Building FA Terms in Batch

Purpose:  Build financial aid terms for a group of students in a batch process using ctcLink.

Audience:  Financial Aid staff.

A financial aid term is a combination of a period of time your school determines as an instructional accounting period and an academic career. SBCTC defines financial aid terms during the setup process. Only the terms eligible for financial aid are set up for each financial aid career.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC FA Term Prcs
  • ZD FA Term Prcs
  • ZZ FA Term Prcs

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Building FA Terms in Batch

Part 1 - Create Term Driver Records

Navigation:  Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Create FA Term Driver Records

  1. At the 1. Create Term Driver Recs Search Criteria page, enter the Run Control ID from the Find an Existing Value tab, if one already exists, or create a new from the Add a New Value tab, if adding for the first time.
  2. Select the Search button if one already exists, or select the Add button, if creating from new.
  3. The Create FA Term Driver Records page displays.
  4. Select the Academic Institution from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the Aid Year -- in this example, 2024 is used.  Enter the Aid year in which you are processing.
  6. Use the Driver Creation Option drop-down menu to select the Both Updates and Projections option.
  7. The Select Career checkbox for the UGRD career and Rebuild Projections checkbox will already be defined as checked.
  8. If building this to be used in the ISIR JobSet, you can select the Save button. Or, if you will run this ad hoc, you can select the Run button.
  9. When run ad hoc, the Process Scheduler Request page displays.  
  10. Select the Create Drivers Recs For FA Trm checkbox.
  11. Select the OK button.
  12. The Process Monitor page displays.  Ensure that the process runs to Success and Posted status.
  13. You may select the Actions link, then select the Message Log drop down option to review the Message text.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Building FA Terms in Batch - Part 1. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Part 2 - Build FA Term in Batch

Navigation:  Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Build FA Term in Batch

  1. At the 2. Build FA Terms Search Criteria page, enter the Run Control ID from the Find an Existing Value tab, if one already exists, or create a new from the Add a New Value tab, if adding for the first time.
  2. Select the Search button if one already exists, or select the Add button, if creating from new.
  3. The Build FA Terms page displays.
  4. Select the Academic Institution from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter Aid Year -- Enter the Aid Year in which you are processing, which should be the same year you used in Step 1 - Create FA Term Driver Records.
  6. Enter Commit Level = 500
  7. Use the Driver Creation Option drop-down menu to select the Both Update and Projections option.
  8. Leave Print Detailed Messages? unchecked.
  9. If building this to be used in the ISIR JobSet, you can select the Save button. Or, if you will run this ad hoc, you can select the Run button.
  10. When run ad hoc, the Process Scheduler Request page displays.  
  11. Select the FA Term Build Process checkbox.
  12. Select the OK button.
  13. The Process Monitor page displays.  Ensure that the process runs to Success and Posted status.
  14. You may select the Actions link, then select the Message Log drop down option to review the Message text.
  15. End of procedure

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps  listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the  play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Building FA Terms in Batch - Part 2. This link will open in a new tab/window.