Data Validation Overview - Getting Started
Purpose: This overview guide is intended to help colleges in the implementation phase, participating in conversion test cycles to understand:
- How to Login to PeopleSoft.
- How to Access a backup copy of the legacy data used as the basis for the conversion test.
- How to enter the Username and Password on the login page and perform basic navigation in the PeopleSoft environment.
- How long colleges have to validate their data.
Each data conversion will have a brief period set aside for validation of the converted data in a specific environment. The credentials provided below will only be active during that period, as the environment is refreshed as a result of the conversion test activities happening in another environment and will be copied to the college accessible environment for the period of the validation activities.
The same environment and login credentials will be used in each conversion cycle, with the exception of the final 'Dry Run' conversion (Cycle #5), where a separate environment and login procedure will be used as a practice for the actual 'Go Live' cut-over weekend event. Login credentials have been provided to your college’s ctcLink Project Manager for distribution to the identified data validation SMEs.
Four variations of read-only validation accounts are shared by SMEs at your college, one general, one for HCM, one for CS Accommodations and one for HCM Accommodations. Please contact your project manager for the password to use when logging in.
Use the link below to access the PeopleSoft Conversion Validation environment (CVL) - available ONLY during the validation period:
User IDs
- Seattle District CTC_SEA_VALIDATION_USER (Finance & HCM)
Please Note: User IDs are Shared across the college campus, do not perform a password reset as this will lock out other users!
Use the link below to access the PeopleSoft Solution Validation environment (SVL) - available after the validation period:
Use the link below to access the PeopleSoft Data Validation environment - 'CVX':
User IDs [Users with _AD have Accommodation Data Access and use a different password]
- Grays Harbor College CTC_GHC_VALIDATION_USER
- Skagit Valley College CTC_SKV_VALIDATION_USER
- Skagit Valley College CTC_SKV_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Everett Community College CTC_ECC_VALIDATION_USER
- Everett Community College CTC_ECC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Everett Community College CTC_ECC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Everett Community College CTC_ECC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Bellevue College (HCM cross-college) CTC_BLV_CP_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Big Bend Community College CTC_BBC_VALIDATION_USER
- Big Bend Community College CTC_BBC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Big Bend Community College CTC_BBC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Big Bend Community College CTC_BBC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Whatcom Community College CTC_WCC_VALIDATION_USER
- Whatcom Community College CTC_WCC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Whatcom Community College CTC_WCC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Whatcom Community College CTC_WCC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Bellingham Technical College CTC_BTC_VALIDATION_USER
- Bellingham Technical College CTC_BTC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Bellingham Technical College CTC_BTC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Bellingham Technical College CTC_BTC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
Please Note: User IDs are Shared across the college campus, do not perform a password reset as this will lock out other users!
Use the link below to access the PeopleSoft Data Validation environment - 'CVL':
User IDs [Users with _AD have Accommodation Data Access and use a different password]
- Bates Technical College CTC_BAT_VALIDATION_USER
- Bates Technical College CTC_BAT_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Bates Technical College CTC_BAT_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Bates Technical College CTC_BAT_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Clover Park Technical College CTC_CPT_VALIDATION_USER
- Clover Park Technical College CTC_CPT_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Clover Park Technical College CTC_CPT_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Clover Park Technical College CTC_CPT_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Columbia Basin College CTC_CBC_VALIDATION_USER
- Columbia Basin College CTC_CBC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Columbia Basin College CTC_CBC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology CTC_LWI_VALIDATION_USER
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology CTC_LWI_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology CTC_LWI_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology CTC_LWI_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Renton Technical College CTC_RTC_VALIDATION_USER
- Renton Technical College CTC_RTC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Renton Technical College CTC_RTC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Renton Technical College CTC_RTC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Shoreline Community College CTC_SHO_VALIDATION_USER
- Shoreline Community College CTC_SHO_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Shoreline Community College CTC_SHO_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Shoreline Community College CTC_SHO_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- South Puget Sound Community College CTC_SPS_VALIDATION_USER
- South Puget Sound Community College CTC_SPS_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- South Puget Sound Community College CTC_SPS_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- South Puget Sound Community College CTC_SPS_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Walla Walla Community College CTC_WWC_VALIDATION_USER
- Walla Walla Community College CTC_WWC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
- Walla Walla Community College CTC_WWC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM
- Walla Walla Community College CTC_WWC_VALIDATION_USER_HCM_AD
- Yakima Valley College CTC_YVC_VALIDATION_USER
- Yakima Valley College CTC_YVC_VALIDATION_USER_AD
Please Note: User IDs are Shared across the college campus, do not perform a password reset as this will lock out other users!
Login credentials provided above have been provided to your college’s ctcLink Project Manager for distribution of the passwords to the identified data validation SMEs. Please contact your PM for the Password to use when logging in.
Please utilize the link in the Environment Links and Login Credentials section of this guide to access the appropriate environment for your deployment group.
When following the link, it will take you to the environment login page. Enter the User ID and Password provided by your local Project Manager in the boxes and click the “Sign In” button.

This will take you to the PeopleSoft Tile page, where for the purposes of validation any college tile can be selected (once live on PeopleSoft users would choose the tile related to their college).

Once a tile is selected, the user will be taken to the ctcLink Gateway page, also referred to as the Portal landing page (pictured below). Select the applicable pillar link to enter HCM, FSCM, or CS. This will pop open a separate tab in your web browser and open the default homepage for the pillar link clicked.
Once in the pillar, click the NavBar (compass) icon in the upper right hand corner.
The NavBar (Compass) Icon in the upper right corner opens the NavBar tray, which contains the icon for Navigator (menu). All navigation paths begin with clicking the Navbar (Compass), then clicking on Navigator icon to open the menu structure.

Once you are in a menu can navigate back one level with the left arrow icon in the upper left corner of the Navigator, or back to the root menu with the up arrow icon in the upper right corner of the Navigator.

Data Validation SMEs will use their normal legacy application login to get access to the legacy system backup (also referred to as the 'snapshot') validation environment.
Your PM will have been directed to submit a request for a list of college validation SMEs, if your name was on that list, then your legacy account will prompt you to specify which account you want to log into, either Production (Pnnn) or the Copy of Production (Cnnn).
Requesting New Legacy 'Copy' Account Access:
If a new “C” validation account needs to be created for a college data validation SME, please work with your local PM or IT Security Administrators to submit a request to Legacy Support ([email protected]). Be sure to include new data validators added. In your request, please include the following for each user:
- First and last name
- HP-UX login account
Once you gain access to the 'copy' account, at login, you will be prompted to enter an account value, typically this would be Pnnn (where nnn is your college code); however when accessing the 'copy' account, which is the last legacy data snapshot, users will enter the Cnnn (where nnn is your college code) value to open the backup copy of your legacy system. This prompt will only appear to users that have more than one account they can log into, so if you do not see it and expect to, please contact your PM.
In the example screen shot below, the login prompt will appear as shown, and the value entered will be the same college code as used in Production, but prefaced with a 'C' rather than a 'P.' The example below shows the Clark College access (P140), being changed to C140 to access the 'copy' account:

Additional notes to keep in mind when using the conversion snapshot 'copy' account:
- You will see your normal menu. Be careful not to use your 'C' account for daily work.
- Jobs cannot be run or scheduled.
- You can still run, create, and modify Data Express in this environment. However, these changes will not be reflected in your Production Data Express catalog.
College Validation SMEs will be invited to attend a Data Validation Workshop at the start of each validation period. The ctcLink Project Functional Team will walk through the process of validating relevant to that conversion test cycle. The college data validation period will commence starting the day after the workshop and will continue through the end of the validation period.
Cycle #1 Data Validation Period: 2/24/2020 to 3/4/2020
Cycle #2 Data Validation Period: 6/19/2020 to 7/2/2020
Cycle #3 Data Validation Period: 8/21/2020 to 9/9/2020 (CS Only)*
Cycle #3 Data Validation Period: 8/25/2020 to 9/9/2020 (FIN/HCM Only)
Cycle #4 Data Validation Period: 10/26/2020 to 11/19/2020
Cycle #5 is the 'Dry Run' of the Go Live conversion execution and will differ from the prior conversion test cycles. The dates for this conversion execution are dependent upon identification of the specific 'Go Live' date for colleges, which takes into account the payroll schedule (as yet unpublished by OFM). Proposed dates remain in a 'proposed' state until approved by ctcLink Governance.
This data validation does include Student Financials conversion data, but this data can be validated during the FIN validation period due to the impact of Year End Close.
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN the last day of each Data Validation Period. Access to the data validation environment will be open for colleges to continue to gain familiarity with their data; however the expectation is that colleges meet their minimum threshold of validation within the reporting period. Access to the data validation environment will be removed by the next conversion cycle Legacy snapshot date as outlined below for each conversion cycle:
Cycle #2 Legacy Snapshot: 5/15/2020
Cycle #3 Legacy Snapshot: 7/17/2020
Cycle #4 Legacy Snapshot: 9/18/2020
Cycle #5 Legacy Extracts Run in Production for Dry Run: Scheduled once the deployment group 'Go Live' date is identified and approved by ctcLink Governance.
Cycle #1 Data Validation Period: This cycle has been retired for Deployment Group 5 and beyond.
Cycle #2 Data Validation Period: 03/03/2021 to 03/18/2021
Cycle #3 Data Validation Period: 05/13/2021 to 05/27/2021
Cycle #4 Data Validation Period: 07/15/2021 10:00am to 2:00pm (Data Validation Environment will remain available for an additional 4 weeks)
Cycle #5 is the 'Dry Run' of the Go Live conversion execution and will differ from the prior conversion test cycles. The dates for this conversion execution are dependent upon identification of the specific 'Go Live' date for colleges, which takes into account the payroll schedule (as yet unpublished by OFM). Proposed dates remain in a 'proposed' state until approved by ctcLink Governance.
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN the last day of each Data Validation Period. Access to the data validation environment will be open for colleges to continue to gain familiarity with their data; however the expectation is that colleges meet their minimum threshold of validation within the reporting period. Access to the data validation environment will be removed by the next conversion cycle Legacy snapshot date as outlined below for each conversion cycle:
Cycle #2 Legacy Snapshot: 12/04/2020
Cycle #3 Legacy Snapshot: 04/05/2021
Cycle #4 Legacy Snapshot: 06/25/2021
Cycle #5 Legacy Extracts Run in Production for Dry Run: Scheduled once the deployment group 'Go Live' date is identified and approved by ctcLink Governance.
Cycle #1 Data Validation Period: This cycle has been retired for Deployment Group 5 and beyond.
Cycle #2 Data Validation Period: 06/18/2021 to 07/09/2021
Cycle #3 Data Validation Period: 08/31/2021 to 09/14/2021
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN the last day of each Data Validation Period. Access to the data validation environment will be open for colleges to continue to gain familiarity with their data; however the expectation is that colleges meet their minimum threshold of validation within the reporting period. Access to the data validation environment will be removed by the next conversion cycle Legacy snapshot date as outlined below for each conversion cycle:
Now that you understand the basics of getting into each of the test environments used to validation the data that has been converted in this test, take a moment to review the next guide to help you learn how to file an issue using Oracle Test Manager (OTM) to report any problems you might find.
Once you have reviewed the guide on reporting issues, please open the guide for the module(s) you have been asked to perform data validation for and follow the guidance provided in those individual guides.
Did we receive a password to log into People Soft for data validation? Deployment Group 6
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Frank! Thank you for your question. I would recommend contacting your college's PM; they can provide you with the correct login information. Have a wonderful day! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer