, and close the window when finished.

- The process to run the tax deposit summary report is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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