9.2 Entering US Direct Deposit Information

Purpose: Use this document to enter US direct deposit information for payroll processing in ctcLink.

Audience:  Payroll Administrator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Processing
  • ZZ SS Payroll

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Enter Direct Deposit Information

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Request Direct Deposit

The Request Direct Deposit search page displays.

  1. Enter valid value into the Empl ID field.
  2. Select the Search button.
Request Direct Deposit search page

The Request Direct Deposit page displays.

  1. Effective Date defaults to system date. Change to appropriate date if needed.
  2. Select Active from the Status drop-down menu.
  3. When Status = Active, the check box for Suppress DDP Advice Print option automatically enables. Be sure it is on.

The Print Option check box does not appear on the Direct Deposit page if the employee creates a direct deposit account for the first time in ESS (in this case, the print option is defaulted from the system-level configuration), or if the employee has an existing direct deposit setup and the Suppress DDP Advice Print option is selected on the Request Direct Deposit page.

The Print Option check box is preselected and not editable on the Direct Deposit page in ESS if the Suppress DDP Advice Print option is not selected for the employee on the Request Direct Deposit page.

If the administrator attempts top save an employee's direct deposit information without selecting the check box - Suppress DDP Advise Print, the following warning message will be displayed:

"Warning -- The Suppress DDP Advice Print configuration has been changed. (2001,1453)

Select OK to save the changes or Cancel to correct the configuration."

Warning Message about the Suppress DDP Advice Print configuration not being on
  1. Enter or select a valid value from the Bank ID field (Routing Number).
  2. Select the Account Type from the drop-down menu. Choices are:
    • Checking
    • Savings
  3. Select the Deposit Type from the drop-down menu. Choices are:
    • Amount if the employee wants a fixed dollar amount to be deposited in this account type.
    • Balance of Net Pay if the balance of an employee's pay is to be deposited in this account type.
      Select this if the employee has only one account.
    • Percent if the employee wants a specific percentage of their net pay to be deposited in this account type.

If the administrator attempts to save an employee’s direct deposit information without designating a remaining balance account, the following warning message will be displayed:

"Warning -- A Balance of Net Pay account has not been configured. (2001,1450)
Select OK to save this account with the current configuration or Cancel to update the configuration for a balance of net pay account."

Warning Message about Balance of Net Pay not configured
  1. Enter a valid value into the Priority field.  Use the Priority field to enter a priority number for this distribution. During direct deposit processing, distributions are made to accounts in order of their priority number:  the lower the priority number, the higher the priority. Priority becomes important when an employee's net pay isn't enough to cover all direct deposits.
    Note: Typically, Remaining Balance is given priority = 999 (highest number = lowest priority).

Direct Deposit distribution priority is automatically assigned when the employee adds their account via self-service. For the payroll administrator, an error message will be issued depending on the deposit type:

Balance of Net Pay account (also called remaining balance account) - the following message will be displayed:

Priority for Net Pay Balance account must be 999.  (2001,1462)

Amount or Percent type of Deposit - the following message will be displayed:

Priority for account with Amount or Percent Deposit Type must be less than 900.  (2001, 1463)

  1. Enter a valid value into the Account Number field.
  2. Select the Save button.
Request Direct Deposit page filled in example

The process to add direct deposit information to employee record is now complete.

End of procedure.

Direct Deposit distribution priority is automatically assigned when the employee adds their account via self-service. For the payroll administrator, an error message will be issued depending on the deposit type.


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