Student Statement Report
Purpose: Use this document as a resource for how to generate a student billing statement in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Financials Staff.
You must have each of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZZ SF Processing
- ZZ SF Student Stmts
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
- This statement may be run for a single student or a batch of students. Please consider the parameters below carefully, as processing a large dataset can take up to 45 minutes.
- Two pages are generated per student when printing. Remember to print double-sided.
- A valid student address is necessary to produce a statement.
Navigation: Reporting Tools > Bi Publisher > BIP Query Report Scheduler
- The Query Report Scheduler search page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA300_STU_STMT2_BATCH (Admissions Letter, Summer, FYR Admit Type).
- The Query Report Scheduler page displays.
- Within the Report Definition section, enter or search for the:
- Data Source Type: Connected Query
- Report Name: BCS_SF_SSTMT
- Template ID: Defaults to BCS_SF_SSTMT_1
- Template As OF Date: Leave Blank
- Select the Update Parameters hyperlink and the Prompt for Query CQCS_SF_SF_STDNT_STMT_BI_P prompt box displays.
- Enter or search for the:
- Business Unit
- (Optional) Account Term:
- Leave blank: Create statements for accounts/all terms that only have outstanding balances.
- Term entered: Forces statements on a term, will create statements for all accounts including zero balances.
- Type of Name: PRI (Primary)
- (Optional) ID:
- Leave blank for Batch statements.
- Enter an ID for single student. This option bypasses any exclusions.
- Enter or search for the:
If these prompts don't match what you are seeing when going through the steps, ensure you are selecting the Connected Query Data Source and the appropriate report name listed above.
- Select the OK button and the Prompt for Query CQCS_SF_SF_STDNT_STMT_BI_1 prompt box displays.
- Enter or search for the:
- Account Term: Must match the previous Account Term prompt.
- Enter or search for the:
- Select the OK button and the Prompt for Query CQCS_SF_SF_STDNT_STMT_BI_2 prompt box displays.
- Enter or search for the:
- Term: Leave as default of '0000.'
- Enter or search for the:
For the Prompt for Query CQCS_SF_SF_STDNT_STMT_BI_2 prompt box:
- Reserved for future use.
- Select the OK button and the Prompt for Query CQCS_SF_SF_STDNT_STMT_BI_3 prompt box displays.
- Enter or search for the:
- Term: This Term field should match the Account Term entered. If an Account Term was not entered, enter a term here to display the students schedule for a particular term. Enter '0000' if you do not want to show that information.
- Optional: Uncheck the Class Schedule Only Enrolled? checkbox if you would like the statements to include dropped classes for students.
- Enter or search for the:
- Select the OK button and the Query Report Scheduler page displays with the Query Parameters now shown.

- Select the Run button. Please refer to the Report Manager steps for further instructions.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Student Statement Report. This link will open in a new tab/window.

- Service Impact: The Delivered Service Impact of NOBIL can be applied to service indicators to exclude students with an active service indicator on their account from receiving this type of statement. Note, however, this NOBIL impact exemption does not stop the original Generate Student Statement process. Notice this impact is Positive – so would go on positive service indicators. One useful example population would be Nelnet students. Students in a Nelnet payment plan have charges on their account that are past due according to PeopleSoft transactional information. However Nelnet is tracking that they are making payments toward these balances as agreed and places a service indicator on the account to ensure the our student system is aware they have agreed to a Nelnet payment plan. You do not want to: Drop these students for non-payment, send them past due letters, and perhaps you don’t want to send them statements if they are paying Nelnet as agreed. Placing NOBIL on B70 would be a way of excluding these students.
- Student Group: You can place students in student group BNSB ‘Do Not Include in Batch Stmt’. So long as the student is active in this student group they will not show in the results when statements are ran in Batch.
- If student is active in Collection Tables: If the student is past due more than 30 days and is having credit history ran and the process collections process, then they should be getting into the collection tables where if the steps are followed they will be getting past due letters. It can be a conflicting message to be sending statements and past dues at the same time, so these are being excluded. One easy query to run and see who is active in your collection tables is CTC_SF_COLLECT_LIST.
Navigation: Set UP SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Indicator Table

Please refer to the CS SACR Security: Student Groups QRG.
Please refer to the Add, Inactivate and View Student Groups QRG.
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