CS: Local Configuration Guide - Campus Community
The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all tables.
Your academic structure must be clearly defined before implementing other Campus Solutions: Campus Community, Admissions, Student Records, Academic Advisement, Financial Aid and Student Financials.
All other modules are dependent on the basic structure set up for your institution.
In general, the CS 9.2 Configuration Guides should be setup in the following order:
Academic Structure
Campus Community
The guide listed in bold is the guide you are working on now. This guide contains a brief description of any issues and /or recommended approaches for the table setups. In addition to this documentation, please refer to the appropriate sections in PeopleBooks for additional details for configuring and maintaining the CS product.
The chart below is provided as a quick reference for listing the Campus Solutions (General and Shared), and Campus Community configuration tables identified in this document, as well as to confirm table ownership.
For detailed information, please refer to the Facility Table section in the Academic Structure Local Configuration Guide.
Navigation: Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Facilities > Facility Table
- ZZ SACR Academ Struct Config
- ZD SACR Academ Struct Config
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR Found Tbl Config Inq
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an internet-based system that electronically monitors and reports on international students and exchange visitors and their dependents. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) maintains SEVIS. It is an integral part of the DHS program to improve data collection and reporting, facilitate compliance with regulations, and automate monitoring of school and exchange programs. The PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution collects data, monitors changes, and reports student and exchange visitor changes. The PeopleSoft SEVIS solution provides you with the functionality to identify new and changed information to submit to SEVIS in the following ways:
- SEVIS Alerts Process (Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M or Process SEVIS Alerts - J). The process identifies information that should be submitted to SEVIS regarding new students (F/M visas) or exchange visitors (J visas) and data changes for existing students or exchange visitors. The process also verifies SEVIS business rules, required fields, and certain eligibility edits.
- The Select Alerts to Report for F/M and J components allows you to evaluate results for all applicable school codes and program sponsors and take the appropriate follow-up action: enter additional information, decide which alerts to send to SEVIS, which to ignore, and which to send to the PeopleSoft Master file and not SEVIS. After reconciling the data in the alerts, you run the SEVIS Export process for the appropriate visa type (Export SEVIS Events - F/M or Export SEVIS Events - J). For events where the Send To field is set to Master on the Alerts Header page, the export process directly updates the active SEVIS Master row with the data from the event. For events where the Send To field is set to SEVIS, the export process generates an XML file compliant with the SEVIS XML schema. The process creates multiple XML files if the number of records transmitted to SEVIS exceeds 100. The export process also populates the SEVIS Master component with an inactive row containing the data sent to SEVIS.
- After reconciling the alerts, you Upload XML Batch Documents to SEVIS, using a utility that supports secure sockets layer (SSL) and HTTPS. The XML batch document upload process is completed outside of the PeopleSoft system using the utility program of your choice. Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) web site for information regarding digital certificate registration and batch file transmission.
See Reference Manual for the SEVIS Batch Interface Application Program Interface (API), http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm.
- The next step is to import the upload results transaction log using the SEVIS Import Results process. You download the XML transaction log files and any form PDF files (I-20 forms or DS-2019 forms) generated by SEVIS using a utility that supports SSL and HTTPS. The XML transaction log and PDF files are compressed into a single file in zip format. You print the PDF files outside the PeopleSoft system.
Note. Carefully evaluate the Application Program Interface (API) to determine the period during which the batch process results remain available. The DHS SEVIS system automatically deletes files that are not downloaded within the specified period, so it is important to download according to the specified timeframe or you will lose data.
After the compressed batch result file is successfully downloaded and unzipped, import the XML transaction log result files into PeopleSoft using the SEVIS Import Results process.
Review all transactions with errors and take appropriate follow-up action. The import process also updates the SEVIS Master component to reflect the data successfully imported to SEVIS and populates the SEVIS ID Maintenance page with the SEVIS IDs for any new students or exchange students and their dependents.
There are a series of set up tables that must be in place in order for the alerts and extract process to run successfully. Many set up tables are delivered with your system; others are set up according to instructions followed in the lookup tables section of Application Program Interface Document (API), which is published by the Department of Homeland Security to specify the SEVIS Batch interface between the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and the institutions' internal systems. After the initial set up, it may be necessary for you to update or delete codes and descriptions to keep your system current with SEVIS.
Define and update the extracurricular activities the institution may choose to track.
Globally defined values for Extracurricular Activities were configured.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Extracurricular Activity Table
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR CC Config
- ZZ SACR CC Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
For detailed information, please refer to the Honors/Awards Table section in the Student Records Local Configuration Guide
Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Honors and Awards Table
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR CC Config
- ZZ SACR CC Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
3C Security Groups must be defined before they can be applied to Comment Categories, Checklists, Communication Categories, or Event IDs. These groups can then be granted to individual users in the form of SACR security, where, at the individual user level, the user can be granted Inquiry, Update, and/or Delete access to any of the 3Cs that the selected 3C Security Group has been associated with.
Define 3C group codes. 3C Security Groups are configured for each college.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > 3C Update/Inquiry Group Table
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR CC Config
- ZZ SACR CC Config
Component: GROUP_3C_TBL
Action: A/UD
You can use checklists to track applications, organize recruitment mailings, assign tasks to staff members, generate a series of communication items, and so on. You can also assign checklists to an organization. For example, you might want to assign a checklist of recruitment items required from a specific high school, including a roster of the top 10 percent of the current graduating class, a list of athletic award winners, and scholarship applicants.
You can assign checklists to events. For example, if you are presenting a conference, you might want to create a checklist of things to do, including sending out invitations, booking a keynote speaker, setting food menus, and so on. For each checklist item that you assign, you can specify the individual who is responsible for that item and the due date. If the item is also associated with an organization, you can specify the name of the organization responsible for the item. You can also specify an ultimate due date for the overall checklist.
You can assign checklists to individuals, organizations, and events manually, or you can use the 3C Engine to automatically assign checklists to individuals or organizations based on rules and conditions that you define.
Define checklist items to be used in checklists. While this is a global table, checklist items are configured for each college following the 3Cs and Message Center Naming Conventions.
Navigation: Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist Item Table
Security: ZZ CC Local Configuration
Component: CS_CHK_ITEM_TBL
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Associate checklist items with administrative functions. While this is a global table, checklist items configured for each college are added to this table.

Navigation: Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist Item Functions Table
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: CS_CHK_ITEM_TBL
Action: A/UD
Add college specific 3C groups to Checklists. This allows the 3C Security Group to grant the user access to all Checklists with that 3C group listed here.

Navigation: Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist 3C Groups
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: CS_CHKLST_3CGRP
Action: UD
You can review all comments about an individual or organization or all comments entered by a specific individual. To attach comments to records, you must first create comment categories and associate them with 3C groups to define who, at your institution, has the security access to write, review, or append or change comments.
Because personal comments are subjective and often confidential, carefully analyze your institution’s needs and requirements for entering and tracking comments. You should also be familiar with administrative functions and 3C group security before setting up or creating comments in your system.
Comments configuration requires setup of the following tables:
- Comment Category Table
- Comment 3C Groups

Navigation: Campus Community > Comments > Set Up Comments > Comment Category Table
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: CMNT_CATG_TBL
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Add college specific 3C groups to Comment Categories. This allows the 3C Security Group to grant the user access to all Comment Categories with that 3C group listed here.

Navigation: Campus Community > Comments > Set Up Comments > Comment 3C Groups
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: CMNT_GRP_3C_TBL
Action: UD
Communication management enables you to track and analyze all of your institution's contacts with students, staff, constituents, and organizations inside and outside the institution. You can track:
- All incoming and outgoing communications
- All types of communication: letters, email, phone calls, personal contact, and facsimiles
- Communications generated by other offices that affect your office.
- All staff involved with a communication.
You can also assign communications to individuals, organizations, and groups of people.
To assign a communication, you must select the method, category, context, direction, and letter code for that communication to identify basic information about the communication, such as the who, what, when, and how of each communication, which correlate in this way:
- Method = How
- Context = What
- Category = Why
- Direction = Where
- Date = When
- ID = Who
Use the communication management pages to manually assign communications to individuals or organizations. You can access the communication management pages as described here, or you can access them by clicking the Communication button on pages throughout the system.
You can assign communications to individuals and organizations manually, or you can use the 3C Engine to automatically assign communications to individuals or organizations based on rules and conditions that you define.
You can indicate whether the communication is a phone conversation, a letter, or an in-person meeting with the individual. If the communication is an outgoing softcopy document, you can, with either Letter Generation or Communication Generation, manage the variable data and enclosures to include, and enter comments that you can choose to print or not print in the output. With Communication Generation, you can also manage variable data, attachments to include, and comments to include or exclude in an outgoing email. With Communication Generation, you can also send an outgoing communication based on the student's preferred method of either letter or email, and send it in any language supported by your institution that is set at the student's preferred language.
In addition to creating communications for individuals, you can create communications for organizations. For example, you can send letters to schools announcing that an admissions counselor from your institution will be in their area on a certain date, or you can send bills to companies with which your institution does business.
When you assign a communication, you must identify the data to extract about the recipients and select the code from the Standard Letters table to identify the template to use. For Letter Generation, you use your institution's word processing software to merge the data into a template created with that software and associated with the letter code, or into one of the sample Microsoft Word templates that the PeopleSoft application delivers. For Communication Generation, you identify the data source from which to extract data, associate it with the XML report definition, and associate the report with the standard letter code.
Use the inquiry pages to review communication information for an individual or an organization. You can enter criteria and search for a summary of communications or view details of the communication assignments. You can search for a summary of communications to determine if a specific communication was sent, if it included enclosures, or if it was a joint communication.
Note. You are able to view only those communications that are associated with the communication 3C groups to which you have security access. With 3C group inquiry access, you can view communication assignments, but you cannot change them. With 3C group update access, you can view and change the communications. Use the Operator 3C Groups Summary page to determine or change an individual's 3C group security status.
Additional features of Communication Management:
- You can assign communications to individuals or organizations. You can assign communications manually or you can use the 3C Engine to assign communications automatically in real time or in the background.
- You have the ability to review communications assigned to individuals or organizations.
- You can review the details of each communication. You can view a list of all communications assigned. You can also review the security access that users have for viewing or updating the communications.
- You can use either the Letter Generation process to generate letters or the Communication Generation process to generate letters and emails. The Letter Generation process extracts data that you can then, using your word processing software, merge into letter templates. The Communication Generation process extracts only the data specified in the source file and merges it immediately into the associated XML Publisher templates for letters or emails. For emails, the process also sends the generated outputs to the extracted email addresses.
- You have the ability to review the data that was extracted for each of the IDs processed.
Communication Management set up will take place during the individual module configuration sessions for Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Student Financials, and Academic Advisement. FirstLink schools will use Communication Generation as the preferred method to mail and email correspondence.
Establish letter codes as the foundation for 3Cs Communications, Message Center letter codes, and can also link to templates in BI Publisher Report Definitions, where applicable. While this is a global table, letter codes are configured for each college following the 3Cs and Message Center Naming Conventions.
Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Standard Letter Table CS
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Action: A/UD
Associate letter codes with communication actions that can be taken (Communication Generation and/or Message Center).
Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Context Table
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: COMM_CTXT_TBL
Action: A/UD
Add college specific 3C groups to Communication Categories. This allows the 3C Security Group to grant the user access to all Communication Categories with that 3C group listed here.

Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Category Table
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: COMM_CATG_TBL
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Add college specific 3C groups to Communication Categories. This allows the 3C Security Group to grant the user access to all Communication Categories with that 3C group listed here.

Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication 3C Groups
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: COMM_GRP_3C_TBL
Action: A/UD
Communication Speed Keys (also known as Comm Keys) enable you to associate communication elements together and access them as a set, using the assigned shortcut code.
Define Speed Keys for communications so that end users can assign communications using these preconfigured codes.
Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Speed Key Table
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Action: UD
BI Publisher is used to establish communication templates that the Communication Generation process uses to generate 3C Communications. Report Categories, Report Definitions, and Content Libraries are configured for each college electing to use 3C Communications.
Define which security roles grant access to the Report Definitions and Content Libraries in this category. This is a global table, however Report Categories are configured for each college. (below is an example of only one of the multiple categories)

Navigation: Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Setup > Report Category
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs User
Action: A/UD/DA
Associate a template and data source to a communication in order for the Communication Generation process to generate the communication.
While this is a global table, Report Definitions are configured for each college following the 3Cs and Message Center Naming Conventions.

Navigation: Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Report Definition
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs User
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Define Sub-Templates that can be referenced from within the Report Definition templates.
These have primarily been used in Student Financials 3C Communications setup.

Navigation: Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Content Library
Action: A/UD/DA/C
The 3C Engine is a rules-based PeopleSoft application engine that you can integrate with functional transactions to automatically insert or update communications, comments, and checklists records as you interact with students, suppliers, and employees. For example, you can eliminate steps required to manually enter 3C information by setting the 3C Engine to automatically insert defined checklists, communications, and comments for prospects as you enter new admissions prospects to the system. You can use online business transactions to invoke 3C Engine processing or you can use background integration with certain delivered programs.
To use the 3C Engine, you use administrative functions and detail data to define the rules (called engine events) to identify the sets of communication, checklists, and comments records that you want the engine to enter or update for you. Then, you can either set your own conditions (called event triggers) to invoke the action of entering or updating the 3C records or you can use the predefined triggers delivered with your system. You can also use Population Selection, Triggers, Mass Change or any combination thereof to identify the IDs to process for an even in batch.
In Campus Self Service you can configure your system to record in real time the checklists that you want self-service users to be able to view in the To Do's list self-service transaction. For example, when a prospective student logs onto your self-service site to request application information about your school, after saving the request, the system can record the checklist information that you specify in the engine event definition. When the prospective student logs in the next time, he or she can see the specific tasks that they must accomplish to complete your school's application process.
Before using the 3C Engine, you must set up communications, checklists, and comments. If you are going to use communication speed keys (Comm Keys), set those up first.
Define events for the batch assignment of 3C Communications, Checklists and/or Comments.
Navigation: Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Event Definition
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZC FA Local Configuration
- ZC SACR Financial Aid Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: EVNT_3CS_SETUP
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Add college specific 3C groups to Event IDs. This allows the 3C Security Group to grant the user access to all Event IDs with that 3C group listed here.

Navigation: Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Event 3C Groups
- ZC CC 3Cs Config
- ZC FA Local Configuration
- ZC SACR Financial Aid Config
- ZD CC 3Cs Config
- ZZ CC 3Cs Config
Component: EVNT_GRP_3C_TBL
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Define Committees, typically used in the Application Evaluations functionality in the Recruiting and Admissions module. Link below:

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Committees > Committees
Security: ZC SACR Config and ZZ SACR Committee Config
Action: A/UD/DC/C
Define Committee types.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Committees > Committee Type/Role
Security: ZC SACR Config and ZZ SACR Committee Config
Action: A/UD/DC/C
For detailed information, please refer to the External GPA Type Table section in the Academic Structure Local Configuration Guide.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > External Education > External GPA Type Table
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR External Edu Config
- ZZ SACR External Edu Config
Action: A/UD/DA/C
For detailed information, please refer to the External Education Comments section in the Academic Structure Local Configuration Guide.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > External Education > External Education Comments
- ZC SACR Config
- ZD SACR External Edu Config
- ZZ SACR External Edu Config
Component: SAD_EXT_COM_TBL
Action: A/UD/DA/C
Define Affiliations. Affiliation set up will support manual assignment of affiliations, which is primarily used for prospects and admissions purposes.
Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Affiliations > Affiliation Setup
Security: ZC SACR Config
Component: SCC_AFL_SETUP
Action: A/UD/DC/C
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