9.2 Maintain Student SAP Data

Purpose:   Use this document as a reference on how to maintain student SAP data using ctcLink.

Audience:  Financial Aid staff.

This QRG demonstrates how to review and update Student Satisfactory Academic Progress Details, and when appropriate, override SAP for selected students.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC FA SAP Prcs
  • ZD FA Director
  • ZD FA SAP Prcs
  • ZZ FA SAP Prcs

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Maintain Student SAP Data

Navigation:  Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Maintain Student SAP Data

  1. The Maintain Student SAP Data search page displays.  
  2. Enter the student ID.
  3. Enter the Institution.
  4. Enter the Academic Career.
  5. Select the Search button.  

The Maintain Student SAP Data page allows the user to run the SAP process for:

  • an individual student,
  • view SAP calculated values,
  • set student level exclusions and
  • set the use of the Override SAP Status.

The setup must have a status of Active for the process to execute successfully.

All students with an FA Term built are accessible on the SAP Student Data page, which allows for online SAP calculation for an individual student. Students must have an active row in FA Term for the term or aid year that is being processed. If an active row does not exist, the process executes but returns a blank page, or, if a previous status exists, the existing page data is re-displayed.

This page displays the SAP status code and all the calculation results used to determine a student's SAP status code.

The Aid Year or Term field is displayed depending on the setup criteria. Enter the aid year or term to process for the SAP online process.

  1. The Maintain Student SAP Data page displays.
  2. Select the Student SAP tab, enter the Process Term.
  3. Select the Calculate SAP button to run the SAP process for one student.  
  4. Wait for the spinner in the upper right-hand corner of the page to flash Saved.  The Maintain Student SAP Data page refreshes.
  5. An Active FA Term record must exist for the aid year or term being processed. After processing, the following boxes are populated:
    1. SAP Calculation Results
    2. SAP Calculation Data
    3. Processing Information
  6. The remainder of this QRG will provide field and control definitions.

Student SAP section

  1. Aid Year or Term - The aid year or term used in the SAP online or batch calculation. If the batch process calculated the data, this is the aid year or term used on the run control for that batch run.
  2. Updated - Displays the date that an override is placed on the student's SAP record.
  3. Program - Displays the academic program from FA Term that was used to determine SAP status.
  4. User ID - Displays the user ID of the person who applied the override.
  5. Plan - Displays the academic plan from FA Term that was used to determine SAP status.
  6. Calc SAP Status (calculated SAP status) - Displays the calculated SAP status that controls the value in the SAP field on the Packaging Status Summary page. To access this page, click the Packaging Status Summary link.
  7. Override SAP Status - Enter a SAP status to override the calculated SAP status. If populated, this status overrides the value in the Calc SAP Status field and controls the Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary page.
    1. If an Override SAP Status value is entered for the current term, prior to the fully graded date, and the student is expected to be recalculated at the end of the current term, the Override SAP Status value needs to be removed prior to running batch SAP at the end of the term.
    2. Enter the override value in the record for the term you are overriding the calculated status for. As an example, if SAP was calculated as ‘SUSP’ for winter term (i.e. based on end of fall grades), a student’s petition is approved, the Override SAP Status is updated to ‘PROB’ for the winter term record.
    3. The value entered into this field does not automatically carry forward from term to term. If the value should carry forward, it will need to be manually entered into this field for the next term after the SAP record has been created.
  8. Packaging Status Summary - Click this link to view the Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary page.
  9. Comment - A comment can be placed in this field to provide additional information on a student's SAP. Use the comment field when you override a student's SAP Status.

When recalculating SAP for an existing term, a new row will be created only when changes to the overall SAP status or any change to the calculated SAP Test results exists.  If there are no changes since the last time SAP was run for the student, PS will not update the record with the current date.   This does not mean that SAP was not processed, only that there are no changes to report.

SAP Calculation Results section

  1. Test column - The eight tests, arranged in rows, used to determine an SAP status. The tests are:
    • Academic Standing row
    • Maximum Attempted Units row
    • Maximum Attempted Terms row
    • Minimum Current GPA row
    • Minimum Cumulative GPA row
    • Current Earned Units row
    • Cumulative Earned Units row
    • Two Year GPA row
  2. Used column - Indicates whether this test was used to determined SAP status.
  3. Actual column - Displays the calculated value for any test that is used. This is the value that is used in the rule comparison.
  4. Rule Range From column - Displays the lower end of the failed range of the test if the student failed the test. Academic standing does not use ranges and no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.
  5. Rule Range To column - Displays the upper end of the failed range of the test if the student failed the test. Academic standing does not use ranges and no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.
  6. Failed column - Displays as checked if the student failed the test.
  7. Status column - Displays the calculated status for each test.
  8. Severity column - Displays the severity of each SAP test. The status of the test with the highest severity is used to populate the Calc SAP Status field.
  9. Exception Used column - Indicates whether an exception rule was used to determine SAP status.
  10. Term column - Displays the term used to evaluate academic standing from Student Records. Only displays for the Academic Standing test.

SAP Calculation Data section

  1. Current Units Attempted - Displays the number of units the student is attempting for the evaluation term or aid year terms. This is used in the Current Earned Units test.
  2. Cumulative Units Attempted - Displays the cumulative number of units the student attempted, up to and including the units for the term or terms in the aid year being evaluated. This is used in the Cumulative Earned Units test.
  3. Two Year NUM of Terms - (two year number of terms) Displays the number of attempted terms calculated for use in the Two Year GPA test.
  4. Cumulative Earned Units Pct - (cumulative earned units percent) Displays the Cumulative Earned Units Percent field calculated when the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Cumulative Earned Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria; otherwise, this field does not appear.

Not displayed:  Current Earned Units Percent - Displays the Current Earned Units Percent field calculated when the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Current Earned Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria.

Processing Information section

  1. Process User ID - Displays the user ID of the person who ran the batch process.
  2. Process Date/Time - Displays the date and time when the process was run.
  3. Processing Message - Displays the source of the status code from among these choices:
    1. Default SAP Status: The status assigned to students who pass all of the selected tests.
    2. Statistics Calc Pass 1, Term XXX: Calculated status from the evaluation term or max term in an aid year.
    3. Statistics Calc Pass 2, Term XXX: Calculated status from the latest (max) term on the student's record.
  4. Select the Save button.

End of procedure.