Specifying Closing Process Groups (SBCTC ONLY)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for specifying closing process groups in ctcLink.
Audience: SBCTC Finance and Business Office staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ General Ledger Period End
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Specifying Closing Process Groups (SBCTC ONLY)
**This process is only to be run in tandem with the SBCTC Accounting Team**
Navigation: General Ledger > Close Ledgers > Closing Process Group
- The Closing Process Group search page displays. Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter or lookup SetID.
- Enter a description for the Closing Process Group.
- Enter Closing Type = Year End.
- Select Add.

- The Closing Process Group page displays. Use it to specify the closing rule(s) to be used by a given ledger close request. Typically, you include one closing rule to close profit and loss accounts to earnings account directly. However, the Closing Process Group allows you the flexibility to include more than one closing rule to accommodate year-end reporting requirements for some countries that need additional steps and entries for closing. Note that if the Closing Type is interim, then you should include only one closing rule for the process group.
- Enter a short Descr.
- Enter a Description.
- Enter or lookup Closing Rule.
- Select Save.
- Process complete.
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