Award Adjustments That Include Cents
Purpose: Use this document as a reference on how to make adjustments to awards primarily when performing R2T4 of Pell or awarding Pell with cents and whole dollars where the system discards the cents with error message “9405 PELL award reduced by Aggregate limits” when aggregates are not truly met. Other possible uses could be making adjustments to Federal Work-study awards that include cents.
Audience: Financial Aid staff responsible for making award adjustments
NOTE: process should be used in place of the practice of validating, adjusting awards then posting without re-validating. Awards should always be validated prior to posting. This practice can result in batch disbursement failing or could possibly result in the “no buffer” error which locks up the award screen and shows the “deceased” service indicator.
Navigation: Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student
- The Assign Awards to a Student search page displays.
- Enter a Student ID.
- Enter the Academic Institution.
- Enter the Aid Year.
- Select the Search button.
- The Assign Awards to a Student page displays - In this example, the student's Federal Pell Grant is adjusted down from $7395 to $6395.50.
- Update the Action field to 'O' if the award is Offered, or to 'B' if the award is both Offered/Accepted. You can type the O or the B directly into the Action field, or you can use the lookup tool next to the Action field. In this example,'B' is used.
- Enter the dollar amount in the Offered field, then press tab to automatically update the Accepted field with the same amount.
- Select the Disbursement link. The Award Disbursement/Split page displays.
- Select the Custom Split box.
- For the desired term, enter the adjusted amount into the Offered column. The sum of the amounts in the Offered column must equal the Net Award Amount at the top of the page.
- Select OK.
- The Student Aid Package tab displays.
- Note that the Accepted amount is now equal to the Offered amount.
- If selecting Validate and Post results in the cents being discarded and the following award message displays, the External Award (EA) checkbox should be used. DO NOT post awards that have not been validated.

- To use the EA checkbox, select the Status tab.

- Then select the EA checkbox

- Select Validate. Select Post.
Note: The EA checkbox cannot be manually removed via the Assign Awards to Student screen. It must be removed via a Population Update Process prior to disbursement of the award.
Navigation: Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process
- Select Add a New Value tab.
- Create a unique Run Control ID which includes your college destination and initials.
- Select the following:
- Record (Table) Name: STDNT_AWARDS Student Awards
- Error Reporting Selection: (leave the default of Report Error Messages selected)
- Selection Tool: PS Query
Tip! If Edit Prompt does not appear, select the Tab button on your keyboard or select Save at the bottom of the screen.
- After entering the query prompts, carefully select the following for the Field to Update section.
- Field Name: External Award
- Field Value: N

- Optional - Select Preview Selection Results to double check the query and parameters are correct
- Select Run
- At the Process Scheduler Request page, select SCC_POP_UPD then select the OK button.
- Select Process Monitor to track your Process Instance.
- Once the process has updated to Success and Posted, select the Actions link and from there, select the Message Log.
- The total number of records read should match the total number of records updated successfully!

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