Customer Contracts Home Page

Purpose: Use this as a reference for instructions how to utilize the Fluid tiles for the Customer Contracts Home Page in ctcLink PeopleSoft.

Audience: Grants Staff/Finance Staff/Supervisors.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Contracts Processing
  • ZZ Contract Maintenance
  • ZZ Contracts WorkCenter

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Using the Customer Contracts Home Page

There is now a home page with some tiles for Customer Contracts. On this page, you may, depending on your security roles, see the following tiles:

  • Contracts WorkCenter (will be covered in a separate QRG coming soon!)
  • Manage Contracts
  • Review and Manage Limits
  • Review Contract Summary
  • My Contracts
  • Adjust My Contracts
Customer Contracts Home page

From the main Customer Contracts home page select the Fluid Tile for the following pages:

First Time & Initial Setup

Before the steps below will work, you must have User Preferences set up by your Local Security Administrator (LSA).  

If your college’s Local Security Administrator (LSA) has not already set up your Customer Contracts user preferences, they will need to do that before you can set up your My Contracts.  User preferences need to have the Business Unit field completed.    

Define User Preferences page
  1. After your user preferences are set up, select the Manage Contracts tile to set up additional preferences.  
Select Manage Contracts tile
  1. On the Contract Preferences screen, enter the number of contracts to display and the number of prior days to display in related content.  
  2. Select Display Options and Criteria Selection.
  3. Select the Save button.
Contract preferences
  1. Return to the Customer Contracts Home Page. Select the My Contracts tile.
select the my contracts tile
  1. On the My Contracts page, select the Search Contracts link.
select search contracts
  1. On the Search Contracts page, uncheck the My Contracts checkbox.  
  2. Enter your Business Unit. Select the Search button to populate the results below.
  3. Mark all the Contracts check boxes you want to include in your My Contracts list.
  4. Select the Save button.

Select each contract individually or at the bottom of the page mark the 'Select All' checkbox.

Mark contracts to view and then select save
  1. The My Contracts tile will now show a list of the contracts you selected. These contracts will also be used for other tiles.  

Note: As you add and activate new contracts in the Customer Contracts module (Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > Define General Contract Info), you can add them to your My Contracts list by selecting the 'Add to My Contracts' button.

Select the link Add to My Contracts
Contracts WorkCenter

Please see the following QRG on Using Contracts WorkCenter - future QRG coming soon!

Manage Contracts

This page allows you to see various details about each contract including customer, billing, and exceptions.  This page also contains links to many other pages within the Customer Contracts module to manage various parts of each contract.  

  1. Select the Manage Contracts tile from the Customer Contracts home page.
  2. Enter criteria in the Search Criteria to see select contracts from your My Contracts list. For example Contract Status = Active.
  3. Select the Search button.
Enter search criteria
  1. The side panel of My Contracts section will populate based on your search criteria. Select the contract you want to view.
  2. The transaction area displays various Contract information and details.
select the contract id to expand more information

The Contracts section, contains information about the contract, the customer, bill plan, rate limits, exceptions, and information about the award. You can also select the arrows next to many of the items to view a list of actions you can take for each, i.e. Billing Limit. Those actions will take you to the pages withing the Customer Contracts or Grants modules where modifications to various items can be made.  

Select the arrow icons for more info

Use the scroll bar to scroll to right to view the Related Information section. It contains lists of recent invoices, recent revenue, and recent vouchers. Use the side arrows to expand/collapse to view content.

Related Information

Note that ctcLink PeopleSoft has not configured to have Recent Expenses display. Optional to personalize the screen to remove this by selecting the Personalize icon.

recenter expenses are not configured
Review and Manage Limits

This page contains a list of the contracts from your My Contracts list with the billing limit (total value), processed (billed) amount, and remaining amount for each contract.  

  1. Select the Review and Manage Limits tile from the Customer Contracts home page. Enter your Business Unit and other search criteria as applicable.  
  2. Select the Search button to populate results below.

The Remaining tab contains the billing limit, the amount processed, and the remaining amount for each contract.  

Remaining tab

The Excess tab contains any Over the Limit (OLT) amounts in the Excess Amount column.  OLT rows usually occur when a grant budget has been increased but the contract limit was not increased. Refer to the QRG OLT Rows (Over the Limit) for information on how to clear OLT rows.

Excess tab

The Dates tab contains transaction, processing, and limit reached dates.  

Dates tab
Review Contract Summary

This page shows summary level information about the contract.  

  1. Select the Review Contract Summary tile from the Customer Contracts home page. Search for and select a contract.
  2. View the summary information.
review contract summary page
My Contracts

The My Contracts page provides a list of the contracts that are in your My Contracts list. From here you can quickly navigate to any of the contracts in your My Contracts list.  

  1. Select the My Contracts tile from the Customer Contracts home page. View the contracts in your My Contracts list.

The General tab contains some basic information about each contract with a link that will take you to the Define General Contract Info page.  

General tab

The Details tab contains additional information for each contract as well as a link that will take you to the Define General Contract Info page.

Details tab

If you want to view all information at once, you can select the right arrow icon next to the Details tab.  This will show you information from both of the tabs all on one screen.You can also personalize the columns you see or download the information to Excel using the Grid Action Menu icon.

icons provide additional info
Adjust My Contracts
  1. Select the Adjust My Contracts tile from the Customer Contracts home page.

The Adjust My Contracts page allows you to remove contracts from your My Contracts list.  For example, you can remove contracts from prior years.  

  1. Select the My Contracts tile from the Customer Contracts home page.
  2. On the General tab, select the Yes/No toggle button to a value of Yes for each contract you want to remove from your My Contracts list.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Save button.
toggle yes to remove then save

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

COMING SOON - Appreciate your patience while we wait until this functionality is available in the Testing Environment.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Customer Contracts Home Page. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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