ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Student FinancialsSF - RefundsRefund Corrections9.2 Reverse, Re-post, and Re-process Conversion BankMobile Refunds

9.2 Reverse, Re-post, and Re-process Conversion BankMobile Refunds

Purpose: Use this document as a reference to reverse student Conversion BankMobile refunds and reprocess the award to BankMobile or Accounts Payable in ctcLink. This is specific to BankMobile refunds that were sent prior to Go-Live and have either been timed-out or reversed through BankMobile.

Audience: Student Financials Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SF Charge Reversals

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Reverse, Re-post, and Re-process Conversion BankMobile Refunds

Reversing Individual Student Conversion Refund

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > Charges and Payments > Reversals > Reverse Charge

  1. The Charge Reversal search page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter Student Information.
  4. Select Search.
Charge Reversal page

The Charge Reversal page looks very similar to the View Customer Account page.

  1. The Charge Reversal page displays.
  2. Select the Account Details link on the Conversion Account Type line to verify the type of charge to be reversed.
Specific student account info where we dive in deeper to specific account type lines
  1. The Charge Detail page displays.
  2. Select View All to see all Conversion lines.
  3. On the refund line that needs adjusted, select Item Details link to verify this is the correct charge that needs to be reversed.
Item type detail of specific account term where the item type can be reversed.
  1. Select the Reverse button to go to the Reverse Detail page.
Reverse the item type on the charge detail screen.
  1. The Reverse Detail page displays.
  2. Enter the Item Effective Date (today's date).
  3. Enter a brief description for the reversal into the Description field.
  4. Use the looking glass to select the appropriate Reason for the reversal. Line Reason codes:
    1. ADM = Administrator Request
    2. CBK = Charge Back
    3. ERR = Clerical Error
    4. NSF = Not Sufficient Funds
    5. SYS = Computer System Error
  5. Select the OK button.
Reversal detail
  1. You are taken back to the Charge Detail page where the charge amount is at a 0.00 balance.

Note - Because there is no longer a change amount, the Reverse button no longer appears on the Charge Detail page.

Back to charge detail screen verifying it is $0.

Partial Re-post of Refund Charge Item Type

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SF Charges and Payments

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

If the conversion refund line combines multiple refunds where you need to partially reverse, you must first fully reverse the refund and then add the refund charge item type back on to the student account. This occurs when the student is not eligible for the full amount because only a portion of the refund was returned. Re-adding of the refund charge item type will be done using the Post Student Transaction process.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > Charges and Payments > Post Student Transaction

  1. The Student Post page displays.
  2. Enter the Business Unit.
  3. Enter the Student ID Number.
  4. Enter the Account Type.
  5. Enter the Item Type.
  6. Select Add.

The item type will be the same item type that was originally reversed in the previous steps.

Post Student Transaction page
  1. The Post Student Transaction page displays.
  2. Enter the Amount.
  3. Enter the Term.
  4. Enter a Reference Number (optional).
  5. Select Post.
Post Student Transaction page

Now that the Conversion line has been reversed and a partial re-loading of the refund item type has occurred, you can process the student refund and send to BankMobile (in the batch process) or process through Accounts Payable (AP Printed Check).

  1. Process complete.


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