9.2 FWL Contract Generation (Batch)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to use or add a Run Control to schedule the Faculty Workload Contract Generation Process. Executing the FWL Contract Process via the Process Scheduler (batch) generates the online (electronic) Contract, also referred to as an Appointment Letter at some colleges.  The online Contract is accessible via a link on the Maintain Faculty Workload page and the FWL Mass Approval page. After a contract has gone through the approval process, it is ultimately visible to the instructor in their Faculty Center.

Audience: Class Scheduling Staff, HR\Payroll Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ FWL Contract Gen

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

FWL Batch Contract Generation

Navigation:  Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload > Faculty Workload Processing > FWL Contract Generation

Generate All Contracts

  1. The FWL Contract Generation run control search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. If the search for an existing Run Control results in no matching values found, add a new Run Control by selecting on the Add a New Value tab, entering a new Run Control name and select the Add button.
  5. The FWL Contract-Generation page displays.
  6. Enter the following:
    • Academic Institution: Enter the institution, or use the Look  Up.
    • Term: Enter the term code value or use the Look  Up to search by the term name (e.g. 2195 or SUMMER 2019)
    • Department: Enter the HR Department code value or use the basic Look Up to search by HR Department code, or advance Look Up to search by the HR Department Description.
    • Empl ID: Enter the instructor's Empl ID.  (The Look Up will not help.) Multiple instructor Empl IDs can be added using the plus (+) symbol to add additional lines.
    • All Contracts Check Box: The box is checked automatically.  Leave it checked to generate all contracts for the Empl IDs listed. If All Contract Check Box is not checked, the Contract Type pop-up section will appear.
  7. Select the Run button to begin launching the batch process.

Warning: If you leave the Empl ID blank you will be launching the process to generate a contract for ALL Empl IDs in the system for which a Pay Line record exists.  NOT RECOMMENDED unless the scheduler is assured that no contracts are 'part-way' through the calculation/validation process.

The process to generate all contracts for selected Empl IDs is now complete.

Generate a Single Contract

  1. Navigate the FWL Contract Generation run control search page..
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID and select Search, or add a new one on the Add a New Value tab and select Add.
  3. On the Contract-Generation Parameters page, enter the following:
    • Academic Institution: Enter the institution, or use the Look  Up.
    • Term: Enter the term code value or use the Look  Up to search by the term name (e.g. 2195 or SUMMER 2019)
    • Department: Enter the HR Department code value or use the basic Look Up to search by HR Department code, or advance Look Up to search by the HR Department Description.
    • Empl ID: Enter the instructor's Empl ID.  (The Look Up will not help.)
    • All Contracts Check Box: The box is checked automatically.  Uncheck to open the Contract Type section.  
    • Contract Type: Enter a specific Contract Type code (or multiple codes using the Plus (+) symbol) to generate specific contracts for the Empl IDs listed.
  4. Select the Run button to begin launching the batch process.
  5. Once the Run button is selected the page will redirect to the Process Scheduler Request page, select the OK button to finish launching the process.
  6. After launching the process the page will return to the FWL Contract Generation Run Control page with the Process Instance number displaying below the Process Monitor link.
  7. Select the Process Monitor link to view the progress of the batch process and access the log files.

The process to generate a single contract is now complete.

Understand the FWL Contract Generation Log Files

  1. After the process has been launched it can be monitored by following the Process Monitor link.
  2. When the Run Status displays Success and the Distribution Status displays Posted you can following the Details link to access the log files.  If your process runs to No Success, file an ERP Support ticket for assistance.
  3. The Process Detail page displays.
  4. In the Actions section (lower right), select the View Log/Trace link.
  5. The View Log/Trace page displays.
  6. Select the CONTRACT_GENERATION log file.
  1. The log file opens in a new window.  It is divided into 4 sections:
    • Section 1: Displays the process instance, name and run date/time.
    • Section 2: Displays the scheduling parameters.
    • Section 3: Displays Empl ID, Contract Type, Status (Generated, Regenerated, Not Generated) and a Comment if not generated explaining why.
    • Section 4: Displays summary (count) of the contracts Generated and Regenerated.
Process Interface Log

Note: Contracts will not generate if the total pay is $0.  This includes FTE% Only contracts and exclusion contracts.

End of procedure.


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