9.2 Assigning and Generating SAP Status Notifications to Students
Purpose: Use this document as a reference on how to assign and send SAP notifications to students in ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid Staff.
Sending out SAP Status notifications to students is a two-step process:
- Assigning SAP Status Notifications (Assigning the Event ID).
- Generating SAP Status Notifications (Sending out the notification).
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CC 3Cs User
- ZZ CC 3Cs User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Run 3C Engine
- The Run 3C Engine Search Criteria page displays.
- Enter the Run Control ID.
- Select the Add button if adding this Run Control ID for the first time, or select the Search button if using an existing Run Control ID.The Run 3C Engine page displays.
- In the Process 3Cs group box, check the Population Selection checkbox.
- In the Event Selection group box, enter the Academic Institution.
- Enter the Administrative Function -- in this example, FINT is used.
Recall that FINT is a Term-specific Administrative Function Group. When running quarterly SAP notifications, FINT is used, rather than FINA (which is Aid Year-specific).
- Enter the Event ID.
Note that the Event ID will be different for Suspension or Probation notices, and this process must be run quarterly for each specific Event ID notification (WARN, SUSP, PROB, etc.)
- In the Population Selection group box, select PS Query from the Selection Tool drop down box.
- In the Query Name field, select the Look Up Tool and select the corresponding query. In this example, the query CTC_FA_SAP_STATUS_COMM_SELECT is used.
- Select the Edit Prompts link.
- The Query Prompts pagelet displays. Enter the Institution.
- Enter the Term -- in this example, Summer 2020 (2205) is used.
- Enter the Calc SAP (Status) - in this example, WARN is used.
- Enter the Letter (Code) - in this example, the specific Letter Code for SAP Warning is used.
- Select the OK button.
If you do not know your letter code for your SAP statuses, look in the Event ID -- the Letter Code is displayed in the Event ID.
For example, the SAP Warning Event ID for Tacoma Community College is "FLG4WARN". The SAP Warning Letter Code for Tacoma Community College is LG4. *The Letter Code and Event ID will be different for WARN, SUSP, PROB, etc.
*Recall that your Institution's Event IDs and Letter codes are specific to your institution, and will not be the same as the examples displayed in this QRG.
- The Run 3C Engine page displays.
- At the Population Selection group box, select the Preview Selection Results link -- When satisfied with the list of EMPLs in the results, select the Return button to return to the Run 3C Engine page.
- Select the Manage Duplicate Assignment tab.
- The Manage Duplicate Assignment tab displays.
- In the Duplicate Communication Check group box, move the Variable Data drop-down box to display "Match".
- Move the Communication Status drop-down box to display "Completed".
- Select the Run button.
Defining the Manage Duplicate Assign variables will prevent the notice from being sent more than once to the same student.
For example, if you sent out SAP Warning letters to a handful of students last week, and today, you are notifying returning or late applicants of their SAP status, you do not want them to receive the notification twice if they were already picked up in the last run of notifications.
By defining the Variable Data and Communication Status as described above, doing this prevents the system from duplicate-assigning a communication that has already been assigned.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the OK button.
- The Run 3C Engine page displays.
- Note your Process Instance number assigned to this process.
- Select the Process Monitor link to track the Instance on the Process List page.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- At the Process List tab, you can select the Refresh button periodically until your process Run Status runs to Success, and the Distribution Status to Posted.
- Now that SAP Status notifications have been "Assigned" through 3C Engine, the notifications must now be "Generated/Sent" to the student using Campus Community's Communication Generation.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CC 3Cs User
- ZD CC 3Cs User
- ZZ CC 3Cs User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Communication Generation
- The Communication Generation search page displays.
- Enter the desired Run Control ID.
- Select Add if adding this Run Control for the first time, or Search if using an Existing Run Control ID.
- The Communication Generation page displays.
- In the ID Selection group box, select All Person IDs from the drop-down list.
Note that if you do not select All Person IDs, the process may not produce results.
A common user error is selecting the All IDs option, which includes staff at the college. The intended recipients for SAP Status notification may not be selected if using the All IDs versus the All Person IDs selection in the ID Selection list.
- At the Letter Code Selection group box, enter in the specific Letter Code used in the Assign SAP Status Notification step. In this example, LG4 is used, which is specific to Tacoma Community College.
- In the Communication Usage Method group box, change the Method selection to E-Mail.
- Next, select the Process Parameters tab.
- The Process Parameters tab displays.
- In the Usage Tables group box, define the Person Communication Usage to:
- Address - FA Email and Postal Address
- Address Name - FA Student Name
- Salutation - FA Student Name
- Extra Name - FA Student Name
Note that you have the option to use student's preferred name and preferred email. The student must define their preferred name and preferred email in Student Center for this information to be properly delivered to those defined parameters.
For instance, if the student never updates their preferred name, or preferred email, they might never receive the email.
The best practice, is to use the parameter definitions outlined above, which derives from the ISIR.
- Next, in the Communication Processing Dates group box, define the Communication Date Range selection with the desired dates. In the example in the image below, the date range assumes one week -- that these notices are sent out weekly as new SAP statuses and notifications are delivered to new or returning students, and/or late applicants.
Note in the Output Settings group box, in the Missing Critical Data grouping area, the Complete Communication checkbox is selected by default. Once this process is run, the Communication is marked "Completed" in the Communication Management page.
- Next, select the Email Parameters tab.
- The Email Parameters page displays.
- Define the following:
- From - i.e., [email protected]
- Subject - i.e., Financial Aid | Satisfactory Academic Progress Notification
- Reply To - i.e., [email protected]
- Sender - i.e., [email protected]
- Bounce To - i.e., [email protected]
Note that the Checklist Parameters tab does not need to be defined; no Checklist is assigned to the to SAP Notification Status process.
- Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the OK button.
- The Email Parameters tab displays.
- Note the Process Instance Number.
- Select the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- At the Process List page, you may select the Refresh button until the Run Status runs to Success, and the Distribution Status runs to Posted.
- Select the Details link.
- The Process Detail page displays.
- Select the Message Log link to view your results.
- The Message Log page displays.
In the Message Log detail, note that 451 notifications were sent. Note also that 1 communication was not sent.
In the highlighted area, there is detail that defines the EMPL is "missing critical data".
To ensure this student receives future email communications from the Financial Aid Office, check the ISIR to see if the student listed an email, and cross check it with the Campus Community Bio Demo record to see if anything needs to be updated on the ISIR, from where the data pulls.

End of procedure.
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